Artificial Intelligence for Course Creators with Stephanie Hudson from Bertha and The Sizzle

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In this LMScast episode, Stephanie Hudson shares her experiences and benefits of Artificial Intelligence in the context of course creation and website development.

Stephanie Hudson is a business coach, entrepreneur and author of Bertha AI. She is author of The Sizzle. According to Stephanie, generative AI can assist course designers in overcoming the difficulty of putting their knowledge and experience into a systematic and orderly framework for their courses.

She discuss that offers a variety of features for creating content, such as course summaries, course descriptions, titles, and even website components like call-to-action buttons, special value propositions, product descriptions, about pages, and FAQs.

Stephanie underlines that while AI can help with material development and organizing, it doesn’t take the place of the course creator’s knowledge. Use to start a discussion, come up with better course topics, and get suggestions based on the course creator’s areas of expertise. The program enables course designers to decide how authoritative, humorous, or professional the produced content should be.

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Episode Transcript

Chris Badgett: You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking to create, launch, and scale a high value online training program. I’m your guide, Chris Badgett. I’m the co-founder of LifterLMS, the most powerful learning management system for WordPress. State of the end, I’ve got something special for you. Enjoy the show.

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of L m S Cast. I’m joined by a special guest. Her name is Stephanie Hudson. She’s from, which is well, we’ll get into that in just a second. But she’s also the creator of a newsletter called AI for course creators. Steph, what is it? And take us, take us in at a high level.

Stephanie Hudson: Well, I don’t know if, if you guys listening out there have heard about this little thing called AI that’s been happening in the tech world lately, but it is the generative AI is where it’s at, so it’s generating Content, images, text, all kind of things. And for course creation, this is awesome because what is a course, but tons of content, right?

You’ve gotta get that the, the biggest hurdle. A lot of times we see people who are creating a course, right? They’ve got something in here and they know they could, that it’ll be beneficial to other people. But how do you get it from in here to out there in the world where people can. Benefit from it and you can make some money off of it, right?

So you got lift your L m s, that’s great, but you’ve gotta still get all that this out of here into that vehicle to transports them. And AI is a great tool for doing that. It doesn’t replace your knowledge, your expertise, it just helps you to get it out of your head. Oh, sorry, I caught you taking a sip.

Chris Badgett: It’s okay. It’s okay. And, and I mean, I like to think of myself as an early adopter of technology and when I first You sure are. Yeah. When I first saw Bertha ai, I was, I was impressed, but I’m like, I’m not sure how I can use this. And then you actually jumped on a call with me and you started demoing. We actually did a like I was like, well, how can I use this as a course creator?

And you, you showed me like, we’ll pick a topic and, and we can come up with like a course outline and you know, kind of use that as a starting point. And I think we did some kind of like how to do this niche type of investing and then it like, spit out this outline, which is a course creator. Is essential.

And a lot of what we have is the experts curse. We don’t really know how to like chunk things into steps. Mm-hmm. Unless we’re trained as a teacher or whatever. And I just found that idea generation and that organization ability and just the speed of it all is just kind of mind blowing. So it’s so fun.

And like you said, like it’s not, the human isn’t like, no longer has a job. Like you need to work with it. Just like any tool. How, yeah. How can we use something like, like we can do outlines? You, you kind of mentioned images and, and texts, but there is a lot of different types of texts, like in the course content and the marketing.

Like give us some, give us a laundry list of ideas how we can apply ai.

Stephanie Hudson: Do a course or, I mean, you can use it actually on the entire website that you’re putting out there for your course as well. Yeah. So within Bertha, just well at the time of this recording, it, it just went out last week that we’ve got chat with Bertha.

So it’s very similar to chat G P T. It’s based on the same engine and everything, so you can get in there and ask birth the questions. And so if you’re feeling stuck, you could even say something like, how do I start to create a course? You know, you could even ask those kind of questions, like the questions that y you’re thinking about.

Now, Chris, I know you have tons of training and other materials online to help people get started as well. But when it comes to actually formulating, like what you’re gonna say to people, you, if you have a topic idea, You can put that into Bertha and ask her to generate all of the surrounding bits. Could you help me generate a title for this that would be engaging?

You can control the, the tone that she uses as well, so if you wanna be very authoritative and expert level on things, you can use that. If you wanna be a little bit irreverent, witty, silly, you can, you can do something like that. She’s not hilarious. Like none of the ais are hilarious. But they can go lighter and they can definitely go serious and professional and things like that.

So, so that’s kind of fun. And and then you can, and let me take it a step before that, even if you don’t know what to teach, but you want to create a course, because courses are cool and course creators are the coolest, right? So if you just know that you wanna get on the bandwagon and create a course for yourself, your business.

You could get out, you could get into Bertha and start a conversation with her and ask for suggestions. You could say like, these are my areas of expertise. What could I teach? You know, you could say like, I’m a pet owner and I know how to train dogs and I have a bird that sings and I, whatever it is. You can list things that you have and say like, could I create, like, what kind of course could I create about these with this skillset?

And she’ll tell you. So you can do it like that, even like before you’ve even started to build the thing. That’s, I mean, then you get into it and it can like within each step, and with ber that is actually, we’ve got a module specifically to help course creators. So you can go into the Bertha Chat where you can just talk freeform and have a back and forth conversation with an AI, basically.

 Or you can use the specific prompts that we’ve created and refined a bit. To actually specifically, so you put in, you enter in a certain couple fields like the topic, the the certification, you know, what’s the end result? Do they get a certificate, they get a gold star, whatever it is, you put in those things and then it will generate your course outline.

The, the big long, like the description basically that you would see. Like when we did it, when we did our example, we went to Udemy, I think. Is it you to me, that we went to the, the website and the, the, the big course description, not the little snippet, not the whole course, but that’s the thing that we really are helping generate.

Once you get that, then you’ve got building blocks, and you can take that and go with it. From there, you can use Bertha to still help you generate the content right within each field, inside Lifter. So it’s pretty awesome.

Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. And let’s, let’s talk about the WordPress connection the chat G B T thing with you know, like this chat interface.

And I know that’s available with Bertha now too, which is awesome. But Bertha started from within the WordPress community. And this is kind of a visual thing, so let’s, let’s see if we can talk about it like through the audio format. But if I’m in my WordPress dashboard or on a, on a, on a piece of content, like a page or a post or a lesson, What do, what are these like different building blocks that we can use within Bertha to create different types of content?

You mentioned the course description, but how else can we, like what are the little pieces can we ask Bertha to do of, of a website for sure.

Stephanie Hudson: So when you install the Bertha AI plugin, for starters, let’s just explain that, that it is it is a plugin in the WordPress repository, right? And so let me, let me open up my Bertha right here, and I’m gonna just read out to you some of the different prompts that are inside Bertha.

So there’s when you’re in your WordPress dashboard, there’s a menu on the side that says to launch Bertha. But pretty much any field that you go into when you’re building a site, it has the little purple icon, the little robot face of Bertha. You can open it up and then there are templates that are within there.

So here are some of them. If you’re writing a website, you could generate a call to action for your, your button, like the different, instead of just saying click here mm-hmm. You could create a unique value proposition for your company. You could generate. A product or a service description. So if you’re using, doing an e-commerce site, this one can also be used on things like courses.

It can write a full about page in one prompt. You can do FAQs are a really great one. Those are useful on course websites and other sites too. But you can generate not only the list of FAQs, but it’ll then break down each one and you can have it right answers. To them as well.

Chris Badgett: I think you’re muted. Steph, I think you did the reverse mute. You. You, sorry?

Stephanie Hudson: Did you hear me cough?

Chris Badgett: We did, and then I did, and then I muted myself. Yeah, it’s okay.

Stephanie Hudson: Great job, Steph. That’s, I tried so hard to be slick. I to be slick about it. Oh, so there’s also some. Higher level frameworks that you can take advantage of if anybody is interested in copywriting and how it works and some of the methodology and tactics that are used there, there are different frameworks like the, the p a s framework problem.

What is that Agitate solution? Okay, cool. Problem, agitate solution. I feel like you’d be all about these frameworks.

Chris Badgett: You like copy? I do love copywriting. I do love copywriting. Yeah.

Stephanie Hudson: So the A I D A, do you know that one?

Chris Badgett: Attention, interest decision. Action.

Stephanie Hudson: Yeah. Basically we, we say awareness, interest, desire, action.

But yeah, you had, they’re all the same. Yeah. So you can also do an outline for a, a blog post and then go back in and put the outline items into Bertha and generate paragraphs. So really you can do,

Chris Badgett: I just wanna say, I wanna park there cuz when you fir when you first shared it to me, I didn’t quite get the power of that.

And this outline concept is the similar to making a course syllabus. Yeah. So instead of thinking about it as a one and done, like you can, you can interact with AI at different layers. Like, okay, first I need like a strategy like, Hey, I had these interests. What should I make a course about? Or whatever, like super high level.

But then once you make a decision, you can be like, all right, well let’s come up with an outline and then Okay, that’s cool. Let’s, let’s check chunk that outline into like some steps. You know, like a sub out, you know, indent sub mm-hmm. Components. And then let’s pull out this sub-component and ask the AI to create content for that component or, or whatever.

Like you can, it’s not like a one and done, like, hey, create an about page, or Hey, create a course. It’s, there’s all these like layers and you just keep working it. And then the magic happens when the human and the machine just work together to create the best possible, right?

Stephanie Hudson: Right. So you’re not gonna put in one sentence, And it’s gonna generate an entire course for you, right?

Like I wanna a passive

Chris Badgett: income as saying I want a passive income producing course, you know, on my website. Go, yeah, you gotta take

Stephanie Hudson: it in phases. But, but it, the cool thing is, is that that makes it you, even though it’s generated by an AI, because you are giving it the building blocks that it’s creating content with.

Yeah, and then you go back. The other key is, you know, there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of concern or backlash or whatever you wanna call it about how Google views AI content or how. Humans read it and stuff, and if you just only let the ais generate content and you never touch it after that, yeah. That’s not ideal.

Like it, it needs edited and that’s, that’s okay. I don’t think that that’s a flaw of the ai, I don’t think it’s like, oh, it’s not making it perfect. I think that’s what’s allowing, like you said. The combination of the humans and the robots. Is the best because then that’s where you make it truly unique.

You make it you and and then it, it elevates it beyond what you could do by yourself or what the robot could do by itself. So it’s the what’s that expression? The. It’s greater than the sum of its parts or something is that, you know, that expression where you can Yeah. And

Chris Badgett: I, I just wanna build on that idea too, is one of my frustrations with writing, especially with outsourcing writing, is that there’s actually three phases.

There’s research, then there’s writing, and then there’s editing. So what I’ve found is that when I’ve ever, I’ve tried to outsource writing I may get somebody who. Who writes something, but they didn’t do the research. Or somebody who’s good at research but doesn’t know how to write or who doesn’t edit.

So like when you think about working with ai, Or with a person. I’m just saying like, when it comes to creating a great piece of content, you gotta go through the three phases and you can use AI to do all of that.

Stephanie Hudson: Like, well, when it does the first two in like seconds, which is amazing.

Chris Badgett: Like I had to, I asked for a statistic the other day, like, Hey, I need a stat about the e-learning industry.

And like, it was like boom, boom, boom. And it was like, holy cow. Like I, that would’ve taken me forever to find.

Stephanie Hudson: And the, so I don’t know if your audience is up to speed on how this kind of works, but I’ll just give a quick little primer that basically birth is based on an engine created by Open ai, which is this company that’s been very much in the news and things like that.

And so there are other engines out there. They’re called large language models. And what that. Basically means is that it is, it has been fed. The internet. Yeah. Like it’s been fed tons of content, not the entire internet. It only goes up to like, I think September of 2021 or something like that. But it, it’s been fed literally billions of lines of text and so it has been able to absorb and basically sort of learn.

I mean, it’s not sentient, it’s not really learning, but basically it’s got all this information and then the way it works is, It has it, it then generates Content based on what it has learned in a similar way that humans do. So I’m talking to you right now and I’m gonna answer, you ask me a question. I don’t know all of the things I’m gonna say.

I’m gonna come up with one word after another, like I might have an idea and then the way I say it, if you ask me the same question tomorrow. I might give you the same answer, but the words would be slightly different. And it’s similar with ai. It’s not gonna spit out pre-programmed answers to a certain question.

It’s literally putting one word after another based on, instead of, instead of actually learning like humans do, it’s more like probability, like what words should come next. And so it builds its sentences. In that way, like one word after another, which is just mind blowing how anybody figured out how to create these things.

It’s so, it’s so wild, isn’t it?

Chris Badgett: It is really wild. And another thing I, I’ve learned, just going deeper on it is, and you guys have figured this out at Bertha, is the prompt matters. The question matters. And I heard this concept on a, on a po, another podcast called Prompt Engineering. Like what? The question or the idea was, okay, if AI is also gonna write code and write software, what do, what does a developer do?

Or how do we futureproof our career? And the, the concept I heard was, we’ll get really good at prompt engineering, which is asking, knowing what to ask or tell the AI to do. Like that’s where the creative director human comes in. So you can actually do more with. Faster, but you still need like a director, if you will.

So how do we write Great, for sure. Prompts. Like how do we prompt, I, I know the software has it built in, but how do we, how do we become better question askers, right?

Stephanie Hudson: So that’s If you go to chat, g p t or even Bertha chat there’s, there’s so many or that there’s an ask me anything module in Bertha too, that’s just a freeform sort of thing where you can just put in whatever prompt.

The prompt in the lingo of, of the AI generators is the. The thing you ask or the instructions you give, it’s what you put in. You’re prompting the ai. So just to clarify that. And then so what, what happens is you. You can do it in a free form way, but what ber the AI has done, and many of the other tools that are out there, there’s a, there’s 10 new ones every single day at this point, but they create these little fields and things like that.

So it’s more of a structured prompt. So for example, the on the. Course description, it’s already built in there. How, like what it should do with what you give it. So we have little fields like what’s the title, what’s the subject, what’s the certification? All these different things that you fill in.

And then we’ve already trained Bertha to spit it, spit out her answer in a certain format, listed in an outline, put this headline at the bottom that chose the certificate. You know, like all of those things, if you don’t use one of those pre-formulated ones, Then you just have to say those things in your freeform prompt that you’re putting in, which you’re totally able to do.

Those pre-made prompts are just shortcuts, basically, just to make it even easier on you. So the best way I think, to learn how to do prompts is. To play around with it. It’s it’s a real easy way to start to learn and you can, you can start, you put something in and you see what you get, and then you tweak it and you see what you get and you, you know, you sort of have this back and forth and that really is the best way.

The other way is to watch other people doing it. So Andrew Palmer and I have done a couple ask me anythings in the group where we go and just say like, Hey, let’s write a blog post together, or Let’s write it out. You know, like, whatever it is we decide to do. And people are always like, oh, that’s how it is.

You know, kind of like when I showed you some of this stuff, right? Yeah. Like, you can have a concept of it, but until you really see it, you’re like, oh, wait, so I could do X, Y, and Z with this? You know? Then your brain starts to kinda get carried away with it.

Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Tell us more about tone. Like I heard I heard somebody, like you said, it’s all about modeling somebody or hearing a cool example.

I heard on a podcast somebody was like, okay, have it, write something and then have it. Restate it using the rhetorical devices of Barack Obama and it, and I was, and then, so I did that with something. I was like, holy cow. Now I sound like this inspirational speaker guy, but yeah. Yeah. What are the tone options?

And I’m not going away. I’m just putting a log on the fire, so keep talking.

Stephanie Hudson: Okay. Chris is the only guy I know who would have a fire burning in his office with his outer space backdrop and his Britney Spears concert microphone. Anyway, so the, now I forgot the fire thing. I forgot what is even, what was your question, Chris?

Come back from the fire we were talking about tone. That’s right. Yeah. Tone. I remember now Tone. So It can, it, it learns. The AI has learned from so many different sources that it can identify, so it understands who has written different things. So you can, it’s like there’s no list. It’s unlimited. You can say like Right.

Using like in the tone of Barack Obama combined with. Kevin Hart or something like that, you know what I mean? Like you can even combine things. You can say anything, and if you are stuck for some inspiration on that. The coolest thing is you can just ask Bertha. We did that once on a, on a, on a live in the Facebook group, the Bertha Facebook group.

So the video’s still up there, but somebody asked a similar question, like, what tones could we use? And so we just opened up the asked me anything on Bertha and said, gimme a list of 50 tones, and it just rattled ’em off. Those weren’t celebrity W ones or anything. They were just like witty, irreverent, professional, you know.

Light sassy, you, whatever, you know, just listed a million of those and you can combine ’em, you can do anything. So it’s really fun.

Chris Badgett: Tell us about your newsletter, the Sizzle ai. What, what’s, what’s that about?

Stephanie Hudson: This is new. This is new and it is BER is a sponsor of it, but it’s not it’s not about Bertha specifically.

I’m just geeking out over all of this AI stuff. Chris, I love it. You and I got into an awesome conversation when we talked, and there is so much happening so fast. There’s, we really, you guys, not to be overly dramatic, but like we’re on, we’re on the cusp of a new revolution. Like we’ve had, like the industrial revolution, we’ve had, you know, like all these different points in history.

I. Where innovation has made a massive change. And you know, we’ve seen certain things like this in our lifetime, of course with computers, I mean the internet, all of this stuff, and this is the next major thing because this is gonna change everything. It really is. I know that sounds very dramatic, but the way we all work and it’s, it’s much like.

We already can’t imagine going about our day without our smartphone navigating us from one place to the other. Auto, you know, like voice texting people while we drive, doing everything, you know, like communicating with our friends and family. Everything we do is on our phones and we can’t imagine that we didn’t have that.

And yet, What, 10, 12 years ago it was nothing like this. So this is what’s happening now in the next decade, we’re not gonna remember, or like imagine how we went about our days without ai. I really believe that like this is, that’s how revolutionary all of this stuff is, and the speed with which it is accelerating is phenomenal.

The stuff that has changed already just in the past few months is. Almost mind blowing. So it’s gonna keep going. And I’m just, I’m already like, I’m into it and I like reading about it and learning about it. And so I’ve seen other people do it too and I thought, well, why not? Why not take some other people along for the ride?

Since I’m already out there reading it, I’m just gonna start a newsletter. I may do a little podcast about it too. But anyway, it’s the sizzle ai. It’s called the sizzle, because, you know, why do you smell that? That’s the future cooking. That’s the, that’s my dorky

Chris Badgett: Well, on, on the, on the effective dorky, techy stuff.

One of the, one of the things I’d love thinking about is like second, third order effects, fourth order effects. Like, so the first thing that ha the first order effect of AI is like, oh my gosh, students are gonna use this to write their essays. What do we do? But there’s like, There’s like second order effects that come after that.

Like, okay, well what’s, how does this change education? How does this change the role of teachers? And then, and then what does it, what does that change then Cause to die, accelerate, change, whatever. Like what are some. Like more further out there, less obvious, you know, second, third order effects you might see happening because of AI that people aren’t even realizing yet who haven’t spent as much time as you like thinking about this and geeking out about this and observing society and everything I.

Stephanie Hudson: That’s a tough question, but I think the education area is really an important one right now because what it makes me think about, like I sort of go backwards into history to compare it to different things, and one that is not so far back is when you would be in math class and you weren’t allowed to use your calculator.

Mm. You had to do the math and, and why? Because you’re not, it’s not like you’re gonna be having a calculator in your pocket everywhere you go. Guess what we do? Right? So what, what does that mean? And the, the fact of it is, Like, yeah, we don’t have to do tons of long division or algebra in our brains, and we do have these tools in our, literally, in our pockets, but it’s important to understand the underlying mechanics of those things.

Like if you can understand sort of how it works, that’s still valuable. Right? So but it’s also good to know how to use the tools. I mean, all AI is, is a tool. And so when you think about it in that way, if you. If you go forward trying to deny it or subdue it as a, as a educator or an employer or whoever, you’re gonna fail cuz it’s here and it’s happening.

You’re better off learning how to utilize this tool properly. Another example I like is maybe even a more powerful one, is do you ever see that movie hidden Figures? It’s a. Based on a true story of the women that helped launch the space shuttle. Mm-hmm. They were in a, a job pool. Like there was a big group of women black women as a matter of fact, who were called computers, and they all had pencils and they would compute the, they would do the math long hand with pencils.

And within the course of this, the time period represented in this movie, the company there, NASA got. The first big giant i b m computer that filled a room. Now what do we say about that? Well, that’s gonna take all their jobs. That’s terrible. It’s gonna take all their jobs. Yes, it is. Is it terrible? Well look at how much more can be done.

So right now we’re, we’re seeing like, Oh, AI’s gonna take jobs and people are up in arms about it. But there was one character in the movie I can’t remember the charac, the, it’s a real woman. Instead of being scared or complaining she was gonna lose her job, she went to the library and bought books on programming and she learned how to code that big giant b m computer.

A black woman in the sixties did this and she became like the first computer pro, like one of the first computer programmers. And she got, went on to have like, A management position at NASA instead of just being this lowly computer with a pencil. Right? So there are, there are people who are going to be left behind in this revolution, and there are people who are going to realize that this is an opportunity and they’re going to take advantage of it.

So what that looks like in the future, I mean, it’s super easy to see now. We already hear a lot of people talking about prompt engineers as a job. I think that’s shortsighted. That’s a thing right now that is a. I mean, that’s, that’s just gonna be like a, a low level thing. That’s not gonna be like a major career.

But but there’s, there’s really no telling how many areas of life that this is, is going to affect, you know it’s do you have ideas? Do you have things that you’ve already got in your mind about like second, third, forest level repercussions?

Chris Badgett: Well, I like what you’re saying about going back in history.

So another example like the, the calculator is the internet versus the library versus the encyclopedia, botanical botanica versus oral traditions and books. Right. You know, like we go back and back into how we, we pass information and access information and it’s like literally exploding exponentially. So you know, right now we already have too much information, like, there, there’s just so much information coming at us, so, so it’s no long, it’s no longer about the volume, it’s about the quality and the, you know, kind of minimizing it.

 I, I haven’t spent too much time thinking about it. I, I need to, cuz I, you know, I w I would start to see some things, but. You know, I think we’re gonna see people who fight back against it. Like, kind of like the Luddite thing where people used to throw shoes and the gears of the machine that was taking the factory jobs.

You know, we people, there’s like a kind of a, a. A revolution against the internet, which I’m a believer in of, in terms of like, Hey, your brain needs a break. Don’t be online all the time. Don’t have the phone in front of your face all day long. You know, don’t talk to AI all day long either. Like we’re gonna have that same thing again.

With ai, there is such thing as too much ai.

Stephanie Hudson: So yeah, like don’t let your brain turn to mush. Like you gotta still think, you’ll just let machines do it for you.

Chris Badgett: Yeah, true. Yeah. And this happens every time when we get new technology. Like when the automobile was first introduced, there was lots of car accidents and figuring out how do we share the streets with horses.

And then eventually the horses weren’t on the streets anymore. And, and, but over time, like humanity has always adapted in terms of jobs and stuff like that. I mean, there could be big changes in terms of. It is possible that there, it’s kind of like a game of musical chairs where there, there literally won’t be enough jobs like that could happen, but I’m confident in the human ability to figure out how to deal with that.

Like in terms of like that being a benefit that hey, we, we figured out how do the machines, both the hardware and the software can support us. Let’s figure out a way to still take care of society and make sure everybody’s covered and like kind of figure that out. Like, I’m confident we can do that, but I think we’re gonna see some of those issues arising in the next 10 years for sure.

Of like, yeah.

Stephanie Hudson: I mean, when, when tractors were invented, farmers were thought they were gonna be outta jobs. Right? Right. When Yeah. The camera was invented, painters thought they were gonna, it was gonna end painting. You know, like there’s, there’s so many different points in history where new technology, Technically reduced or eliminated jobs, but it creates so many new ones.

And, you know, it opens up the world to so much, so many more amazing things. Now that is not to say that this isn’t without cause for concern. There are tons of ethical issues with all of this. Mm-hmm. The art world right now is really up in arms about. The ethics of AI art generation because it has scanned the internet.

You know, these AI machines have scanned the images that are on the internet, and they’re able to recreate art in the style of different artists and things. You know, we haven’t really talked about the art side of it, but. Have you played, have you played around with Dolly or Mid Journey or,

Chris Badgett: Yeah, I’ve played around with all of them or many of them.

Stephanie Hudson: Oh yeah, you’ve had all, like, you have all those profile pictures of it. The the, which one was that from? Was that, imagine that you used for those?

Chris Badgett: That was, imagine I literally have like 700 and I just, I, I didn’t wanna like spam the internet with everything, but I also have given that as a gift to people that, like at Christmas I like, you know, did the whole thing.

For some people that are, well, it’s a great idea. Her not as techy as me. And they’re like, whoa, Mia is like a queen. Mia as a superhero. Mia is this and that. It’s, yeah, it’s kind of fun.

Stephanie Hudson: So, oh, that’s awesome. Yeah, so the art stuff is super cool. But then you think like, okay, so it’s, it’s pretty cheap, right?

Like, what is it, 30 bucks or something, and you can go and generate. Whole bunch of images of yourself. Yeah.

Chris Badgett: Yeah. Like 300 or something.

Stephanie Hudson: Yeah. Yeah. And so why, why is it so cheap? Why are they doing that? Well, guess what? You’re giving them your face. So what happens there? Right? There’s nothing really locked down.

I’m not a particularly like I. Panicky conspiracy theorist person on that. Like, we’re not off grid. You guys, like if we, you wanna be off grid, like you gotta like throw away your phone, you gotta get off this podcast for sure. Like this is on, you know, like there’s no, like the grid is everywhere. It’s you, you really have to be determined to be off of it.

But, but there are certainly, like, that’s a small example, but there are tons of privacy concerns when we’re doing this. So chat, G P t, if anybody. Played around with that or used that for anything. You think you’re using it, guess what? It’s using you. It was getting information. It was learning how people used it.

They were losing, they losing, or spending is a better word. Like I think it was like 3 million a day or something. Like the numbers were all different, but like millions and millions of dollars were spent allow, allowing that to be free because it co it takes computing power, tons of computing power to generate this content and stuff.

So, Even though it’s fairly inexpensive to generate content as a user, you know, on a mass scale like they did, where they opened it up for free, it was very costly, but they were learning from us while we were learning from it. So they, you know, so there’s all of that. And the, the art one is really one of the more controversial ones because, you know, you can, you can generate.

Text and you can run it through a plagiarism checker very easily, but there is no tool like that for art. And what constitutes somebody’s personal art.

Chris Badgett: One pixel difference. One pixel different, right?

Stephanie Hudson: What makes it makes it unique And you know, on, on one side of the argument, you can say like, well, okay, Mr.

Or Miss Artist, how did you learn to be an artist? You learned from looking at examples of other people’s art, right? Like you. You know, some people learned from copying the greats, right? Like you hear, you hear that a lot. Like go look at the Renaissance artists and copy them, try and duplicate their works, and you generate your own style eventually and you learn what you’re good at and things like that, so, so that’s one side of it that like, okay, well it learned from all those, just like you did on imagery that was publicly available.

So is it theft or is it not? But then you start looking closer and you see some of these images that get generated. They actually sometimes have little snippets of like signatures, which is not taking inspiration from something that is actually hopping. So, so then it’s a, so, you know, there’s, there’s a whole big gray area of the ethics around this.

That you can sort of very easily argue both sides of, and it’s gonna be really, really interesting to see where things fall. And the other thing is who gets to be in charge of that, you know? Mm-hmm. Who gets to determine what’s okay and what’s not okay. This isn’t a, you know, this isn’t, A national thing.

This is a global tool that’s been created. So how do you determine like who gets to say what’s okay and what’s not okay. Right.

Chris Badgett: Yeah, and I think I heard this debate too with the way search engines work, where there’s a file on websites called Robots dot txt, I think, which allow, gives the creator the ability to.

Block search engines if they want to. So perhaps in the future of the internet and or at least our internet-based content, maybe there will be a new like file where creators can choose to they want to get the, the, the content out, or they want to protect it from. Fair use or AI or whatever.

So it’s it is complicated, but at the end of the day, I like to think of the analogy of 3D printing. So if you look at building a house, you know what I’m really excited for within 10 years is the ability to be able to 3D print a house. Cuz if you’ve ever built a house or done an addition or construction project, you know, you’re, you’re, you’re assembling all these different tools.

There’s a lot of manual processes, there’s a lot of delays and inefficiencies and this and that. But what if. A truck can roll up. It has all these inputs of like different materials and then like a bunch of, you know, like scaffolding of structure is erected and it literally like prints a house in a day or two.

How cool is that? That’s where we’re going. It’s coming.

Stephanie Hudson: It’s coming. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I don’t know if it’ll even take 10 years. I mean, yeah, with the speed, the speed with which this stuff is happening is pretty. Pretty nuts. So here’s another scenario that’s a little bit tricky to think about. You gotta readjust cause lights are coming in from outside.

But so theis only have access to to up to a certain point, right? So they’re not actively searching the internet at this point.

Chris Badgett: I notice that when I, I. I’ve gotten some error messages that say things like, oh, this U R URL was created after 2021. Like you said, like there’s a, there’s a model that’s trained on and then it stops.

And in my mind I was like, why don’t we just release it on the internet? Like so they Right. But I think there’s probably some ethics issues and some fact checking issues or something. There are ethics.

Stephanie Hudson: There are, and also, so the difference between, this is something I wanna talk about a little bit.

The difference between, so there a lot of people were saying like, chat, G P T, oh, it’s gonna be a Google killer. Right? But what’s the difference between doing a search of the internet and asking an AI a question when it’s been trained on the internet? To me it’s, it’s not remotely the same thing. You’re asking the AI to make a judgment on what content is true, what content is the best.

When we do a Google search, yes, we trust Google to serve up things that it’s using, trust factors and things like that to say like what’s the most relevant? But we have pages and pages of Google results that are generated by human beings that we get to evaluate. What answers we believe and trust, or you get to say like, oh, multiple people have said this, but a few people have said that.

Whereas AI’s giving you like its interpretation, full stop. And so when you’re doing a search of other generated content, you know, which at this point is pretty much all generated by humans, it’s. It’s up to you still. And so that’s a big difference. Now there is going to be sort of a combo effect happening, which this is gonna be the craziest prediction that is out there right now, but it’s gonna be true.

It’s it’s, it’s almost fact. Bing is gonna surpass Google. Like, if you’d have told me six months ago, I would say that I would’ve said I would’ve laughed. Why? Why? Because by a show of hands, who has ever even used Bing? Exactly. Nobody like you. It’s hard to, even, like, you forget Bing even exists, but Microsoft.

Chris Badgett: Cause Microsoft’s investment in open ai.

Stephanie Hudson: Microsoft is going all in on ai, and they’re going to incorporate these AI large learning models and the other processing tools into their search. So it’s gonna be a combo, which is going to be super powerful. But think about this scenario for a second. We’ve got.

It only goes up to 2021. Right? So now we’re in 2022 is when this whole thing starts busting wide open. Thousands of the people start generating AI content, right? They’re, they’re creating AI generated content. So the internet then becomes flooded with AI content. Then we open up AI to search the internet, and it’s.

Searching yourself. It’s finding content that it generated that may or may not be true. Yeah. Some of the things it comes back with are like, it’s fabrication, it’s, it’s not accurate and it’s not true.

Chris Badgett: But if you like, you can go into also creating content that’s not necessarily true on the internet, like people are Sure.

Stephanie Hudson: Yeah. But it’s, to me, it’s like that, then it becomes like the AI feeding itself. Okay. Which seems to be such a different thing. Right. And so, you know, like you can go on, like in Bertha, there’s A bio, you can write a bio you can say like, write a bio for Chris Badgett. You can just say that and it will generate all this stuff about like where you went to school and what you did and blah, blah, blah.

It’s not true. It’s gonna have the format of it, and then you could just go in and swap out like, this is the degree I got, or this is the school, you know, like you swap out the schools and stuff. But it, it. It does a format, but it doesn’t have all the factual details. But if you start generating tons of that stuff and then it’s just feeding this machine, it’s like, I don’t know, it just becomes like, are we gonna end up with this like weird closed loop of information that like, we’re just generating content based on the content that was already, you know, like, I don’t know.

It just seems that’s a, that’s an interesting problem that’s gonna need to be overcome, I think.

Chris Badgett: Well, maybe we can learn from Wikipedia or something there where like there’s a, this constant like human editing happening or something. Yeah. I mean the humans and the machines have to work together. Like it’s not like Yeah.

For the quality. Yeah. There’s, there’s gotta be a way for, for the people to work together. Last question, Steph, you mentioned like generative content, I think what, what else, what else other uses are there besides generative content?

Stephanie Hudson: Oh, you mean in ai? Yeah. So generative means to To generate. To create, yeah.

So you can generate text, you can generate code, you can generate art, you can generate all these things. But AI has already existed in, in many ways as far as you know, analytics. In things like self-driving cars, that’s AI for sure. You know, and that’s gonna take off even more. Like we’re gonna really start to see that techno.

That’s one that I’m excited for. Cause I don’t like to drive, I like to be chauffeur if possible. So yeah, I mean in healthcare, that’s gonna be another, like that to me is gonna be a really, really beneficial one where diagnosis and stuff more, more analytical. Yeah. Elements of ai. So rather than having, you know, you go to this doctor and that specialist and this thing and that thing, and then you go to somebo, your j your general doctor when you’re sick and they don’t have the whole picture.

For starters, they have an imperfect human limited mind for second, you know, so they don’t have like the history of medical documents to, to base things on. You know, so if you can go in and give it variables like. Of your history and all that, that is continually being fed in throughout your life. You know, I mean, kids that are born now, pretty much, they’re gonna have AI diagnoses when they’re older, you know, which is in some ways, you know, you still like, at this point anyway, it still needs human oversight for sure.

But you can see how something like that could end up being more accurate than.

Chris Badgett: Like interpreting an X-ray or a CAT scan or whatever, like mm-hmm. Yeah. Like what if it was using the data set of all x-rays and CAT scans of Yep. Ever. And what actually happened, like following the patient and all that. Like it’s just insane.

Stephanie Hudson: Yeah. Or what happens when you know you’ve got, I. A person’s entire, like every single test result, every single thing that has happened to them. You know, I have a, I have a close friend who is like in her late forties, randomly got like a growth in her brain and had to have brain surgery like it happened in a week and.

They don’t know what caused it, but she had a crazy bad infection like three months before that. And no, it didn’t, it wasn’t on anybody’s radar and nobody knew that that was, you know, so then she’s got these symptoms and it takes how long to identify that there’s an actual problem there? Well, if you’ve got these in incredibly like it’s not intelligence, but it’s informed.

They have all of the data that they can crunch, like a human mind, just, we can’t hold all that data. Even if we could, we couldn’t hold the, you know, a doctor can’t hold all that data for every single one of their patients, right? So they can take that kind of stuff and process it and come up with different solutions, warnings, all kind of things, and treatment options and stuff.

I mean, I think the potential in the medical field is gonna be phenomenal. There’s a rabbit hole.

Chris Badgett: Go check out it is the sizzle ai cuz there’s, yeah, because I would encourage you to get in front of this issue and and just kind of fall in love with it. And what I mean by that is there’s a lot of challenges but there’s also a lot of opportunities here.

So better to like, learn from people like Steph, who were, have really been in this space for, you know, multiple years. A ahead of the majority as a early adopter. And also check out to use AI on your website to not replace you, but accelerate what you can do. Any final words for your people,

Stephanie Hudson: Steph? Oh, sure. Yeah. I mean, I think we are at a huge advantage if you are. If you’re a follower of Chris Badgett, if you’re, listen, if you’ve made it 53 minutes into this podcast, listening to us talk about it, then you have an advantage, and that is that you’re probably a geek and you’re probably interested in technology.

You’re probably, I don’t know, maybe you’re an entrepreneur, maybe you’re a free thinker. Maybe you’re, you’d like to learn new things, right? You’re a lifelong learner as Chris is, and I am. You have a huge advantage because, This is available to us now. It’s available to other people too, but it’s technically out of their reach because it seems too scary and too complicated and things like that.

Right. The Luddites or the, you know, the moms of the world might not be, you know, like my mom could not care less about this kind of thing. It’s gonna affect her life, but she’s not, you know, like we are on the cutting edge of a huge. Technological revolution, which is an awesome, we’re we’re the ones that are gonna start defining what those new roles are and how we can use this in our lives.

So, by the way I think that we should give your audience a hookup. I think we’re gonna give everybody some extra words if they sign up. For, let’s do it. Bertha ai. We’ll give you some extra words and some extra images. So let’s do I’ll have to go set up the code after, as soon as I get off of this live.

But if you’re listening on the podcast, go use Code Lifter 2023 and we’ll put, let me write that down so I do the right one. Christopher that down. And remind me what code I just lifter 2023. And go sign up for Bertha AI and, and get some extra words cuz that’s how you, that’s how you learned by playing around with it.

That’s awesome.

Chris Badgett: So Lifter 2023 is the coupon code Bertha ai check out Steph’s AI newsletter at the Sizzle ai. Thanks for coming on the show, Steph. We really appreciate it.

Stephanie Hudson: This was super fun. Thanks for having me. I mean, I always love hanging out with you, Chris, but I, I geek out over this topic as you can probably see.

Chris Badgett: Awesome. And that’s a wrap for this episode of LMSCast. Did you enjoy that episode? Tell your friends and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode. And I’ve got a gift for you [email protected] slash gift. Go to Keep learning. Keep taking action, and I’ll see you. In the next episode.

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