The 3 E’s of Online Education for Your Course

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In today’s LMScast, Joshua Millage and Chris Badgett talk about the 3 E’s of online education. These 3 E’s are all about how you can create a successful online course and how you can really change someone’s life and help them improve in some way. The 3 E’s are:

  1. Educate
  2. Entertain
  3. Execution

These 3 E’s of online education are also the secret to how you can take your online course to the next level.

The first of the 3 E’s of online education is Educate. Since the point of online teaching is education, most people creating a course have some level of experience with how to educate. Something that edupreneurs can learn from internet marketers is the concept of results in advance. You should give your students something early on in your course that they can put into action so that they continue to stay engaged with your content. And giving your students a skill or helping them solve a problem is key to educating.

The second of the 3 E’s of online education is Entertain. It is possible to make an online course educational and entertaining at the same time, and this is an area where many education entrepreneurs need to put in some extra effort. Your course content should be engaging, and you should differentiate your course offerings from other courses in your market. It’s also important to bring the human touch into your educational material.

Once you’ve gotten the edutainment in place and you’re making the course interesting and fun, the next step is the last of the 3 E’s of online education: Execution. In this step, you’re empowering the learner to execute based off what they’ve learned and what they were entertained by. Execution takes the course materials out of the intangible realm of ideas and into action steps the student can take with the material they learned. One example of an execution call to action is to end a lesson by saying, “If you were going to take one action from this lesson, I recommend that you do this…” As an education entrepreneur, you need to support that drive to execute in your learners.

And our call to action for you today is to go set up the 3 E’s of online education in your next course: Educate, Entertain, Execution. We’d love for you to leave a comment underneath this episode to let us know how you’re using the 3 E’s in your online course!

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Episode Transcript

Joshua: Hello everyone! Welcome to LMScast, and I’m joined with Christopher Badgett. Today we’re talking about the three E’s of online education. Chris, what are the three E’s?

Christopher: The three E’s are all about hot to create a successful online course and how to really change somebody’s life and help them improve in some way. The three E’s are Educate, Entertain, and Execution.

Joshua: I love that, because it’s easy for me to remember primarily. Educate, I think that one goes without saying, I mean that’s the point of online teaching and everyone who’s creating a course should know how to teach at some level. I think the thing to remember is you want to offer them some sort of result earlier on in the course rather than later, to help them stay engaged. I think that’s something that the edupreneur can learn from the internet marketer with that whole concept of results in advance. Give them something early on. Give them something they can put into action often so that they continue to engage with the content. Do you have anything to add to that?

Christopher: I would just say that yeah, education is the most obvious one. In some ways, it kind of slips under the rug like if you’re just entertaining. For example in a podcast format, I know there’s some podcasts where it’s very entertaining, but in the end, you’re like, “Wait a second, what did I learn? Did I actually learn something there? Was it just funny or like a lot of conversation and stuff?” Education is giving somebody a skill or helping them work through their problem is key.

Joshua: Yeah. I think it’s really key. What’s the second E again?

Christopher: That will be entertainment, which I think a lot of education entrepreneurs need to step it up a little bit in terms of making their content engaging and differentiating and bringing that human touch to their educational material a little bit.

Joshua: Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, some of my best professors were just complete nut cases in front of the classroom, but it was always fun to go to class, and it was always fun to learn with them, because they kept it interesting, and they peaked my attention span by making things educational and entertaining at the same time. Then the third one is execute?

Christopher: Yeah. That’s one that … if you get good at edutainment like where you’re making your education interesting and fun, the next level is really to take it to where you’re empowering the learner to execute based off of what they learned and what they were entertained by. That’s things like, “If you’re going to take one action from this lesson today, I recommend that you do this…” or it might be some supplemental materials that go with that lesson like download this worksheet PDF, fill it out, then you’ll be ready for the next episode. You’re getting people out of idea land into the execution.

Joshua: I like that. It’s calling them to action. Telling them to go do something with the material that they learned.

Christopher: Absolutely. Yes. There’s a lot people like what I would call “idea people” out there and they have a lot of great ideas, these huge great ideas, learners that have great ideas. At the end of the day, it’s all about execution. As an educator or educational entrepreneur, you need to support that drive to execute in your learner, because if you’re not doing that, you’re failing.

Joshua: Right. Absolutely. I think then that our call to action for this episode is go set up your three E’s in your course, on your next course. I would love to hear from you. You can come and contact us at in the comments underneath this episode. You throw a comment in there. Chris and I answer all the comments, so we’d love to hear how you’re using the three E’s of education to I guess spice up your online course.

Christopher: Absolutely. That’s the secret to taking it to the next level. It’s educate, entertain, and help people execute.

Joshua: Absolutely. All right. Well thank you for watching this episode of LMScast, and we will see you in the next episode.

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