In this Episode, Melinda Kitto shares how she helps people communicate their offerings in a way that resonates with their audience. According to her, the fundamental block people have with messaging is that they are too focused on promoting what they have to offer and not thinking about what will make their audience care and want to act.
Melinda Kitto is a copywriting and messaging expert. She offers services such as writing, editing, and content creation through her website, Melinda also has a YouTube channel where she shares tips and insights on effective messaging and communication.

Her motivation is to help people overcome the challenge of messaging and crafting offers for their online training programs, courses or coaching programs. She wants to help people find their voice and effectively communicate the value of their offerings to their target audience.
She says that the mistake most people make is leading with the course, coaching or their methodology, instead of making the audience feel seen and showing them how the offering can help solve their specific problem.
Melinda encourages people to dig deeper into the emotions of their ideal clients and understand how those emotions show up for them. This helps people create messaging that makes their audience feel seen and heard and that their offering is relevant to them.
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Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Do you have any like tips around kind of calling the avatar specifically, in in the sense that, you know, you mentioned like a sales professional and executive corporate sales professional or a first time mother with a newborn? Or how do we how do we know if we’re going to specific or not enough when we’re, when we kind of call the avatar in our messaging?
Melinda Kitto: It’s a really good question. I think, like, you can have multiple avatars, I think, I think the thing to remember is that the more specific that you get, not only will that speak to the exact person that you’re trying to reach. But it also captures people around that, like, if you think of a dartboard, if we have your ideal client right at the center of that dartboard. And every time you speak to them, if you’re trying to aim that dart right at that sent a person. First of all, you’re far more likely to hit the exact person you want to target.
But what can happen is sometimes your Dart will land just slightly to the left or to the right. And so you know, you asked me earlier whether I worked with women. Initially, I was really targeting women, I was really speaking to women. So my dark was aimed at women. But sometimes the dark lands outside exactly where you were aiming. So I would have men who would go, Well, I’m not a woman, but what you’ve said about messaging, what you’ve said about struggling with copywriting or whatever, that really resonated with me, like do you work with with guys as well. And so that’s what happens like we can have somebody in our mind that we’re trying to attract. But we’re far more likely to hit them if we’re specific.
But also if we land just outside that circle. The point is that your darts still lands, because when people are trying to be everything to everyone, and they’re trying to attract all different types of clients, what we’re doing instead is we’re picking up a handful of 100 darts, and we’re trying to throw them all at the dartboard at once. And of course, most of those darts are going to bounce right off. Whereas if you’re just picking up one at a time, and you’re really aiming for that specific person and being as specific as you can, your formula Then, but you’re also likely to hit people who are, you know, one or two degrees outside of that as well.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. I joined a coaching program for software founders. And the guy that put that on his name is Dan Martell, I just watched myself fall into his content is marketing. I was in this high end coaching program in two weeks. And then I stayed in there for two years. But not only was the the marketing and the product was really for exactly my type of business, and even certain niches within software. That was, that was a bit on the receiving end of really good messaging and, and product and it works.
Melinda Kitto: The creepy spooky thing about this is, it often actually doesn’t matter what you’re selling, if you can reflect that person’s experience. If you can describe their situation better than they can, there’s just this automatic sense that like, well, you must have this solution like, how did you know? Are you looking through my window? Like, you know, we have this sense that if you know my problem that well, then surely you must know how to fix it.
So similar experience as a coach I’m following on Instagram at the moment, and every one of her posts, I’m like, That’s me. Holy shit like that. Exactly. And to the detail of like, what I’m doing in in this particular moment, what I’m thinking about, like, across all of her posts, she’s just reflecting me, so I automatically assume that whatever she’s selling must be for me. Right?
Chris Badgett: Yeah. That’s awesome. Well, well, if somebody is, let’s say, less crystallized, they’re an expert, or they’re thinking about getting into this kind of line of work. Where do they start? And maybe, maybe let’s pull it back even. Maybe they haven’t even decided what to where to focus on for their niche. Because they’re a little stuck there. You know, maybe they have like a professional background and an add some personal thing they’re super happy about like, it’s a little bit of a chicken and egg problem of like your niche and the messaging and what’s best for you as a person like helpless it that that very fragile early moment.
Melinda Kitto: Yeah. That can often be a problem when you do have this expertise, but it’s like, okay, who would I sell this to? Who’s going to want this? So a lot of this is about, okay, well, how do we position that thing as a purchasable profitable offer? So, if you’re thinking about how to whether it’s niche down or choose a target audience, the first thing I would say is, it’s a great place to start. If I tell a quick story about my own experience, like when I first dabbled into kind of this phase of my business, I guess I was broadly positioning myself as a business coach, I was wanting to help people with their marketing. But I was like, Hey, guys, I’m a business coach who wants a business coaching Haissam free strategy calls and I was very vague in my offer.
And I just figured, well, if I offered a few free strategy calls, and surely people would want to give me money. And so I was like, hey, whatever you’re struggling with, with the business, I can help. Which was probably not true. But that’s how my messaging was starting. And my coach at the time was like, Look, you got to niche down, you’ve got to pick an angle, you’ve got to pick like a specialty that you can really, like, hang that sign on the door and say. This is what I’m an expert in. And so I really thought about that for a while and the questions that were coming up for me was like, Okay, well, what am I naturally really good at? What are my natural skill set?
What’s the thing that comes easily to me that that doesn’t seem to come as easily to other people? What do I love to talk about? What do I see people really struggling with? And what would make a huge difference to those people if they could get it right? So it’s kind of those four key questions. What do I what am I really good at, what do I love to talk about? What do I see people struggling with? And what would make a really big difference? And I don’t know how this one came forward, but because at the time I was really struggling with my own messaging, but I realized that actually, this messaging thing was something that I am naturally good at.
I was always the person who like, back in my corporate days, people would say, I’ve got to send this email to Betty in accounts like I needed to pay the damn invoice like Mel, can you help me like right busy? Like Yeah, no worries. So I was always naturally good at using words to get results. And and I also notice that this was the thing that people seem to struggle with that. That they were so good at their passion. They were so good at what they what they do, but they just didn’t know how to talk about it in a An interesting way but be in a compelling way that would actually get people to do something. And what was so fascinating to me is that the minute literally the minute that I niched down and said, Okay.
I’m gonna hang my hat on being a messaging specialists, this is going to be the thing that I lead with as being my expertise. The minute I did that, I started having people say, Oh, my God, that is exactly what I need. So instead of me saying, Hey, I’m a business coach, when I said, I’m a messaging specialist. And if you are struggling with how to talk about your offer in a way that makes people want it, that, that little bit more specificity that little bit more of telling people exactly what I can help with in the realm of business, was the absolute turning point for my business where people suddenly got why I was relevant for them what exactly I could help them with.
And so we I took the guesswork out of them having to go okay, well, what problems am I struggling with in my business, I wonder if she could help. I was literally telling them, this is the thing I can I can help you with. And so if you have a course, it’s the same kind of thing, like we have to think about, you have this expertise. But how can I position that in a way that makes it appealing to somebody, right? Like, it’s where it’s not just transformation, it’s transformation for this type of person, or this specific type of transformation? That takes the guesswork out of your audience having to figure out whether you’re right for them. And that just being so obvious that of course, this course is right. For me.
Chris Badgett: That’s very well said, What’s the difference between copywriting and messaging?
Melinda Kitto: I get that question a lot, actually. So there’s a lot of crossover. But for me, messaging is all of the ingredients that you need to get clear on, like all of your talking points, all of the key ingredients that go into connecting with somebody, helping them realize you’re the right one for them. And breaking down any barriers to them feeling like your course or program is exactly right for them. So messaging is understanding all of those ingredients. copywriting is one way that you communicate those ingredients.
Right? So okay, well, how do I take those ingredients and turn it into a sales page or into an email sequence or anything like that? So, but messaging is how you’re communicating this in all forms, so on a podcast interview, how do I talk about my expertise, and a podcast interview that makes anyone who’s listening go, oh, maybe I should go and follow her on. It’s how you show up in a video. It’s how you communicate on a sales call, like, your messaging goes through all of those different channels. And so what I see people doing a lot is they’re like, Oh, I really suck at this, I’m gonna hire a copywriter. And they end up with this great looking sales page.
But I get them on the phone. I’m like, Okay, so tell me about your offer? And they say, um, well, it’s kind of hard to explain, but it’s sort of like, they can’t give me an answer, right. Now they go, Oh, here’s the sales page. Look at that, because that that will tell you, it said really nicely over here. Right. So if you want to sell really well, you need to be really clear on on what your messaging is. And I’m often talking to my clients. And it’s like, part of this is getting your potential clients to understand. But a huge part of this is getting you to understand like, You need to feel confident enough. It exactly what you do, why people should care, and how to communicate that effectively. Because if you don’t get it, How is anybody else going to eat that?
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Can you? Can you give us some more frameworks, I think people kind of start with an elevator pitch something like I help X target mark market achieve y result without Z objection or something like that. Yeah. But there’s so much more to messaging than kind of that elevator pitch statement. And I know like some, like in design work, we have something like a style guide, or we have like these resources to kind of capture all of the key ingredients for like a brand as an example. How do we do that with messaging and get it all together in one place? And what are all those pieces?
Melinda Kitto: Yeah, look at as a few pieces. I have a tool that I use for our coaching clients, we call it the messaging manifesto. And it’s really about collecting those different ingredients and thinking about messaging for me. It’s telling a story. It’s telling a narrative, it’s thinking about okay, so that first point of contact, how do I reach that person through the internet and get them to pay attention to me in the first place? But then how do I take them on a bit of a journey? where this story is unfolding as we go, and they are getting this bit of information, and then this realization, and then this perspective shifts. So we like to let that journey unfold.
And so there’s, there’s a number of ingredients along the way. So part of it is that hill and the heaven that I talked about. But if we go back to that cliff analogy, if they’re on this side of the cliff, and they want to get over to this side, your offer or your course has to be the bridge between the two. Right? Your offer has to be the thing that will take them from where they are, to where they want to be. But one of the key things that I like, like I said, there’s a number of ingredients, but one of the key ingredients that I see is missing for a lot of people is that there are a number of bridges that this person could potentially cross to get to the other side.
So if I use a really like, simple analogy of weight loss, right, if I’m currently overweight and struggling in my body, and I really want to be this fit, healthy, toned, amazing, strong person. If I’m standing on that cliff, how many different bridges are available to me? There’s diagonals and the shapes and the keto diet and the whatever else diet or their mindset work, right. And so let’s say you’re the mindset person, and you know, the only way for that person to lose weight is if they can get their mindset. Right. You are one of many bridges. And we need to think about, okay, well, what bridges, what pathways is that? What solutions? Are your people already looking at?
What what do they think they need to do to get from this side to that side? Right? So this person might be thinking, Oh, look, I just need to be in calorie deficit.
And you’re like, Yeah, great. But how long is that going to last? Right? We need to think about what is this person currently bought into? At least mentally? What do they believe, what do they think it takes? What do they think they need to do to accomplish that result? And if what they think they need is not what we know, they actually need. A big part of your messaging is shifting that perspective is shifting those beliefs. Because if that person currently believes that the only way to lose weight is this bridge, and you’re over here going, but if you don’t get your mindset, right, they are never going to buy your offer, they are never going to even look your way.
Chris Badgett: So how do you do that? Where you meet them where they are, but help through your messaging, a shift in, in worldview or Outlook happen? Yeah, look, it’s
Melinda Kitto: Just just pretty easy, right? You just say, Hey, I mean, so the first part is to meet them where they are in their current health. So we do need to speak to their current experience. But then we need to use your messaging and your content, too, to start to chip away at that. And I want to be clear that we need to think about where we’re having these conversations, right? Because we can’t communicate all of this in one Instagram post. So sometimes, we need to capture people’s attention and say, I’m going to teach you the secret to weight loss that actually lasts so you can get off the yo yo diet roller coaster.
So we need to pull people in with what they’re actually desiring. But maybe in a webinar, maybe in a workshop or something where you have a bit more time and space to explain. You can talk about these are the beliefs that you’re currently, like hooked into. And here’s why that thinking is getting you nowhere. Here’s why that thinking is keeping to get this is getting you these results consistently. But if we think about it this way, can you see how that makes sense? And what we’re trying to do there is really help them see oh, like no one that like that. That’s that makes so much sense. No wonder I haven’t been getting those results.
But what you’re talking about, of course, like that, that just that feels right, it makes sense, right? So I’ll give you a quick little example. I actually have a client who is in a really interesting niche. She works with early childhood educators. So in preschools and things like that, and she teaches them how to run really fun and engaging music lessons. And she has a program where people can can purchase that and this woman runs such amazing workshops, such amazing webinars where she’s super high vibe, she gives so much value so much content, and she really blows people away in those workshops, but they weren’t converting as well as she wanted them to.
They people weren’t moving on to the next step, but she was getting so much amazing feedback about the webinar, but people weren’t necessarily taking the next step. And so we talked about this idea of beliefs, like what are your audience currently believe? Giving what are the myths or the mistaken beliefs that they are caught up in, that is preventing them from moving forward.
And we thought about it for a while and she realized, like, one of the reasons why people don’t buy or worry about buying is because they think, Well, I’m not a very good singer. And to be able to run a really good music program, I need to be a good singer, so they’d be the kind of teacher that always pops off the music lesson to the to the one teacher in the room who can hold a tune. So if we think about that, that person, it wouldn’t matter how high vibe she was, as a presenter, how much value how many teaching points how blown away, she could make that student, they would never buy the next thing, because they believe I’m not a good singer, therefore, there’s no point me doing the next thing.
So part of her webinar needed to be talking about how your singing voice doesn’t actually matter. We’re dealing with three and four year olds here, they don’t care about perfect pitch, they care about whether they’re having a good time. So part of her webinar has been breaking down that belief that people had, and showing them that this is a different way of seeing things. And when you see it this way, can you see how actually, because you’re the happiest and brightest face in the room, you’re going to capture their attention no matter how good your singing voice is. Right. But if she doesn’t overcome that belief, if she doesn’t shift that perspective, that person who could be their biggest fan will still not buy.
Chris Badgett: And that’s what you’re saying is often missing in our messaging is we’re not meeting people where they are, or and we’re not acknowledging that there are other bridges around that. Yeah, yeah.
Melinda Kitto: Yeah. Or, or we’re just not taking the time. We’re just hoping that, but surely, they’ll see why mine is better. No, they won’t. Like you have to, you have to, they’ve got their attention fixed on this part of that is what they think is is the result. And it’s only when you say like, it’s partly disconnecting them from the beliefs that they already have. But it’s giving them that perspective shift of why these beliefs, or why this perspective just makes so much more sense.
Like if I give another quick example of, you know, part of my work is convincing people that forget your branding, forget your website, forget that fancy funnel like these are all these ways that my competitors will be selling you or or making you feel like for me to be selling my course on autopilot for me to be hitting those 10k 20k 50k months, whatever, I need to have all these things in place. I need to say, Actually, none of that matters. If you can’t answer the question, Why should I buy your course.
Chris Badgett: That’s what I was really excited to talk to you. Because I think the offer is so fundamental and so often overlooked. Which includes a lot of the core messaging and Avatar work. What do you what do you say to people that are crafting their messaging, and we’ve kind of touched on it, and there’s multiple bridges. But sometimes these experts are aspiring coaches feel like the market is too crowded, who am I to, you know, compete with this famous person or something like that? How do you help somebody find their messaging in a way that’s authentic to them. So that they can kind of shed that belief that it’s already all been done before, there’s just too many people in this niche already? How can you help those people?
Melinda Kitto: The only way for you to share that belief is for you to start talking. Right? Like your voice, right? Yeah. And you know what, it’s. It’s a bit of a challenge for me and my work, because when people come into my program. I am trying to give them formulas, I am trying to give them all these ingredients. But what can sometimes happen is people get so focused on following the formulas or doing it right or, or, like getting the perfect mix of all these ingredients. And what can sometimes happen is that process actually stifles their voice a little bit. Because they’re trying so hard to incorporate all of these things.
So what I like to kind of encourage people to do is like we think of one ingredient at a time. And I’m like, Okay, well how can we just start to sprinkle that into what you’re already doing? Like, if we come up with your elevator pitch or your your core message statement? It’s like, Okay, keep on sharing the content that you’re already sharing, but how can you just like slot that in? How can you just add this little bit of that? In every post like, that’s, it’s often just practicing like adding these little touches into what you’re already doing. But I think in terms of feeling like your niche is overcrowded, it sounds it sounds so cool. cliche.
But it’s really true that nobody’s ever said it exactly like you, nobody has your voice. Nobody has your unique way of saying this. But you actually have to let yourself use that voice, right? If you are in that niche, and you’re looking around at everybody else, and exactly how they’re doing it, and you’re going Well, how do I fit in here, then you’re ignoring the fundamental thing that will actually make you stand out. Which is your unique spin on this your unique view.
And the simplest way to even start doing that, is to just write like you talk. You know, like, we’re having this conversation, if you jumped on a coaching call with me, this is my exact voice. If you read an email of mine, you would read it in my voice, like my voice would come through your head. Because I, I write like I speak, I write in a conversational way. And I just remember that I’m talking to humans. I’m not talking to algorithms. I’m not talking to bots, I’m talking to Sarah on the other end of my Instagram post. Who I’m hoping will realize that this is the thing that she’s been missing.
Chris Badgett: Tell us more about the manifesto. The messaging manifesto, like the work with that, what is that like?
Melinda Kitto: So it kind of comes at the end of. So in my program, we do a lot of the foundational work of okay, well, who is your ideal client? What are they thinking? What are they feeling? What’s going on for them? What’s your offer? How are we positioning that. And the manifesto, kind of, if you think of it like a branding guide, right, where it pulls together all of those elements of your messaging. And so if you want to hand this off to a copywriter. They would have all the ingredients, they need to craft all of your emails. And all of those sorts of things. Much like a branding guide, you need that to be able to hand that off to a graphic designer for them to bring your vision to life so yeah, we we look at messaging from a few different perspectives.
So I call one the macro. So we look at the whole big picture of your business and who you are what you do, like what is your overall brand messaging. But then we also drill that down into offer by offer. So if you have your signature course, okay, well, what’s the messaging around this particular course? And it really goes down to the level as well, of what’s my messaging for this course? How do I make people want that? But then, what, what is the trail that I leave from first contact on social media? To them buying that signature course? What’s that little trail of breadcrumbs that we leave that makes them want the next piece and want the next space?
So we need to think about what’s our messaging around our content? What’s our messaging around that introductory offer, where they download my freebie or where they come along to my webinar? So each one of those little pieces, we need to think about your messaging as a whole at the macro level. But we also need to think about your messaging at the micro level. Okay, when I’m talking about this offer, how do I make that sound as juicy and compelling as possible? And how am I leaving that trail, and making each of those crumbs be as enticing as possible? Because we want to create the kind of experience with your sales funnel. Where people actually want the next piece, they want to see what’s next. Rather than feeling like they’re being dragged kicking and screaming through us through an automated, you know, while
Chris Badgett: You’ve, you’ve kind of touched on it a bunch, but I just want to ask the question. How do we know when our messaging is working? Like what are some some some obvious and also non obvious signals that like, Hey, I think I’m heading in the right direction.
Melinda Kitto: Here. The most obvious one, and this is actually where the name of my program was born from. My program was called Oh, my God, I need that. Okay, because I knew I hid my messaging. When I started getting that comment. People replied that, yeah, yeah. Literally, like so I mentioned before how as soon as I narrowed in on a on a specialty of messaging, I immediately got results. I literally jumped into like, I was begging Facebook groups. At that time, like I was connected. That was my way of growing my business. And I jumped into one particular Facebook group, and I just did a two minute livestream. I was running out the door to get my kids from school.
And I was like, Oh, I finally figured out like, I really feel like I’ve nailed it. Like, I’m going to specialize in helping people to get really clear about how they talk about what they do. I said, it’d be better than that. But I just said, I’m really excited. Like, this is what I’m going to specialize in. And I didn’t think about it was such an offhand thing. But later that night, I went back to the comments. And there’s all these people going, Oh my God, that’s exactly what I’ve struggled with. That’s what I need help with.
That’s exactly where I’m going wrong. And I was like, Huh, that’s interesting. And what really blew my mind is from that livestream. There was three people that went to my website, I didn’t give any call to action. I just said, this is what I’m going to do. Three people went to my website, my website didn’t even mention messaging. Because I’d literally just decided. But three of those people found a booking link somewhere. We had a conversation, and all three of them became my first ever premium level clients, from a two minute off the cuff live stream. Where I just said, this is what I’m going to help people with.
So how do you know if your messaging is working? People saying, Oh, my gosh, that’s exactly what I need. That’s exactly what I struggle with. Or then reflecting back to you. Wow, it’s like you’re in my head. This is so me, like guilty. Anybody who’s reflecting that your post has described me in my situation. Then I think you’re definitely on the right track. Because we all do it, right. Like we’ve read a post where we’re like, cool, like, Ouch, that hurt. Like I feel called out. If you’re getting any of those kinds of comments, I think you’re on the right track.
Chris Badgett: I have like a pro tip question for you. I’m just thinking about the process I went through when I fell into a coaching program that I actually loved and got a lot out of the messaging landed. And then I was in the sales process. And then there was the like the guarantee, or the risk reversal thing or whatever. In my mind, I’m thinking, and I think he called it the love it or leave it 60 day guarantee or something like that.
And unless like, there’s like, it just removed all the risk of my I know. This is really good messaging or whatever, as I’m in the sales process, and then the free content here. But I’m still like, you know, I want to make sure everything’s good to go on the other side of the paywall. Yeah, Is there any advice you have on how to communicate in ways that remove risk or particularly around guaranteeing your course or your coaching program?
Melinda Kitto: That’s a really interesting one. Because I think, I think that sometimes we feel like we have to give guarantees, or we have to offer this money back guarantee. And you’re right, like it does remove that final barrier. I personally am in a different camp that I don’t offer that kind of guarantee. Because I mean, that’s after a little bit of experience that some people will come in and not do anything with my program. And it doesn’t necessarily reflect the quality of the program or their ability to get those results. Sometimes people were like this is this is a bit hard. So I need to come at that from a different perspective. So you can obviously offer something like that. But you might not want to do that. And that’s perfectly fine as well.
But we do need to think about what are their objections going to be? And if I just go, Oh, well just just buy it. And if you don’t like it, sorry to to like then I’m, I’m, of course, I’m going to leave people with that fear, which is probably going to stop them from buying. So I need to think about what objections are they going to have? What concerns or fears are going to come up for them as they’re thinking about this? And how can I build in? That’s one of the messaging ingredients as well? How am I going to build in addressing those objections into my messaging into my communications, so that they can feel really good about making this decision? Whether or not there’s a guarantee? So we try to preempt people’s objections.
And there’s a few ways that you can approach that either you can think about, okay. Either way that I can do this objection around so that it’s actually seen as a positive like, again, this is another perspective shift. Is there something you might be worried about which I can actually show you? This could be a positive if you say it in a different way. A simple example was. I have a client who one of his objections was, people worry that I’m not the right coach for them if I don’t have their specific industry experience. And so that could be an objection, but a different way that you could see that as well.
I’m not tied into all the rules and restrictions or the limited thinking that you might have from that industry. I’m bringing experience from other industries. So maybe I can give you a whole new perspective you’ve never thought of before. So sometimes it might just be shifting their perspective. Or sometimes it might be using case studies or testimonials to help specifically address that objection of like, I’m not sure if, if I’ll get my money back. Well, he had a case study from somebody who had that exact concern. And these are the specific things that they did and this was the result they were able to get.
Chris Badgett: I love that. So like the the better the messaging, the less need there is for guarantees and whatnot because the trust is and the objections have already been handled, but it’s amazing.
Melinda Kitto: And this really comes down to the know, like and trust factor, right? Like, I actually say, on my sales page, I’ve got a lot of free content out there, I’ve got a YouTube channel, you can binge all of all of my videos on there. If you love that content, you’re gonna love this program, because it’s even better. And that’s like, maybe I would make more sales if I had a money back guarantee. But I kind of I like to stand behind the integrity and the content and the value that I provide before the paywall and trust that the right people like I’m so much a gut instinct type of person, I trust that the right people will see me and go, she’s the one I need to work with. And then that does a lot of the selling. For me.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Can you describe somebody who’s like kind of at a perfect fit to be ready to do this messaging work? What’s like, what are what’s their life, like at the moment, they become a perfect fit for what you offer?
Melinda Kitto: I mean, the perfect fit is somebody who is just starting, and they want to get everything right from the get go.
Chris Badgett: So they’re not trying to clean up anything that’s gone wrong. They’re like, well, I want to actually, yeah,
Melinda Kitto: That’s not the case at all right? Because, you know, in a perfect world, somebody right at the start of the journey would realize they need somebody like me, and they would speak to me before they could do anything else, right. But we don’t live in a perfect world. And a lot of courses and a lot of programs will go Yeah, messaging, I do client tick, tick, tick. And they, they flip through that, that stuff and go, let’s get on to the real work of making you money.
So often, my clients are the ones who need a bit of a cleanup. Who have been at this for a while, who have tried launching that course who have built out their course funnel. Who have been doing sales calls left, right and center. And look, they’re probably getting results. They’re probably doing okay, but they just No, either, I could be getting a hell of a lot better results from this funnel or from the sales calls like this. Something that’s just not working as well as it could. Or they just feel like they’re this robotic salesy version that they’re following all these formulas, and they just don’t feel like it’s them. They don’t feel like it’s their own voice coming through.
So often people are coming to me when they’ve been at this for a little while. They just know, they’re not hitting the mark, they just know that their messaging isn’t as powerful or effective as it could be. They’re like, I just had, how do I say this? And I guess my zone of genius is going well, what if you just said it like this? And like, don’t get that like, because it’s often quite simple. But we if we just like, shift the lens that little bit. That’s what makes your messaging finally land. And and it’s that simple tweak between? Oh, yeah, I guess that sounds cool, too. Oh, my gosh, that is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome work. What is the besides like getting a more functioning business with like clients coming in, or leads or customers or sales? What are some of the other kind of ancillary benefits of having good messaging,
Melinda Kitto: Or you can just start having a lot more fun. Like, I can have so much more fun with my content. And I can add in my sarcastic humor and be be myself and I can do silly reels. And whatever else it is, because I know at the end of the day. I know what I need to communicate. I know when to slip in this little ingredient, oh, this liberal ingredient. So I think you can just relax because like, you don’t have to worry about every, like every element of your strategy being perfectly executed. You can just open your mouth and like people will go, oh, that’s what I need. So like we can simplify things. We don’t have to have like a 50 piece orchestra to sell your course.
We can just like start having conversations with people and they say what do you do? And you answer and they go, Well, that’s exactly what I need. Like, we just simplify all of it so that you can relax, just open your mouth. And let let the results come through. I’m oversimplifying it there because obviously there’s work and their strategy and execution and all that kind of thing. But like the real ancillary benefit of getting this right, is that you can trust that you know what you’re talking about, and that the right people will hear it and realize you’re exactly what they’ve been looking for.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. That’s Melinda kitto. It’s Melinda The offer the messaging is fundamental to being successful as a course creator coach. Thanks for shining the light today on all this amazing foundational messaging stuff, which is so important. Where can the good people connect with you? What are the best ways for people looking to start With or clean up their messaging to engage with you.
Melinda Kitto: Yeah, absolutely. Well, you can head to my website, which is Melinda k i t t o. You can also find me on YouTube. That’s a really great place to start. Because like I said, there’s a few bit videos on there that you can binge watch. So we talk more in detail about some of the foundations of your messaging and copywriting and There’s just plenty on there that you can have a look at. So they’re probably the best ways to follow and see more about what I do. But of course, if this kind of is resonating with you, then feel free to reach out on Instagram at Melinda kitto. And you can send me a DM and happy to have you to help you like craft that that foundation of your messaging so feel free to reach
Chris Badgett: Out. Thanks, Melinda. I really appreciate it.
Melinda Kitto: Thanks for having me so much. It’s been great.
Chris Badgett: And that’s a wrap for this episode of LMS cast. Did you enjoy that episode? Tell your friends and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode. And I’ve got a gift for you over at For slash gift go to . keep learning keep taking action, and I’ll see you in the next episode.