Our host Chris Badgett brings you a special guest today – Les Watson. Les Watson is from Get More Time and today, he will tell us how you can get back one hour a day! Many people around us are lost because they have no time. Les Watson is here today to help those people in this episode.
As an entrepreneur, a person has to wear many hats. For an entrepreneur in the learning industry, the challenge is even more complex. Most of the successful course creators we have interviewed so far are very efficient at managing their time.
One of our guests, So, with these tips from Les Watson, we hope our community course creators can also save their time to do more or relax.
Get An Hour Back Everyday

If planned wisely, an hour can become very productive. Get More Time helps you to get more time out of an hour.
With every breath we take, time flows away. If you really want to make things happen, you need proper time management in your life. Plus, learn how to control time. But that’s not all. Once you have that additional hour in your life, what are you going to do with it? Are you going back to social media or watching another Netflix episode? Let’s find out how you can be a part of creation once you get that one hour in your hat.
Tips and Tricks
One hour a day may hold many opportunities for you. But you need some tricks to gain this bonus hour from a day. At the end of this episode, you will find a downloadable where Les has 25 hot tips for you. Let’s unfold some tips here:
Time Management
Have you ever wondered how many times you take a day to check your emails? Some people can manage emails pretty well. For example, Chris himself takes one hour at the end of the day to check his emails. On the other hand, Les uses a clever 2 min trick to manage his emails. We will get back to it soon.
Turn Your Notifications Off
Take all the notifications off. But what if it’s urgent? Well, email isn’t the only solution! People will call you if it’s really important. You can also add this information to your email signature just like Les Watson. You can also use an extra hand from Hotdesk, Help Desk, and others. These tools may seem less important but they really dig a lot of time.
Is it worth Having A Look?
Can you do the emails within two minutes? If yes, do it and get it on with it; just like our guest Les does. Unlike Chris, Les doesn’t check his emails at the end of his day. However, he tries to solve the matter within 2 min only. How? He follows 4Ds for a solution. Do, Decide, Dump, and Delegate.
Do it systemically if you can. If you have so many emails piled up in your inbox, make a decision and dump those that are not important. Delegate the less important ones to some people if they can be delegated.
And that’s how you can have a 2 min solution like Les. However, if that’s not possible, you can always select a specific time of the day to check your emails.
These 4Ds can lead you to an “Inbox Zero”, an effective email management policy initiated by David Allen and Merlin Mann.
You can also check on Getting Things Done; A book by David Allen to ensure a proper work-life management system.
Speaking of David Allen, Les Watson was an apprentice of David Allen. And you must check out this fantastic book by Les Watson as well – Get An Hour Everyday.
What have we learned so far?
Putting things in order is important in your life. You must learn to put things aside based on their level of urgency. Choose very urgent and very important over urgent and important. And what’s the opposite of these 4? They are the things that don’t add any value. For example, games you play or news you read.
This also helps you to become more strategic with your daily, weekly, and in turn making years of planning ahead. Remember to pay heed to your horizon of focus.
Here’s Where To Go Next…
Get the Course Creator Starter Kit to help you (or your client) create, launch, and scale a high-value online learning website.
Also visit the creators of the LMScast podcast over at LifterLMS, the world’s leading most customizable learning management system software for WordPress. Create courses, coaching programs, online schools, and more with LifterLMS.
Browse more recent episodes of the LMScast podcast here or explore the entire back catalog since 2014.
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Episode Transcript
Chris Badgett: You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking to create, launch and scale, a high value online training program, I’m your guide Chris Badgett. I’m the co founder of lifter LMS, the most powerful learning management system for WordPress. stay to the end, I’ve got something special for you. Enjoy the show.
Chris Badgett: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of LMS. Cast. My name is Chris Badgett. And I’m joined by a special guest, his name is Les Watson. He’s from get more time. That is at getmoretime.com.au. Welcome to the show Les.
Les Watson: Glad to be here. Chris, thanks.
Chris Badgett: I’m really excited to get into it with you today, because I am surrounded by overwhelmed people who the number one reason they can’t do X or finish y or start Z, or make time for this other important thing is they don’t have time, there’s no more time. They’re maxed out. Let’s help the people today, on your on your website at getmoretime.com.au There’s an opportunity to get an hour back, like an hour is awesome. It’s not the you’re not promising the world. Like it’s not a four hour work week. But like an hour per day can be very meaningful to people. How do we do that?
Les Watson: That’s a great question. You’ve started, you’ve opened up Pandora’s box now. We could be for hours. The thing about time is that it doesn’t go away. And if you’re breathing, you need time management. And it’s like, oh, this blanket statement. Let’s say what it’s like, well, if you’re in control of your time, you can make stuff happen, or I was going to swear there. But it’s a family show, Chris. So let’s not let that the thing about time is getting in control of it. You can’t make any more. But by giving you back an hour a day, it’s like weather to get that hour from and what can I do with it? So a lot of the people that you’re talking about that are listening and watching. The opportunity is to go if you get back there, and we’ll talk about that in a moment. What are you going to do with it? There’s no use getting an hour and they’re sitting there twiddling your thumbs or going back onto social media. It doesn’t work that way. It’s like what’s in your heart? What’s your desire? What’s the big goal? What’s the big dream? Like let’s go folks, what do you want to create? It’s not a matter of sitting back going, oh, yeah, I can watch another episode of my soap or an episode of the latest. It’s like know, what’s on your heart. Let’s, let’s create something big. Let’s go and help some people. And that’s why when you and I met, Chris is like Chris goes, you might have something for the folks here. The thing about getting back an hour a day, that’s many and varied. And at the stick around to the end of the episode, because I’ve got a downloadable that I want to give you. And it’s 25 time tips. And there’s all my top tips I’ve put in there. So let’s just cover off a couple of them that may be able to help a few people. And the first one is how’s your email, Chris?
Chris Badgett: My emails pretty good. I have a pretty good relationship with it, though. I’ve been working on it for 12 years. So I have a team and I have an assistant. And I timebox my email literally right after we record this call, it will be 5pm my time. So I only do email between 5pm and 6pm. And at 6pm. If I’m not in for dinner, my wife’s gonna be mad at me. So I have one hour. And it’s at the end of my day after I’ve done all my deep work kind of projects and key meetings and everything. So I never start my day with email.
Les Watson: Awesome. I love that. I love it. There are some people that need to start this and I’m gonna give a tip straight off the bat put in your email signature. I only check my email. Once a day, I only check my email twice a day, I only check my email three times a day, only check my email at the top of the hour. So what Chris, what you’re saying is you’re not run by your email. And so many people are run by the email, oh, being checked off a notification. I’ve got to check it and you get distracted away from the main thing into Oh, it’s another sale on it. Whatever so don’t be distracted with the notifications. Next tip. Take your notifications off. What what is this crazy Australian talking about? Yes, take in your notifications off. Take the ding off take the pop up off so that you don’t know just when an email comes in, yeah, but what if someone needs something urgency, they can ring you. And I put that on my email signature as well. Only check it at the top of the hour. And if it’s really urgent, give me a call and in an office situation, or come around to my desk and tap me on the shoulder, because email isn’t the be all and end all now. Are there situations where it is the beyond? No, yes, there are hot desks, there are receptionists, there are a help desk, those sorts of things really dictate that you be at the beck and call of people. But the majority of his art, the majority of us have the opportunity to go no, check this out, Chris, close your email client down. Shock horror, you can do that? Yes, you can. So that’s number one. So a couple of rounds in your inbox. And then as an email comes in one of four things. I separate this into leadership and discipline. We’ll talk about that in a minute. One of four things. Can you do the email within two minutes? If so, do it, get it out of the road, and you’re done with that email. Next one is, Is it worthy of actually having a look if not dump it, so do then dump. And if it’s something you need to archive off a night game dumping into a folder called I need to keep it below need to see it anymore. Do dump. Next one is delegate if it’s not yours, and you’ve got team members that you can delegate to them delegate the email nicely, don’t just slippery Sam and Teflon Tim and get rid of it to them. So nothing sticks with Chris, it just goes straight through him. To me, I hate that No, be nice. Give them what the task is when you need it by and, and to what level play is 80% Okay, 100%, those sorts of things. So do dump delegate. And the fourth one is decide when if you can’t do it within the two minutes, then decide when you’re going to do it and make yourself an appointment. So that you’re able to do it at a set, I can’t do this one right now, I’m going to do it at quarter to five just prior to you know, checking the email says and then from there, I will do that task and take me 15 minutes. So I decide when and I diarize it. So those four things do dump delegate and decide when it leads to a thing called Inbox Zero, have a look at it. Google or whatever you do in your search function, and have a look for inbox zero to guys merlon Man and David Allen, they really went deep on inbox zero, and it works for a lot of people, it may not work for you. It may not work for you. And that’s okay. Some people do inbox zero by the end of the week. Others do by the end of the day. But it really works for a lot of people. They feel really clean. I had a guy Chris, I had a guy who when I said what’s wrong, he said email I’d found he had 6000 emails in his inbox. And that’s not the worst. I’ve had a guy with over 100,000. But that’s another story 6000 I said, I have found your problem. I want how many are current and he goes about 20. I said, Great. Leave the 20 and take the 5090 and put them in a another folder. Call it demilitarized zone or 2022 or whatever you’d like to call it. But get rid of it out of your eyesight. And then from there, you’re left with 20 emails he said off. I can do 20 emails by the end of the day. He was free and clear of his email because it was causing him so much angst. And he went home running and skipping and jumping and going this is the best thing ever had a great night came back the next morning, seven emails in his inbox and he was a new man inbox zero. So there’s a couple of tips around email Chris.
Chris Badgett: I love that. David Allen getting things done. I read that book and earlier in my entrepreneur journey and it literally changed my life. Like I don’t think I could have done. I couldn’t have gotten done what I’ve gotten done by not learning some of the skills in that book. It’s that’s a that’s a really good, good one.
Les Watson: Let me let me lead you on a little secret. Mr. David Allen trained me most back in the mid 80s. And yes, that was a long time ago, but that’s beside the point. He’s an amazing man. He’s an amazing trainer and you said it changed your life. Sitting in the room with him for three days. It changed my life. I did a couple of other seminars with him six days seminars. It really was life changing. So if you haven’t got the book. Now, speaking of books, we’ve got a couple of ways you can get his book but the other really good book is get back in our everyday by Les Watson that’s that’s a highly recommended book. And that’s available on the website as well. A lot of my basics come from him. Like I wouldn’t be where I am today. If I if I didn’t sit underneath David Allen.
Chris Badgett: So what have you built on top of his? How have you gone further and really carved out this niche of getting an hour back a day? Like what other frame what other useful frameworks can people think about time differently or, or go through tasks or projects or planning differently.
Les Watson: I’m not necessarily a builder, my wife, my wife’s a creator, she’s written an award winning book. And she’s really good at that. And when I do a bit, she’s like are you done creating? I’m like yeah, I know it’s an anomaly. I more take what other people and put them into certain order so that it works, for example, Eisenhower’s matrix, the important and urgent matrix. And there are four quadrants, where you’ve got one on one axis, you’ve got important and the other axis is urgent. So if you put urgent and important or very urgent and very important, that’s the that’s the one that you get done straight away. And the opposite of that is not important and not urgent. And they’re that they’re the games that you play, and the news that you read and the things that don’t matter. So from one quadrant called Get it done right away to the other quadrant called Get rid of it, don’t even don’t even have it entertain you. And then you get another quadrant, which is urgent, but not important. And then they normally come from other people called, I need this, I need this, I need this. Now, if you can delegate that to somebody else, because it’s not actually important for you, maybe urgent for them not important for you. We need to in this matrix, you need to spend time in the quadrant that is important and not urgent. So very important and not urgent. And that’s where you do your planning. So for people I would recommend, how is your schedule? In your wake around planning? Do you start your week with planning? Do you end your week with planning those sorts of times were the phrase working on your business? Not in your business? And yeah, you’ll get a lot of people that go Yeah, but I don’t have a business. That doesn’t matter. The business of doing live can be what am I focused on? What am I planning? What am I? What am I taking time to carve out so that I know what’s on the horizon? Because some people get stuck in the day to day and don’t look forward one of David Allen’s greatest was the areas of focus or the horizons of focus where you’ve got the runway and then 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000. So you go what’s on the runway, the tasks you got to do today, the task come out of projects, the projects come down have areas responsibility, which comes out of three years, five years, and then vision and purpose. And again, we could go into vision and purpose and do a whole section on that. Because if you’re not living on purpose, it’s really hard to get out of bed res I don’t know Chris, I’m not going to put you on the spot here around what’s your purpose, but when I discovered my purpose about 10 years ago, I just went what how is it that I’ve been 50 years on the planet and I didn’t know my purpose I don’t understand this was mine to bring life to bring life so if I’m out at a networking event is to bring life if I’m doing coaching, it’s to bring life. If I’m doing a get back in our everyday seminar is to bring life. If I’m on a podcast and streaming live to Facebook, it’s the bring life.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Mine by the way is to lift up others through education. That’s my life and my company mission.
Les Watson: Awesome! I love it.
Chris Badgett: Let’s go back down on to I don’t know if it’s the runway or not but you mentioned starting the day with purpose or but in that jog my mind here. What are some time management or productivity tips either around the morning routine or the end of work or end of evening shutdown routine? Like how do those fit in time management? For me morning routine is super important. I have a really long one I’ve been developing it for years. But how do you how do those affect your productivity?
Les Watson: I have again, there are things that I own as mine and others that I don’t want to David Allen’s is the cycle of productivity. We have an idea and then you start it started and then continued continued then finish it, finish them acknowledge. If you do that cycle allows you to then start again. If you don’t finish the cycle It becomes an incompletion. And Chris is nodding because he knows what I’m talking about. And those incompletions sit in your brain and take up space. And every now and then when you want to actually focus on one thing, you’ve got these 40 Other things tapping on the shoulder guy. Yes, but what about me? Hey, but what about what? Hey, hey, hey, what about what? Are you sure? Are you really sure? You’re totally sure, and you get distracted back to, oh, maybe I better check and, and that’s the incompletion. So one of the things that David suggested, yes, is get out of your head down onto paper. And I have a trigger list. If anyone wants to hit me up, I’m happy to give them a website that I can talk them through that trigger list. Again, it’s just a straight website that you can go to, and it has me talking through the words that will trigger some of those incompletions, but once you get it out of your head down onto paper, you can then do something with it. So at the end of the day, are you completing stuff? Are you then transferring that to another day if you haven’t been completed, so you can get it done? So it’s good to finish the day with? Okay, where am I at? What do I need to acknowledge a lot of people get through the day and go home, get up the next day and get on the treadmill and never actually not acknowledge the stuff that they’re doing? It’s just so unfortunate. I don’t know it. It’s, uh, yeah, right. And, and it doesn’t need to be that way. It can be as simple as get to the end of the day and go, well done. Nicely played. You did that, that and that. That’s awesome. And that’s all for today. What are you doing tomorrow? And again, I looked at it from the weekly review, and you can do it on a daily review, the weekly review for me is what did you do? Well, what didn’t you do? Well, and what can you do differently? And if you bring that onto a daily basis, you can actually say to yourself, what did we do well, today, that dirt, what didn’t we do? Well, oh, and what can we do differently tomorrow to create a better result? That’s simple. You can do that yourself. You can do it with your team, do it with a partner. And then extrapolate that out to the end of the week, where you’re looking at it called What did we do this year, this week? What did we accomplish? What meetings did we have, what came out of those meetings. And then from there, if you wrap that up, you then go, Okay, what’s coming up in the next week, or the next fortnight or the next month. So you’re starting to look forward rather than it coming around and biting you in the bottom saying, I’ve got, I’ve got a breakfast tomorrow, and I am an audit it, that sort of thing.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. I love that. One of the challenges here I’m going to just describe it quickly is as an education entrepreneur, course creator, coach, you often have to wear many hats, I have this simple framework I teach called the Five Hats, which is that you have to be an expert, you have to have an expertise in something or go get that you have to be a technologist, you have to be a instructional designer or teacher, you have to be a community builder. And then the final and fifth one is you have to be an entrepreneur, you know, do marketing, sales, build a company and all that. It’s a lot of hats to wear. So for somebody that is wearing all the hats, where it feels like hey, I don’t just have like one job. I actually have like five jobs and I’m only one person. How do How does somebody like, deal with that immense responsibility?
Les Watson: Keep trying me back to David. And again, if that book changed your life, the seminar changed my life, this, those that are on the Facebook conceit, but I’m holding up my planner, and it’s got a zipper tonight five planner, and I got a plan to like this back in 1985 when I was with David and again changed my life because I was able to segment my life into seven plus or minus two areas. And I was able to do that really well. So I got okay, what are those seven plus or minus two areas. Now, there’s a couple that are relevant for all of us. One is money. One, so finance, personal and fitness. Today’s should be in every system. And your point of putting it into five hats, which is the expert, the technologist, the teacher, instructional designer, the community builder and the entrepreneur. You can put those in tabs in a planner. They can be in tabs, they can have their own tab and go okay, so I’m done being your teacher now. What are the other areas and I do a wheel of life and again, the wheel of life came out of one of those training from way back when, and my wheel of life, I get to do on a regular basis to go, what level of satisfaction I am. Am I in those areas in my life? So you can look at it and say to yourself, if you’ve wearing those five hats? What’s my level of satisfaction about being an expert? Am I happy with it? Am I satisfied with it? And do I want to do anything with it? Because if I’m a five, and I’m satisfied with a five, sorry, if I’m a five, and I want to be an eight, then I probably set some goals and some tasks to do something about it. Again, you can go through the whole lot. So it really is a segmentation. Taking your life and taking it into what are those areas for you. Now, if I opened mine, the way the way they looked at the moment, I’ve got work marketing, writing, because I’m writing a second book. I’ve got wellness, fitness, finance, personal. I’ve got a group I meet with on a monthly basis BBG, I mentor people, I’ve got an emcee role for localized, and I’ve got a connect groups. So there’s a lot there, but they are in separate pieces. So if I need something, I’ll dump it in there. And when I need it back again, I just go to that tab. I don’t need to be searching on my desk. Like when I put a piece of paper, it’s got to Chris, it’s got to be around here somewhere. Just one moment. On a it’s on a slip of paper. No, it’s on an envelope. No, it’s on the back of a napkin. Not No, it’s in my planner. And because it’s in my planner, it’s in one of those areas, I can just go straight to him.
Chris Badgett: I love that. And what are some tips you have around the challenge was segmentation? One of them is turning the corner and like closing that tab and opening that other tab. I think the classic example you hear is very broadly, you know, I’m an entrepreneur, working all day feeling guilty and spending time with my family. And then spending time with my family thinking about feeling guilty about not working, like how do we make when we like change to a different segment? How do we do that with without guilt or and also just let go and give that thing full focus without carrying the other one kind of in the background of our mind?
Les Watson: Yeah, I love these questions, they are awesome. Because it’s two things, the first thing, second thing is poor on Pomodoro. And we’ll get to that and to take the first thing is communication. So communication to the people in your life. So if you’re guilty around work and home, you need to have a conversation about that. Too many people hold on to the guilt don’t talk to the other person. And they hold on to the guilt thinking they need to hold on to the guilt and the other person’s free and clear. It’s like Hello, what is that serving? You know, it’s not so get over it or communicate it called, oh, I was off board. No, you need to do something different. You need to be home at at six every night because I need you. So that communication is really important. And you can do that with a significant other. But you can also do it with a business partner. And you could also do it with your boss. And, and work life balance. If there is such a thing has shifted so much nowadays that you need to have that conversation and go, I feel guilty if I don’t, and have your boss respond. Because if they’re pressuring you to do something that you don’t want to do, that’s not working for your mental health, you need to have a conversation about it. Because if you’re not having a conversation about it, you you’re actually heading towards a Mack truck. And no one wants that for anybody. And I did one recently on what are the signs of burnout. And that’s another topic but so many people are on that principle of burnout and they don’t even know. And I really encourage people to, particularly for blokes, particularly for men. For the male species that need to get over this thing of I got to keep it all bottled up, we need to start talking about it more and more and more. And that’s why having a mate is such a the old Ozzie mate ship, and the American mate ship and my mate and having having a beverage whatever your beverage is for Australians, it’s let’s have a beer. But you can have a coffee, you can have a water, you can go for a walk and talk about it. And it’s not a matter of let’s go for a walk or want to open up and you open up immediately. Maybe it’s in the last five minutes you actually get to the area you want to talk about. But give yourself the opportunity to talk about those things that don’t work for you. So that’s that one conversation and the other one is how do you turn the corner? Thank you, Chris. How do you turn the corner? How do you turn the corner from this task to the next task. And Pomodoro is one of those ways that you can do that the Pomodoro Technique is 25 minutes on, and five minutes off, and the 25 minutes. So that the word Pomodoro comes from the Italian Pomodoro, which is Italian for tomato. So little, little timer. There it is, I’ve got one right here, look, for those that are on YouTube, you can see me holding up a little timer that looks like a tomato. And it set for 25 minutes, and it takes. And what you have the opportunity to do is look at that task, work on that task, go for that task for 25 minutes. And when the timer goes off you go, I’m done. And you’ll walk away, have a break, go to the bathroom, do whatever you need to do clear your head and then come back and do the next task. If you are trying to segment it from one division to the next division to the next division, you could start with one division, do you Pomodoro and then go okay, that’s that division, I’m gonna move to another one, I’m going to now going to go to community builder and do that from there. So that’s one way of doing it segment that have a timer and enable it to be the tap on the shoulder called stop, go and do something else.
Chris Badgett: I love that. You mentioned that and I can’t help but ask what is it? Because I know it affects a lot of people, especially entrepreneurs, and course creators and freelancers. What is this the kind of counterintuitive or sign of burnout that you should look for in yourself or in your friends or whatever? Like when it kind of sneaks up on you, right? When should we start to maybe have some concern.
Les Watson: It’s a big topic, and it’s probably for another day. But if you exploding it nothing if you if you’ve got no passion if even taking the small things in life that don’t mean anything anymore, the biting people’s heads off. Those sorts of things that can sneak up and you need to number one, check yourself but also have other people check you. Can I give you some feedback? And most people run a mile, no or No Not right now and then never get back to it. So have people to speak into your life. I have a model. It’s the easy model ESRI and those that can that are watching on the video can actually see that I have a model with me, but it’s an ESI. So the three legged model of external action, internal focus and support. And it’s actually huge that a lot of people don’t let people support them. No, no, no, Chris, I’ll do it myself. I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine. No, I’m fine. Not Oh, good. Oh, good. And everyone around them can see that they’re drowning, but them. And what what happens is the ego gets in the road and stops them from being supportable. So that’s number one I used to portable number two is, do you ever ask for support? Do you ever go out of your road and go? Excuse me, Chris. I was wondering if you could give me a hand. Now, if Chris is busy, he could go no, what I then don’t do is crawl up in the corner and go, nobody loves me. Everybody hates me. I think I’ll go and eat worms. See, laser didn’t work. I wouldn’t ask Chris and it doesn’t work. Well, that was only one gonna ask again. And again and again. And again. Because there’ll be somebody in your life that will give you a hand. There will be somebody in your life that will support you. There’ll be somebody in the life in your life that will help you. But you need sometimes to get off your own case and ask so that that model, and there’s other legs to that one of those legs is support. And a lot of people need to reach out they need to use the support that’s available and get off their ego.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. You mentioned your purpose was to bring life am I right? Yep. How does and I love what you said too. I’m I you know more recently figured out that kind of cadence of you know, the 10 year vision the five year three year the one year, the quarters, the months, the weeks the day and how it all like rolls up. But if you don’t really have that kind of mission, vision and values thing at the top or in the purpose stuff. It’s a lot harder. How did you find your purpose of bringing life?
Les Watson: Yeah, I was very fortunate I was working with an organization and I was providing seminars, and bringing other experts in. And one of them was looking at planning and, and marketing and business planning. And they, they came up with this one page plan. And in the one page plan, they had two hours and I’m in, I was assembling the people, and enrolling the people that are sitting in the course as well. And they had machine in front of me. And he said, and one of the things here is your purpose, you need to work out your purpose, and it was a two hour session, and I’m going on up, you’re gonna be able to work out my purpose in two hours. I mean, once and not, that’s not going to happen. So I grabbed my sheet, and I tucked it away and came home. And I said to my wife, Mary, and I miss I said, Mary, we need to go to a coffee shop and Saturday morning, and I need you to walk me through this, this line of questioning around your around my purpose. And the line of questioning is, why do you do what you do? And the normal answer for most people is money. Okay? And why is money important? Are because it enables this, isn’t it? Yes. Good answer. And why is that important? And you just keep asking the why question until you get to a bottom line. And Chris, you’ve got your bottom line, you can’t go any deeper than that bottom line, or in the the ascendancy can’t get any higher than that. There’s nothing above that. There’s nothing beyond that. So for me to bring life was the bottom line for me as like, and when I hit it, I just the lights went off, and I’ve gone. What there is, that is amazing. And it and my wife said it’s so true for you. No matter where you go, you bring life. And I’m just prior to this, I did a Facebook live into my group. And I get on and I go Welcome to Watson Wednesday. Oh, welcome to Marvelous Monday. Oh, welcome to fantastic Friday, whoo, let’s go. And people will love that because they don’t get it. They don’t get enough people around them to go. Life is great. Life is grand life is fantastic. And I’ve got problems, I’ve got challenges. I’ve got a friend of mine who’s got cancer, and she’s gone. She’d been in remission for three years. And it’s just come back. And I’m going stick around by you’ve got more life, you’ve got more stuff to handle, you really need to surround yourself with people that lift you up and not focus on what’s not working. But we’re going to do everything we can to lift you up and have you live the best life possible. And she went thanks for that.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Any tips on that the next layer down the 10 year like, like, I talked to some people and they’re like, I don’t think that way I can’t plan that far in advance. So like, you kind of have the big kind of themes plan, but then to actually get some clarity like if you’re going to visualize where you want to be in 10 years or your business or whatever. How do we do that?
Les Watson: That’s great. If you’ve got a purpose, then you do ask yourself that question, where do you see yourself in 10 years? What’s the vision they have for yourself of your business in 10 years? Or you could go to the end your life and go, if people were standing around your gravesite? What would they be saying about you? What did you create? Like what contribution did you make to the world and it doesn’t necessarily mean to the world but in your world, what was the contribution what impact did you make and we can all make your contribution. Even if it’s to lost dogs, even if it’s to animals, we can all make a contribution, and yet the people listening we have the opportunity to make impact in our world. So if you were to ask yourself the question, Where do I see myself in 10 years, or in 20 years? What’s that impact? And if you if you flesh that out, I want to have this company or this amount of money or this amount of friends or have this sort of impact in the world. Then if you have that, you can paint that picture and go if that’s that in 20 years time. Then what do I need to do that brings that down in 10 years time? To get to that 20 ago, what do I need to do in 10 years from 10 years to five year five year to one year one year? To this quarter? This quarter this month, this month to this week? This week’s is a day. What can I do today that then ascends up to me living my purpose and creating that vision?
Chris Badgett: I love that. I love that. You’ve reached the free consulting part of the call or the podcast. So one challenge um, I it sounds like I read a lot of the same books as you and follow some of the same people like I love this stuff. You know, like write your eulogy. And you know, my wife thinks I’m crazy. I want to get my tombstone made and keep it outside of my me yard to remind me of like, hey, it’s time short, make it count. I love it. But what I like productivity is a is a lifelong journey. It’s like you never arrive like you can always get better or even just not necessarily get more time but get more relaxed through the processes. It’s like a It’s an art that never finishes. I feel like I’m somewhat of an advanced productivity nerd. But I feel like I’ve hit a wall like I don’t know how to sharpen it more. Is it like where do I look to? Not that I don’t have to always be improving or whatever. But if I’m fully, fully engaged, like, or at least I feel like there’s no further to go like how do we break through the next barrier of productivity when we feel like we’ve maxed out because you know, I look at there’s famous entrepreneurs out there well that person is 100 times more productive than me. Not that it’s a race. But where can we where can we look to find games when we’ve already been on the journey for a while.
Les Watson: Very good. And again, you’ve got coaching, I’ve got coaching, I have a coach and I am a coach. So number one, get a coach. So So Chris, and I will get off the call and I’ll go so when we do this call so I can coach you a quick quiz on taking it to the next level. And the the opportunity for everyone is to get a coach and whether that’s a coach or a mentor or someone outside the can take if you are so honed and I’m not saying you Chris, but if we are so honed, then sometimes we have blind spots. We can’t see the wood for the trees. We can’t get out of our own road and therefore we need somebody else so talk somebody else through your process of what you’re trying to create. What is your long term vision? What is your purpose in life? What’s your long term vision and talk them through the 20 year plan the 10 year plan, the five year plan and the one year plan, talk, talk it through get it out of your mouth out of your head out of your mouth out to somebody and write notes as you go because no doubt you’ll go Oh, I forgot that. I forgot that I was passionate about that. Ah, I was so so thankful you listen to me. I’m back on track and and you’re off and the coach goes but I didn’t say anything. And that’s because it’s not about necessarily somebody else. But you need to get it out of the mouth and they can feed it back to you to go you know you’re on track and you know you’re good at what you do. And if you just move that a little bit oh thanks for that. And you’re off and running. So don’t think you have to do it yourself. Get someone alongside you get a coach, get a mentor. Get a friend that can walk you along the process.
Chris Badgett: Like you said earlier sometimes people have a hard time asking for help. So that’s the that’s really some wisdom you’re giving there. You’ve got a gift for everybody. It’s at getmoretime.com.au/timetips. Tell us again what they can get. If they go visit that link which is also in the show notes for the podcast and under the YouTube video.
Les Watson: Awesome. It’s 25 time tips. It’s the culmination of everything I’ve got slight it’s it’s in a PDF and it’s suddenly you can download and run with you can walk yourself through the 25. Am I doing this? Am I doing this? Am I doing this? Like the first one is do you have a trusted system? Going back to our good friend David Allen, do you have a plan or do you have a planner? Do you have somewhere that you get out of your head down onto paper and I take you through 25 of those that really will give you the opportunity to increase your productivity and maybe get back that hour a day. So from there, there are other things we can do but get that one first of all, and let’s start a conversation. You can get in touch with me for that free download of the what’s the words? What’s the word that I’m looking for? Chris help me out here.
Chris Badgett: The 25 time tips?
Les Watson: Those 25 Time tips and there’s another one, which is the edge just escaped me. It’s the trigger words. So the trigger words and again there’s more for that. But start with the 25 The 25 will set you up the 25 is a do-it-yourself opportunity that you can download and run. But if you want more than just the 25 You want someone to walk along with you. I’m happy to have that conversation. There’s an opportunity on the website getmoretime.com.au that we can have that conversation just tick the box. And let’s have a chat. Let’s talk from the other side of the world, Chris.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. I think getmoretime.com.au/timetips for the resource. One final question for you the whether there’s a expert or coach type person or somebody who’s building a learning platform for a client. They often run into their in their work with their customer or client or potentially even with somebody they love in their personal life. Somebody that they care about says they don’t have more time. That is not necessarily as much of a productivity nerd like your AI or necessarily as personal development focus. But yet our heart as a coach or as a partner or a friend is someone we love. We want to help that person who’s hitting they have hit the wall of time. Can we help them? Can we save people that are they say they don’t have any more time to do whatever it is focused on their health or started that business they’ve been talking about for forever or take up that hobby that they said that would make them be less stressed but they don’t have any time. Can we help somebody blocked?
Les Watson: Individually, we personally as human beings can only offer. We can offer a person they need to want to get out of the hole because some people really enjoy being in the hole and they pick a lot of drama I’ve never had any time. Chris never every time and their life is surrounded by people who go oh diddums. What can I do? That it’s always I don’t have any time and they get a lot of payoff out of that. The question would be are you happy there and would you like to move? Would you like to get more time back in your day? And if they say yes, then you can start that journey.
Chris Badgett: And make an offer…
Les Watson: And maybe you can make an offer and give them my 25 tips or give them the website and they can they can download it. But they make an offer. Extend the hand because some people go extend the hand and they don’t even take it. So no matter what you do, they don’t want to get out of the hole. Whereas a lot of people don’t I work with over time they got I had no idea that I could do things differently. I had no idea I could have systems that would help. So that when we have knowledge and systems and tools and techniques that other people don’t know about then that’s where you and I Chris come in where we are educators were given so it’s like how can I help how can I help all I’m stuck in this area? Well, I have some suggestions would you like to hear them? Oh, yes please! But the individual needs to take it and run with it.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. That’s Les Watson. He is from getmoretime.com.au. Anywhere else people can connect with you or final words?
Les Watson: Everywhere. I’m on Facebook. I’m on Instagram as Time Lord Les. Some would say time lodels. But it’s not it’s time lord les and creating success coaching. Happy to have a conversation with anybody. Please reach out. It is one of those things that so many people don’t take the action and my invitation is take the action. Here this the middle download the 25 tips and get an email to me so we can have a conversation. Happy to chat.
Chris Badgett: Thanks, Les. Appreciate you coming on the show and keep up the amazing work.
Les Watson: Thanks, Chris.
Chris Badgett: And that’s a wrap for this episode of LMScast. Did you enjoy that episode? Tell your friends and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode and I’ve got a gift for you over at lifterlms.com/gift. Go to lifterlms.com/gift. Keep learning. Keep taking action and I’ll see you in the next episode.