How To Generate Online Course and Membership Site Leads and Sales using Quizzes with Josh Haynam of Interact

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In this episode of LMScast Chris Badgett of LifterLMS discusses how to generate online course and membership site leads and sales using quizzes with Josh Haynam of Interact. Josh and Chris talk about why it can be beneficial to put quizzes at the top of your sales funnel, and how they can work to qualify the leads for your online course.

Interact is a software for making quizzes, just like the ones you see on Facebook. These quizzes are typically just for fun, like “What 90s TV character are you?” Chris and Josh talk about the numerous applications quizzes like these can have for course creators.

Quizzes are great for lead generation, because you can set up your quiz and then at the end of the quiz, they are asked to put in their email address in order to see the quiz results. And then you can segment your email list depending on which result somebody gets or how they answer the questions.

When Josh and his co-founder Matt started doing business online, they were web consultants, so they built websites, did marketing, SEO, and content. Their clients would only ask about how many new email subscribers they had, because that was the only metric they understood, as it was the modern day rolodex. This is where Josh and Matt got the idea to create Interact, and they have had 50,000 quizzes made on their platform. And the quizzes have been taken a quarter of a billion times.

Many online course creators offer free ebooks to people who subscribe to their email list at the top of their funnel. Ebooks have the disadvantage of not allowing you to personalize the content you deliver. Interact quizzes allow you to take a different sales approach or offer a different product to someone who answered your questions in a specific way. If you try to reach everyone with your product, you reach no one.

Quizzes let people talk about themselves, and when people do that they start to get very comfortable. They start to engage with your content, and they feel like they have a connection with the website, even though your quiz is scripted. Josh and Chris talk about how powerful this is for lead generation, because it creates a conversational feel.

Check out Interact at You can set up a free account to look at all the templates for quizzes.

If you prefer to build this type of quiz on your WordPress website, check out the WordPress Quiz plugin by AYS Pro Plugins.

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Episode Transcript

Chris Badgett: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of LMScast. My name is Chris Badgett, and I’m joined by a special guest, Josh Haynam from Interact. How’s it going, Josh?
Josh Haynam: I’m doing well. I’m doing well. Thanks for having me on.
Chris Badgett: Awesome. Awesome. I’m really excited for this interview because I know you’re going to add a lot of value to the course creators and membership site builders out there. I also have some selfish questions for myself as a software company CEO to ask you about your system, but before we really get into the questions, what is the Interact software? What does it do? What’s your elevator pitch?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, so Interact is a software for making quizzes just like the ones that you see on Facebook, so not for school, not for just fun. Somewhere in the middle, so you’d make something like, “What kind of coffee drink are you?” Or more specifically, in the course space, let’s say you’re selling to entrepreneurs, “What type of entrepreneur are you?” You’d make that quiz. It lives on your website. You use it as a Facebook ad. People have other social places for it.
When people take your quiz, they answer the questions of the quiz, and then at the end of the quiz they’re asked to put in their email address in order to see their quiz results, and then you can segment your email list depending on which result somebody gets or how they answer the questions. Drop that into your existing email marketing funnel, and use it as a way of generating leads. It’s a quiz builder, but it’s also a lead generation tool as well.
Chris Badgett: Super cool. Super cool, and that is a difference in terms because a lot of people listening to this have online courses or membership sites with courses, and they … like our software, LifterLMS, as an example has a really powerful quiz builder inside of it, so this is not a replacement for that. This is … like the LifterLMS quiz builder is for building quizzes, and tests, and assessments inside the actual course, but what you’re talking about is awesome for Interact because it’s at the top of the funnel.
This is before someone has … maybe hasn’t even heard about you yet or is just finding out about you. They’re not ready to buy your $2,000 course, or your $10,000 coaching package, or even just a simple $100 mini course. It’s more of a lead magnet. You’re collecting their email address, but while providing value and entertainment, so it’s super cool, and this is something I’ve been thinking about adding to LifterLMS myself. Before we get into some of the nitty-gritty, can you just tell us a little bit about how you got into this world?
Josh Haynam: Yeah. Yeah, so it’s a bit funny. I always say that it happened accidentally on purpose, and what I mean is that myself and Matt, who’s my co-founder, we used to be website consultants so we’d build websites, do marketing, SEO, content. Pretty much everything for small businesses, and those small businesses always only ask us about one metric, and that metric was how many new email subscribers they have gotten because that was something they understood. That was the modern day Rolodex. They knew, “If I got more people on my list, I can make more money, so all I care about for my website is how many people get on my list.”
We had that data point, and then one of our clients who was a sales consultant, he would sell sales training packages, asked us to make him a quiz called “What type of salesperson are you?” and use it as an email lead generating tool. It tied in to his Aweber list. We built it. It took us like three weeks to build, but it converted better than anything else we had done. Way better than these websites we built that we charged like $40,000 for just this one simple kind of dumb quiz that was just for fun or whatever, but it actually worked incredibly well, and that was in 2013.
Since then, we have built out an entire platform for making those quizzes, and now we’ve had 50,000 quizzes made on the platform that have been taken a quarter of a billion times, so we have gotten much larger since that one, but that was where it came from, just a fact that this worked so well compared to all the other things we tried for helping people build up a list.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome, and I’m glad you had such great clients. Back in our agency days, we had a lot of great clients as well, but it’s easy for clients to focus on like how it looks and their design preferences, but really, if you’re going to invest in a web platform, leads is really important like was the web design project worth it especially if it’s higher end? How are leads impacted? I love that you fell into it through that scenario and that issue.
Let’s take it down to the course creator. There’s really like three main niches out there: Business, health, relationships. Just give us some examples like what would a quiz be for … Let’s say if I have an entrepreneur course, you said, “What type of entrepreneur are you?” What are some other ones that you could do if you’re teaching somebody some kind of business skill just as an idea?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, so in the business space, there is a top three, and these top three have been used by some of the biggest names. Tony Robbins, Marie Forleo, just to name a couple. There’s a lot more that have all used our platform to make these exact quizzes. The top three are, “What type of business owner are you?” “What type of small business owner are you?” is another caveat on that if you want to stipulate a little bit more. “What type of entrepreneur are you?” and “What type of marketer are you?” Those three alone have generated well over a million leads from all the people that have used them because we have templates that people can duplicate, and those three templates, we can track the stats on everybody that use those templates generated over a million leads. Average conversion rate is north of 50% on those three.
They work incredibly well because you’re talking to the people in their language. “What type of business owner are you?” If I’m a small business owner, I’m curious like, “Am I the manager? Am I the overly stringent one? Am I the creative one?” “What type of entrepreneur are you?” “Am I the inventor? Am I the more analytical one? Which one am I?” “What type of marketer are you?” “Am I the social media marketer? Am I the blogger? Am I the speaker? Which one is my forte?” Those three have worked so well, and it’s nice because you don’t have to worry so much about making something that’s crazy, unique, or specific. Obviously, you can change the templates to make them more in your style, but it’s always coming back to those three exact ideas.
Chris Badgett: That’s beautiful. That’s awesome. If this sounds interesting to anybody listening, go ahead and head on over to There are some great examples and case studies. I actually see some of our customers on here, which is awesome. What about the health and fitness? Like we have a lot of people in various niches within health and fitness, but what do you see in there? I’d also just like to add. We also have a lot of people who are doing some kind of alternative health and fitness or doing something new that’s more experimental, really niche health and fitness type programs, and coaching, and courses.
Josh Haynam: Yeah, definitely.
Chris Badgett: What are some things that they can see?
Josh Haynam: Yeah. Definitely, definitely. There’s a few here as well. The top three are, number one, “What’s your body type?” because you can translate that into a lot of stuff. You can translate that over into health or into fitness. “What’s your workout style?” on the workout side, “What’s your eating style?” on the food side, and then just for fun, a lot of times, people will do some variation of “What type of vegetable are you?” or “What type of food are you?” “What should you eat for dinner?” Those all tie in to whatever kind of followups you have.
For example, with the body type one, if you have three outcomes to that, you can tie in the different body types to your workout plans, or to your dieting plans, or to your alternative eating plans. Whatever it is, and you can say, “Because you’re this type, this is the best plan for you or this is the best system for you,” which is a perfect way to get people into the right spot at the right time.
Chris Badgett: Yeah, that’s awesome. Now that you’re saying that, it makes me realize that people can use this not just for lead generation, but also for personalization, which is a big term in the e-learning space. If you’re teaching a lesson on some kind of health issue and let’s say we’re talking about ayurvedic medicine and you have the pitta, the vata, and the kapha body types, you may have a lesson about something. But then, the next action step might be different based on the three, which you figured out through the quiz, which is really cool, which is really cool.
I want to ask you. How do beginners think about this stuff like I’m not even that good at it myself, this whole conditional logic like, “Okay. If it’s this and the …” How do you figure out … I know you have some templates, which is cool, but if you’re trying to figure out how this works and you want to map it out on a whiteboard, do you start at the end and work backwards, or do you start at the beginning and work forwards? How do you help people think through this kind of conditional logic?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, definitely. Most of these are personality type quizzes even if it’s not directly a personality like, “What’s your body type?” It’s not necessarily a personality, but it goes into the same scoring system. Let’s say you have the three different outcomes. You have three different outcomes, three different workout styles, for example. You start with the three styles, and then when you’re writing your questions, your questions are basically a way of figuring out which style somebody is, so you write a question.
Let’s say your first question is, “Do you do cardio?” and you have three answer choices, “Yes,” “No,” and, “Sometimes.” “Yes” correlates to one of your outcomes, “No” correlates to another one, and “Sometimes” correlates to the third. Usually, what you do is as you’re writing questions, you write one answer choice that represents each out of your outcomes, which is why you make the outcomes first. Then, you write seven questions, which is the minimum amount that you need in order to make an accurate quiz, and each question has one answer choice that represents each of the outcomes. They correlate to that outcome.
So then, as I’m going through this quiz and I’m answering the questions, I’m getting correlations to different outcomes, and then you can choose to either show just the top one or you can show people a list of, “This is your number one, your number two, your number three, your number four.” You can have either of those options set up.
Chris Badgett: Oh, that’s super cool. That’s super cool. That reminds me of like [inaudible 00:11:44] where you might want to see like, “Oh, I’m the strongest at delegation, but then I’m also good at research or whatever.”
Josh Haynam: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Chris Badgett: Yeah, that’s super cool, super cool. I also think it’s really interesting how I know when I just … I’m very observant of like my experience when I’m like experiencing software content or whatever, and I like watching other people on how they react and stuff. Whenever I come across a quiz like you can get with Interact, I almost tend to be like … The first question in my mind is, “All right. Is this worth my time?” The second thing is, “This is going to be fun. I should just go ahead, and do it, and see what type of vegetable I am.”
Then, I also so consciously or consciously know that it’s not going to be a huge time commitment like it’s going to be quick. I’m going to get through it. Yeah, I’m probably going to have to give my email address if I want to get my answer or whatever, or maybe I want to brag about it and share it to social media or whatever. I’m saying all that. I’m just uncovering my internal process so that … just to contrast that with the investment of another top-of-the-funnel type lead generation tool like an e-book. Let’s say it’s a big e-book like 50 pages or 100 pages. That’s such a bigger investment, so how do you see like what … like if we look at lead generation and putting something at the top of the funnel, where does this sit, and what makes it unique as the method?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sits at the top of the funnel just like an e-book. I think the thing that really differentiates it is that an e-book can help you. I’m not saying that e-books are not helpful. There’s a lot of really good stuff that can be done, and it needs to be done through longer form content. However, a quiz has the promise of helping you based on who you actually are and the unique challenges that you were facing, which are different from everyone else’s challenges.
I think in any sort of business, especially if you’re selling in the health space or if you’re selling to business owners, those people are very much of the persuasion that their situation is different than everyone else’s, and a lot of times, it is. A quiz, by figuring out what type of business owner you are or what type of workout is best for who you are and your lifestyle, is giving you an outcome that’s unique to your situation rather than an e-book where you’re guessing and you’re giving everybody the same information.
When you guess and give everybody the same information, you purposely have to leave the concepts broad because if you go too specific, you’re just ruling out most of the people when you write that e-book. You’re writing an e-book for 10% of your audience. With a quiz, you could just write 10 outcomes. Each of the outcomes is only written for 10% of the audience, but it’s written directly to them. Now, all of a sudden, not only is it shorter because you don’t have to have all this information that’s not relevant to that person, but it’s also perfectly positioned for the situation that individual is in, and that’s so much more powerful than when you guess or when you write something that’s super vague so that you try to reach everybody at the same time.
What we always say with quizzes is if you try to reach everybody, you reach no one. If you try to reach a very small group of people, you will reach them perfectly, and you’ll speak their language, and that’s going to be so much more powerful than the broad approach.
Chris Badgett: Very cool. Very cool, and let’s take it to another huge niche. I’ll give you the choice of either dating … The niche is relationships, so either dating or parenting of which we both at LifterLMS have a lot of people teaching in those areas. What kind of quiz could they be?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah. Go with parenting because we have a semi-controversial quiz in the parenting space. It’s “What type of parent are you?” and it’s adapted from the university study, which is where the template that we created for this specific area came from. We created this template. People use it. It got incredibly popular. It’s been taken over 2 million times across the people that have replicated this template, but it’s controversial because there are certain outcomes on it that are not super positive like it’s just not telling you you’re the greatest parent, and it’s because of the way you answered the questions, but still causes some issues.
However, because it causes those issues, it gets talked about a lot, and the people that take that quiz and put it on their blog or put it on their Facebook page have told us they got more engagement from that quiz than everything else they’ve ever done combined, which is pretty insane, and the fact that they didn’t actually have to write it themselves, it makes it even more insane because all you had to do was copy it and put it on your site.
In that space, “What type of parent are you?” is pretty much the go-to, and you can do all sorts of variations of it like, “Which celebrity matches your parenting style?” is one that we have seen. “What type of New York City parent are you?” You can adapt it to the city that you focus on, so that kind of thing. “What type of homeschool parent are you?” if you’re adapting it for homeschool parents. There’s a lot of variations of that, but that one always causes controversy and is always extremely popular.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. I think I heard you mention at one point somewhere or maybe I’ll just ask it to you this way. Because you have access to so much data, what do you find in the data? Like I know you were saying this parenting one is really popular, but what is really working well for lead generation with this or what … What’s working, or what surprises have you found in the data of how all this works?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah. There’s a couple of like really overarching themes, and there are some things that go within those. What works is really that quizzes let people talk about themselves, and there’s a really powerful thing that happens when people start to express themselves. They get comfortable. They start to get into the content that they’re engaging with. They start to feel like they have a connection with the website that made this quiz even though it’s just a scripted thing, and that’s the biggest thing that actually leads to lead generation.
It’s a roundabout way of thinking about it, but if you imagine somebody walks into a store and the person behind the counter is really friendly and makes them feel comfortable, they feel like they have a connection, and then the person behind the counter is like, “Hey, here are some coffee beans that I think are the best fit for you based on our conversation,” of course, you’re going to buy them, and that’s what you can do with a quiz.
What that actually looks like when you’re writing the quiz is that you want to use a lot of personal pronouns so I, you, we, me. When you’re asking somebody a question, “How do you feel about X? How do you think about X? What do you think about X? How would you feel if X happened to you?” That kind of stuff where it’s very much as if you are having a conversation with a friend and you’re just asking them these questions.
Then, if you put enough of those together, and again, we recommend seven questions, put seven of those questions together, by the time you get to the email capture, they’re already sold. They’re already sold on the idea of you and this quiz, and all you have to do is make that email capture relevant to what you’re already talking about. If it’s “What type of business owner are you?”, the email capture page says, “Enter your email to see what type of business owner you are, and we’ll send you some personalize followups to help you improve as a business owner based on your unique personality.”
Then, it’s just a shoo-in from there because not only are they comfortable talking to you about this, but they know that you know some things about them, and you’re going to be able to send them personalized followups that are relevant and actually helpful, and help them improve as a business owner, and that’s really the key to it is getting people to open up and talk about themselves, and all you have to do is say, “Hey, we can keep this going. You just got to put in your email.”
Chris Badgett: That is super cool, super cool, and I think it’s … With lead generation, there’s this whole issue of qualifying the lead. If you have a … Let’s go controversial. “What type of homeschooling parent are you?” and you have a course for homeschooling moms, and your style and your teaching style is really designed for the supersensitive attachment parenting type person, maybe you can … especially if you’re also building a community and a coaching program in tandem with just your course content, you could use that quiz to really qualify the lead and say, “If you took the quiz and you came up as this type of parent, you’re really the best fit for this program.” If there’s a type in there that you maybe had trouble with in the past, maybe you’ll be like, “If you’re this type, you may not be the best fit. In fact, you might like this other thing better,” or something like that.
Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah. If you’re using an email marketing system, you can actually just filter them out using our quiz. You could say, “If you’re the right type of parent, you go on our regular newsletter. If you’re the wrong type of parent, maybe we just don’t put you on a newsletter at all or we put you on another list that’s called ‘Wrong Fit.’” You can really filter people out ahead of time and say, “We only want to work with this type of parent. We’re only going to put them on our regular mailings or on our regular followups, our regular funnel. Everybody else, we’re going to move off to a different area so we’re not wasting time following up with them, and they’re not the right fit anyway, so we don’t want to have them in our regular rotation.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome, and I’m looking at your integrations, and again, this is over at You’ve got HubSpot, Marketo, ConvertKit, Infusionsoft, Ontraport, ActiveCampaign, Drip, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Aweber, Constant Contact, and more, so are you saying … Like for example, I’m an ActiveCampaign user. A lot of LifterLMS people use ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, Drip, Infusionsoft. Can you do more than just get the name and email address? Can you get them like based on their result?
Josh Haynam: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, so based on the result. In ActiveCampaign, you can put them on to a different sequence depending on which result they got. They can actually get into the questions, so if one of your questions is, “How many kids do you have?” and you want to send people a different sequence if they have one kid versus five or more, then you can say, “If they answer one, put them on this sequence. If they answer five or more, put them on a different sequence.” You can filter out depending on all the data.
Chris Badgett: Wow, I’m really, really excited about this. I can’t wait to play with it. I noticed in your case studies or I think it was case studies that you have a bunch of universities like Harvard, UCLA, and there’s more. How are universities using it? Are they doing lead gen, or is there something … Are they doing it for something else?
Josh Haynam: Yes, some are both. Universities will do it for lead gen. They’ll do what type of major is best for you or what career is best for you, and they’ll use that as a way of saying, “Hey, you should check out our business school, or our medical school, or our fine arts school,” or whatever it is, right? They can filter you to the right school and also get your email. So then, they can put you on there rotational and send you followups and stuff like that, so that’s one way.
Another way is for research and stuff like that, so Harvard Medical Lab will use Interact to make quizzes gathering data, and then they’ll publish the results in journals and stuff like that, so they’ll say, “What do you think about this concept?” They’ll do it as almost a poll or a survey, but it’s through a quiz, so it’s a little bit more fun, more interactive, and gets people to actually answer and stop thinking so much about it. So then, they give them much more accurate results, so they’ll use it as a way of gathering data as well.
Chris Badgett: That’s cool. I love that research component whether you’re … I could totally see a lot of examples in my mind for that like collecting issues or data around sleep, or nutrition, or stress levels. There are so many different ways you could use it, especially as a course creator or membership site owner. If you’re an expert in something, it’s always good to sharpen the saw. Why not use a quiz to get more data out there? Target the people that you target on Facebook, and not just getting leads, but just getting data from the right people. That’s super cool. I never even thought about that.
Josh Haynam: Yeah, and because it’s a quiz, people are … Like I said, they give the actual answer that they think instead of a survey where you know it’s a survey. They’re going to try to figure out like, “What should I put on here?” because it’s so obvious, but with a quiz, you’re answering a question. You don’t think twice about it. You want the result to be accurate, so you’re going to give your actual answer.
It’s funny because I’ve been doing this for five years, and then one of my co-workers will send me a quiz that I think is really cool, and I’m like, “Oh, shoot. I got to think about this and make sure I put in what I actually believe or what my actual answer is so that I can see my real outcome.” It’s a thing that draws out the real answers from people rather than just what they think they should be putting in.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. I want to ask you about the shareability component, or if I get an answer, and let’s say it turns out I’m a watermelon, and I really want to share that to social media, is there a way to do that?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah.
Chris Badgett: How does the result arrive after I enter my email address? Is it on the screen?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah, so it’s right on the screen like right after you put in your email so you don’t have to wait or anything. Then, there’s buttons to share your result, so you could share, “I got watermelon. What kind of vegetable are you?” I don’t even know if watermelons are vegetable or fruit. That’s sad. “What kind of fruit are you?” “What kind of melon are you?” if you’re going specific there. So then, it will also share a picture of watermelon, and that’s what you’ll share out on to Facebook. That way, it shares your specific result, which is obviously what people want to be sharing. Usually, when people write these quizzes, they make the results very positive and flattering so that it makes you look like a cool person because you’re a watermelon, and that is another little trick that you can do to get people to share the results.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. If you have like a yoga course and the top of the funnel has like, “How flexible are you currently?” Quiz …
Josh Haynam: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Chris Badgett: I like that, and you can answer the questions and be like, “Okay. I’m not too bad for being whatever age I am or whatever,” and I might want to share that to social media, and that’s going to make my friends curious, which is going to get more people looking at my yoga course.
Josh Haynam: Yup.
Chris Badgett: That’s super cool. I love that kind of viral loop concept. How does it work with mobile versus the website or Facebook? Can I take the quiz on Facebook or it’s always on my site? They can share the results to Facebook. How does all that work in terms of putting it on your site?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah. It’s usually on your site. You can also just use the quiz as its own landing page, so you could just have …
Chris Badgett: Like on your software?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, just a full-screen quiz that people can take. Either way, it works on mobile. No matter what you do, it’s going to take you away from Facebook. You can’t have these on Facebook. There’s no possibilities for that, but whether it opens up in a full-screen or on your site, half of our traffic is from mobile, and like I said, we’ve done a quarter billion, so it’s a lot of people that have taken them on their phones, and it’s very mobile-friendly. You go through the questions. It’s just shrunk down to fit the screen, and then you’ll still be able to put in your email, and see your results, and everything like that, and then share from mobile as well, so the whole experience works really well on phones.
Chris Badgett: That’s cool. Now, selfishly, I need to ask you how to use this for software companies, and I have one in mind like one quiz, but either maybe go with that as an example or if you have a better one. The example I have is we have a software that is a freemium model, so there’s like … and then add-on, and then there’s bundles. Basically, there’s like three results which … and that’s a question people have, and they do a lot of research when they’re selecting course and membership site software.
Then, once they figure out, they want to go with like ours, LifterLMS. They’re like, “Okay. Now, which product do I need? Do I just need the free thing? Do I just need like this one add-on, or do I need the infinity bundle that has everything in it, or do I need to white-glove done-for-you setups … like these different options?”
Josh Haynam: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Chris Badgett: I guess that’s not super entertaining. It’s more boring of like, “Which product should I buy?” That’s like one that comes to mind, but maybe speak to that and then also if you have any other ideas for like software companies that you’ve seen use this tool.
Josh Haynam: Yeah. Certainly, certainly. That one would be a little further down the line. You’d probably have that on your pricing page where people are already on the site, they’re already interested, or maybe even on your homepage like, “Which plan is right for you?” We’ve seen that done with a lot of good success, both in the software space, and then one of our clients is HelloFresh that delivers those meals. They have one “Which plan is right for you?” as well. A very effective way to get people into the right plan.
Now, at the top of your funnel, that’s not going to work. No one cares. They’re not going to click on that from Facebook, but what you can do, especially with a course creation software is say, “What type of course creator are you?” as a personality quiz, and that does …
Chris Badgett: Let me just add there. I just want to say I already have five personalities there.
Josh Haynam: Yup.
Chris Badgett: Just to give you some examples to work with, and basically, it’s more of a strength scenario.
Josh Haynam: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Chris Badgett: Course creators have … It’s an interesting challenge because to be successful, you need to have these five different skills, or bring people, or outsource some components. One is being a teacher, one is being an entrepreneur, one is being a technologist, one is being like an instructional designer, and then one is just being an expert like knowing how to be an expert in what you do, and people are usually strong in one of those or have different levels.
Josh Haynam: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Chris Badgett: I could see that being really helpful to people.
Josh Haynam: Yeah.
Chris Badgett: Yeah.
Josh Haynam: Yeah, there’s two ways you can go with the title on that. We have a template that is just, “What’s your biggest strength?” and that always does well because everybody wants to know. The other one you could do is, “What type of course creator you are?” and then tie that back in to, “You’re the writer. You’re the analytical person.” Whatever it is, your biggest strength, “You’re the teacher,” right, and have that be the outcome.
If you’re looking to get more specific, you go, “What type of course creator are you?” If you’re getting more broad, “What’s your biggest strength?” Either way, you filter into one of those five outcomes, and then use that as a way to tie in to your system like, “Hey, you should get your course running. If you’re a teacher, we have this great package for you. Click here to check it out.” Right? So then, it ties right in to all your stuff. You can segment your ActiveCampaign. You can have five different followups for the teachers versus everybody else and have five different campaigns going, and then filter people into one of those, have all those followups set up, and then all of a sudden, you’re doing personalized marketing.
Chris Badgett: Wow, that’s beautiful, and if I want to do something that potentially had more just fun fact or virality, let’s say I could ask questions where … “Which movie stars are most like you like as a teacher like Dead Poets Society, Robin Williams, or whoever? “Just pick these famous teachers from movies, and that would be more like way top of the funnel. Let’s just get some entertainment going on, right?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, yeah. “Which movie teacher are you?” We’ve seen that one done before in this space actually. I don’t remember who it was, but yeah, they did something like that, and then they tied it in like, “Hey, you’re this teacher. You should share your skills with the world. Click here to check out what we have for teachers,” and then that leads to a teacher-specific page or followup.
Chris Badgett: That is super cool, super cool. If somebody wants to try this out, how do you recommend they start?
Josh Haynam: Yeah, so I recommend playing around with our templates first. You can either do that just on our website. There’s a link to the templates, or you can set up a free account with us and access all the templates that way. You have to upgrade in order to do lead generation, but you can at least see how the templates are set up. That’s the easiest entry point because it helps relate this back to what you’re actually doing depending on what kind of business you run. You can see what other people are already doing, which is where the templates come from, so that’s the best way to get started with that.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome, and that’s over at Josh, I want to really thank you for coming on the show. This has been like a really goldmine of information in terms of creating something that not a lot of people are doing. I know you have a lot of these quizzes and a lot of people have experienced these, but I still think this is early days for people using this technology for putting stuff, lead generation, and top of the funnel. It’s obvious that you really know your craft, have done a bunch of research, worked with a lot of clients and great companies, and have seen what works in the data, so I really enjoyed this conversation. Where else can people find you besides
Josh Haynam: Yeah. Usually, for all my professional stuff, I use LinkedIn. I just find it easiest. You can search for Josh Haynam. I’m the only one on there. I’m the only one in the world, so you will find me, and you can follow my stuff there. I share articles and thoughts on things. All sorts of stuff. Not just about quizzes, but about marketing, and business, and the whole business journey in general.
Chris Badgett: Awesome. Well, thank you, Josh, for coming on the show, and for you listening out there, go try Interact at

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