How to Get More Leads and Students through Sales Conversations with Jasmine Powers

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Chris Badgett of LifterLMS talks about how to get more leads and students through sales conversations with Jasmine Powers in this episode of LMScast. Jasmine and Chris discuss sales, marketing, and audience building for course creators and membership site owners.

Sales conversations can be unpleasant, but they don’t have to feel forced. Sales can actually be a lot of fun if you sell in the right way and focus on providing a service to another person, rather than focusing on the bottom line. Having one-on-one communication with your customers when selling is important, because in recent years automation and auto-responders have taken a lot of the personal touch out of sales.

Chris and Jasmine discuss the value behind offering multiple packages with your product or service. Jasmine offers a few packages at different price points for her sales and marketing business. In the world of online courses, it is often useful to offer a course and then have a higher price point set for personal consulting and/or a mastermind group.

If you have a free product with your offers, you can ask the customer which package is right for them. So if they are not ready to purchase something, then they can get your free package, and then they can learn more about what you’re teaching and maybe purchase one of your paid packages in the future.

Jasmine talks about how important it is to figure out what your customers’ needs are and what they ultimately are trying to accomplish and how your products or services can help get them there. Chris and Jasmine talk about following up with customers and how you can do that in a way that is not pushy or rude by focusing on adding value to their lives.

Setting boundaries when hosting a webinar and giving away information is important, because you don’t want to give away too much information, and you want to be in control of the dynamic on a live call. Clearly defining what the services you offer provide is important so that when you are interacting with customers you are always in control of the sale. It also enables you to portray a level of confidence and surety.

Learn more about Jasmine Powers at, and you can find her on Facebook at JasminePowersDotCom.

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Episode Transcript

Chris Badgett: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of LMScast. My name is Chris Badgett, and I’m joined by Jasmine Powers, coming to you from New Orleans, Louisiana. Jasmine and I first met a while ago, actually through my business partner, Thomas. They met at a WordCamp in Los Angeles, and I’ve had some great conversations with Jasmine over the years about sales and marketing and courses and membership sites and audience building.
I’m really excited to get into a conversation with her about sales conversations and marketing in general, and just this whole expert industry. But first, Jasmine, thank you for coming on the show.
Jasmine Powers: Thanks so much for having me, Chris.
Chris Badgett: If you guys want to check out Jasmine as we get into this call, just check out her main website at The audience here, Jasmine, we’ve got a lot of course creators, membership site owners, or people who want to get into that, and I always like to say it’s really … it’s challenging, because you have to wear five different hats to really do this whole thing well, or at least your team.
A lot of us are doing this solo, but some people have a team and you need to have all these skills either in yourself or in your team or outsource some of it, and those that I described are being an expert which most people have. Then you have to be an instructional designer, someone who can create content and organized and teach. You have to be a community builder. You have to be a technologist and you have to be an entrepreneur, so there’s these, all of these very different skills that for an online course or membership site to be successful that someone needs to have.
One of the things I see people struggling with as course creators, and membership site builders, and people with digital products, is they’re really passionate. They can create the thing, but sometimes they struggle especially in the beginning when they’re first launching on selling. Can you talk to us a little bit about sales conversations and instead of just doing the content funnel and automating everything, what are your ideas on that topic in terms of how people can look at selling in a different way?
Jasmine Powers: All right. So I think the first problem with sales and that whole idea of sales conversations is we have these experiences with salesmen where we felt very uncomfortable, forced. If you’ve ever been to a Mary Kay Party or know somebody who sells Avon. Sometimes their sales strategy is very pushy and just get away from me. When we think about actually selling or making calls or otherwise trying so that people know our value and that they should purchase our products or courses.
We immediately assume that people will feel the same way that we do when we’re in a pushy situation. I think that’s one problem. The other problem is I think that marketing. Around about circa 2008-2009, social was the big thing. It promised to almost replace the need for these real conversations with people, and immediately you put something on social and everybody buys.
That’s not the case, salesmen and sales calls and cold calling and all of that still exist and people are still having success with those things, so for me, unless we’re selling high end courses, we do need to start having conversations with people, real ones, not pushy ones, and I found that having the sales conversations made a world of difference in me enrolling people into my courses and memberships.
I definitely think that it’s an important step especially if you’re selling something that’s not automated funnel in ClickFunnels. Especially if you’re not using all of that heavy stuff or maybe in an addition to the automation. You need to add a level of one on one communication.
Chris Badgett: I love that. I think it’s a very classic notion that the pushy salesperson. Nobody likes that experience but that doesn’t mean that all conversations in the sales process are like that. So especially experts who don’t necessarily have a lot of experience marketing or selling. It can feel like, oh, I don’t want to do that, I don’t want to be a salesperson.
Sales conversation doesn’t have to be unpleasant or forced. It can be a lot of fun actually, and it’s actually, to sell is just to be in service to another human being, make sure they’re a good fit, and everybody walks away with, a winner. That’s what sales is really all about. I really like how you highlighted 2008. That’s really when the information product business on the Internet, and this whole online automation, email marketing, and auto-responders and all this stuff really started to take off.
I think you’re absolutely correct that we sometimes drink the Kool-Aid, or we get lost in these automation tools and forget about this critical selling piece. What is, if somebody is like okay this sounds cool. What is a simple strategy for an online course creator to do to create sales conversations and when they have those, what do they actually look like?
Jasmine Powers: One of the easiest ways to starting sales conversations is really via inbox message. A friend told me when I was struggling with sales, and I was like I can’t get anybody enrolled. I can’t get anybody on my consulting. What should I do? She said well, first off, get into some other communities. Be a part of another community, post great stuff, comment on other people’s things, and then friend, do a friend request, so I’m talking primarily using Facebook. Do a friend request and of course you’re already posting great content on your own wall. When they see that, shoot them an inbox message and try to book a meeting.
I was like okay. I already inboxed friends and things before, but this time it was warmed up conversation because they’ve already engaged with me and have some value, just as my Facebook friend. But with the addition of the great content that they’ve liked or commented on. You warmed up the opportunity for you to shoot an inbox message and say “Hey, I want to be doing a webinar tonight. I’d love for you to get involved and maybe when you have a free moment, I’d love to chat with you about your goals and what you’re promoting this year.”
I’m a marketing consultant so of course my theme is going to be geared toward sales and marketing and helping people with that, so I’ll say something like that. They usually always oblige and I get on a sales call and what I used to do was, been trying to solve their problems on the call, and I wasn’t converting. I’d answer all their questions on the call. I was basically like consulting during the sales call, but once I switched to doing more of a discovery call where I asked the questions. It gained me a lot of vital information so then I could propose my solution.
After I find out what they’re doing, what their goals are, what their next level looks like, get a big picture overview of what they want to accomplish and the transformation they’d like to see in their life, then I can say well great goals, I definitely think that you can accomplish this. So let me tell you about how I work with people. I work with people in three different ways. A one on one consulting where we work together for a period of six weeks. We do weekly calls.
They’re a one hour a week, record them on Zoom, so you have it to use for later reference, and we primarily cover messaging, content marketing strategy. And whatever their goal is. I have this online course where I have a self-study version of the online course where you just watch the videos and you study at your own pace, it’s really not a lot of engagement, but if you, it’s a cost effective option.
The option that I recommend for you is this particular course because it has a combination of the online course component but you get access to me and group members, and you can ask questions, and then at the end of that, I usually say which option works for you. Some people are like I want the self-study version, so okay, course sold.
Some people are saying okay, I like the middle option. I would like to get the course but have the opportunity to talk to you and interface with other community members, okay, course sold. Or the third option is VIP which they still get access to the course and gain consulting, so there’s really not an opportunity for them to say no. I give some options.
Sometimes if they say no, of course then they’ll go into and turn people into some type of what do you call that. I can’t think of the word. Like HubSpot or something, HubSpot CRM, follow up with them in a week or a month or something and then hopefully you could sell again at a later time, but what I really found transformative was really making the sales call really less about me, the pitching how wonderful my courses, and how they need to buy it.
But really finding out more about them and then trying to fit my product into what they really ultimately need, and by doing that. I found and I was able to convert much, much, much better in day and feel like pressure because if you really want this and you know that this particular solution is going to work for you, you buy it. I never want to push people but I do followup with them and some of the ways I’ll follow up with them is sending articles that I’ve written since our last conversation say I thought about you when I wrote this.
Here, check this out. Let me know when you want to catch up, and then you can sell later. That’s really the cut and dry version of what a sales call looks like for me.
Chris Badgett: That’s beautiful. Well, I want to unpack that a little bit and I’m going to go in reverse order of what you were just talking about. The last thing you talked about was the followup and if you’re worried about being a pushy salesperson, you just don’t be a pushy salesperson. It’s that simple. Like you said when you followup, you’re adding value. You’re not just calling and saying are you ready to buy it? You’re saying like hey I was thinking about you, and your problems, and your goals, and I think you might like this article, or I thought of this video, or whatever it is.
Always adding value every step of the way is key. One of the cool things that you talked about that was very clearly laid out is a model for experts to use. I call it the 3Ds, where it’s do it yourself, that’s the online course, the done with you, that middle option, and then the done for you which is like the consulting option. Those aren’t, not every offer fits perfectly in those boxes, but when you have a spread like that, like the do it yourself option.
I recommend at least like the do it yourself option and then the consulting, more high touch, more expensive option and then you can put a middle option in there, but when you have a spread of offers like that. It really helps when you are qualifying that person and learning about their goals. You’re figuring out, okay, where do they fit, which is the right package for them, what can they afford, what do they most need.
That goes back to your ties into what you were saying before that which was having those sales conversations, doing a lot of listening, asking a lot of questions, what are your goals, and finding that information out, so that you can direct them into the appropriate offer. Makes a lot of sense. That’s what really quality marketing and sales is all about. It’s just seeing what fits where, and helping people unpack their problems, understand their problems, understand the solutions that are out there, and the different options they have that they may or may not be aware about.
I just want to go back in time a little further to what you said before that, which is a common thing for new person in sales especially if they’re getting into sales conversations as an expert is to let that 15 minute call or even hour call to transgress into free consulting, and the economics get a little messed up, or the relationship gets a little bit messed up.
It’s always good, I believe in consultative sales, but it’s very easy for a beginner or someone who’s just really passionate about their subject, and a really giving personality to end up doing a lot of consulting for free on sales call, which if you’re a giver, you really want to give as much as you can, but sometimes it can mess up the expectations or set the relationship off in a not the best path, with the economics are aligned and so on. What other advice do you have, Jasmine, about sales conversation versus getting into consulting for free?
Jasmine Powers: I think you’re right. Definitely consultative sales work, but I think it’s a lot easier to do a consultative sales process if it’s not information that you’re selling. For example, with LifterLMS, if you are talking to someone like they don’t actually get LifterLMS in the sales call. They’re still going to have to buy into in order to get that solution and so talking about how to use it, how to upload your videos, or the better content breakdown and instructional design.
They get information that’s useful, but they don’t get the solution. With information marketer, what they struggle is a lot of times in the conversation they’re giving the part that they need to sell, so I think that the only way to really balance adding value is to share, maybe share tips, or a couple of resources, but don’t necessarily give the answer to the question.
You can say something like you know what I know exactly what would work for you and we cover in our course, or when you get a chance, as we start to work together on our third call, we go over building your online course and I have a five step process that I really think will be helpful for you but you don’t give the five steps on the call, or if you say the five steps you don’t go into extreme detail and give it all away, because there has to be some type of barrier.
So that there’s a reason to pay. People love free information and they’ll take it, and then go sell it to their community, so you have to create some boundaries and editing of yourself especially if you’re a natural giver, so that you really present your products and services as the solution and not that first discovery call.
Chris Badgett: I love that. I think the boundaries word is critical. Really what that boundary is from my perspective is knowing what your offer is. What is your offer, like what is the paid premium offer, and there’s this whole conversation that goes before that you cross the boundary, there’s a simply framework called I don’t know what it’s called, but I think it’s about buyer awareness or something.
At the first, they’re unaware and then they’re problem aware, which is when really when a sales conversation I think makes sense. If they’re unaware maybe they come across your content or something but once they’re problem aware, and know they have a problem or a goal they want to achieve, then they’re problem aware, and then they find out about you or they find about the solutions out there that are could help with their problem.
Once they find out about the solution in general then they become product aware where they’re like aware of what it is you specifically offer, but in that journey to becoming product aware. There’s so much you can talk about and consult with somebody on a 15 minute call, or in a short email that you can help add value in advance before you get to that boundary that you talked about where they’re getting into the actual offer.
Jasmine Powers: Yeah. Absolutely.
Chris Badgett: What do you think, you mentioned Facebook, you mentioned some emails and getting involved in social media which I totally agree. I personally, I’m in probably 200 Facebook groups. I don’t get in there every day, I don’t just drop links to my stuff. I will if it’s relevant and it’s okay with whatever the topic is with the specific group.
I’m always going in there with that consulted sales conversation mindset of like if I’m in a group about membership sites, and somebody is like well, the microphones that I use, I just share my microphone that I like, I don’t say anything about list or anything but I just try to help people. Over time you really build some influence that way. Can you tell us about your experience in more detail in the groups or on social?
Jasmine Powers: Yeah, so with social, number one I’m obsessed. I’m on there all the time. But I think where people go wrong with social and especially groups is that you do make it very self centered and focused on their solution rather than what other people might need. If you’re on a group to sell, don’t be obvious. Don’t be all going there like I have this event to promote, I have this course to promote. Don’t approach it that way.
Their opportunity is right there when people are doing their regular posting and asking questions for you to merely comment and answer their questions or make recommendations. If they want help or more help, they typically will ask for it, or you can gently say I’d love to talk more about it if you’re free, just shoot me an inbox message, so that it’s still up to them and not pushy, and things like that.
The other thing is you can share thought leadership content in groups so I’m in a group called brand build and launch, and this is for e-commerce store owners. Since a lot of them are not doing SEO, one day I just came in and say I know you guys are focused on ads, and Facebook ads, but let me introduce you to the tool, Google search console tool, and I did a video on how to setup search console.
And that particular post was useful, it wasn’t promotional because I wasn’t promoting that I was setting up search console but what it eventually led to was me being able to do some consulting around that so just add value but add value for adding value sake and not because you’re like I got to sell 100 courses today. Because it comes off as desperate and pushy, and some group admins will delete you.
Definitely if you’re going to do it, I just say be a friend, add value, and the opportunity will come. Then if people tag you in things, this happens to me a lot, people tag me because they see me on social media and sharing videos all the time. Respond to the tag. It’s really simple, but people won’t respond to the tag, they won’t inbox, and further the conversation and they’ll be very passive about getting clients, and I think it requires a little bit of assertiveness to say yes, I provide the solution. I’d love to talk to you and you send them.
I use Acuity, and you use Calendly, so whatever your booking tool is, send it to them, have it ready, and let the person book a conversation, and you get on, you sell to the person, you have a client, or invoke in your course, especially if it deals directly to the person’s problem. So I think it’s just a matter of really being a giver, and really thinking about how can I truly serve these people.
I know some people are a lot more aggressive, I don’t like that style, but posting great content and responding when you see people with those questions has always been extremely helpful for me.
Chris Badgett: Yeah. That’s beautiful and I think it’s a real skillset to develop the live call. It’s almost like a lost art in the Internet these days, like you mentioned since 2008, but I’ve over the years tried as much as I can to make myself accessible to 15 minute calls with anybody in the world about who have questions, about Lifter, building their course, membership site, marketing questions, whatever it is.
I do a lot of those. But you can also time box it. It doesn’t have to take over your life. I think that’s a worry some people have. Their calendar is going to get overrun, but you can have a two hour block, one day a week, and another two hour block, another day a week, and when I do that, it fills up. It’s always, it fills up, but it doesn’t expand outside of the boundaries.
Sometimes people say like “Hey, you don’t have any openings until March.” I’m like “I’m sorry, I’m booked up.” But then I opened up like a group situation where I’ll do some webinars which are more scalable and so on, but the 15 minute call is a challenge especially for the newer person because what ends up happening when you start talking and adding value and showing interest in this person and what they’re trying to do or what their problems are, they get really excited which is good, but they tend to go right over the 15 minute and just keep going.
It is a skillset to develop if you are going to do, open yourself up to this kind of engagement, and sales conversation to kind of … What I like to do is when I start the call, I like to set the expectation of like okay, here’s what we’re going to do. Here’s what I’m going to talk about and try to do for you today. We have 15 minutes. I’ve got it so much down to a science that I actually have an alarm on my phone that goes off, not to be annoying, but just so that I know like all right I got to go, because I got another one of these starting right up, because I time block it.
I don’t know what, and if we look at that whole issue of unaware, problem aware, solution aware, product aware, I might be having a sales conversation with someone who’s just at the problem level. For example, in the online course world. I talk to a lot of speakers who are like I travel, I live on planes, I live on hotels, I miss my family.
I want to figure out this whole Internet online course thing, and deliver my content, and develop online programs. They’re solution aware but they’re in between problem aware and solution aware. There’s a lot we can talk about that has nothing to do with the actual offer that we offer, and just add a lot of value and help them think through the options, which is good.
What other advice do you have for a sales conversations, if people get it going, start adding value, maybe invite people like hey I’d be glad to talk about this problem you’re having or this solution you’re looking for in a 15 minute call. How should they approach that call?
Jasmine Powers: I think the framing is good. When you said to be coming to the call and you set the expectation, that’s definitely a good way for set the tone for what’s going to happen but I would recommend, I think the book is called this is how you pitch, I think. Pitch anything. The titles are very close. One of them is about PR, the other one is about sales pitches, and in the book is he talked about really assuming an alpha role in a sales situation and what will happen and what you will encounter is a person who is very type A, who’s like I’m going to take control of the call.
What ends up happening typically is you’re trying to pool whether or not you’re worthy to work with them, and I hate that energy. It just feels yucky, because I’m a professional, I know myself, I’m not going to beg you or try to prove that I’m worth working with. If you want to work with me, you do, and if you don’t, you don’t.
I think it’s important to make sure you set the tone even if the person has that personalities, make sure you’re the one asking the questions. They’re going to ask questions but make sure that’s after you’ve already established that you’re the right person for their job. Because a lot of times, I think clients don’t know how to qualify a service provider and so they’ll ask you a bunch of stuff that really isn’t relevant to actually whether you can do the job, so you just fix that up by saying, doing what I said earlier is you ask them relevant questions to their project or the problem or whatever the goal that it is that they have.
By doing that, you actually establish your authority on it because you’re asking very well thought out questions. If they have questions that make you uncomfortable or you don’t know the answer to, just admit it. I don’t know that or I don’t use that tool. I had a guy who wanted to, needed a video and I don’t do video editing, but this is what I do do. Don’t ever lose your stance, whatever show up as insecure or uncomfortable because a client will pick that up and they will not feel confident in hiring you.
You have to make sure that you feel at least give off confidence and surety, and I feel like one of the ways you do that is by asking the right questions. Answer when appropriate or if you need to redirect and just shift the energy. Make those necessary move. I know that was long-winded, but that’s where I think people lose their footing in the sales call is letting the person take over the call, and you never want to be in that situation.
Chris Badgett: Yeah. That’s such a great tip. I think one of the things too you can do is when you open it up, is just restating your value proposition or your offer. I help people achieve this result through this method. Yeah. I help these kind of people achieve these kind of results through this method. That’s the basic elevator pitch. I experience the same thing like you’re talking about.
Where I may have some knowledge and some other things outside of what my actually business offer is or I may not know at all and I know you’re going to need this other thing to be successful but it’s really easy as a beginner in consulting or selling online to just like all of a sudden your offer changes and now you have something else you’re going to do for the project or whatever.
Being strong on your offer, I think it’s important to be open to a customer, your type of person, requesting some and be like you know what maybe I should bundle that into my offer. It’s okay to take advantage of that when it make sense, but it can get you into trouble if you take on SEO if you’re doing websites or whatever, and you don’t necessarily have a background in SEO.
I also love what you’re earlier talking about in terms of it is important that you do the qualifying as the expert on the sales conversation because if somebody is either type A or you’re just not really getting into it, they’re actually going to take over on that job of qualifying. Can this person do what I need and maybe they’re now constructing what the offer is and stuff like that.
I think it’s actually really relaxing for the prospect if you will to just have, they get to sit back, they get to be interviewed, and you doing the interview are the person that is responsible for qualifying to see whether one or some or all or none of your services are a good fit for this particular person at this particular time. I really love that. Lots of great tips in there, Jasmine. Go ahead. Did you have something else?
Jasmine Powers: Yeah, I did. One of the things I was just thinking about is sometimes also in the sales call when you feel a strange energy. Also take note that that couldn’t be an opportunity for you to not move forward, so feel comfortable in saying I’m not the best person for this project because you never want to, I understand you got bills to pay, but usually with clients that are extremely, I don’t know how to say it.
They’re unclear. I really get uncomfortable with this. What they need is unclear because to me that means the project scope is going to grow and grow and grow, and they’re not going to want to pay and pay and pay. If you start to feel like I don’t know this project is feeling really. You’re not comfortable, and it’s not a hell yes type of situation.
Have referral partners, sub-contracts. If you want to still manage the project or something but decline moving forward because I think our businesses should be something that we actually enjoy, and the whole qualification process is about choosing the right people and the best people to work with and the people that you know you can deliver the best results for, and if you don’t think you can do it, don’t take it on, because nobody will end up happy.
Sometimes it ends up costing you to work with that client, and so I think intuition is going to be extremely helpful in those sales conversations, so you know what you should and shouldn’t do in terms of moving forward with the project, or enrolling them in your course.
Chris Badgett: I think that’s such a great point. There’s no greater joy in business to working with great people and the projects you really enjoy, and that’s up to you, the entrepreneur to qualify who it is you want to work with and really thinking about that before you invest in an online course project or membership site or a bigger stack that also includes consulting and other things.
It’s important to enjoy the people you work with especially for sustainability, and I do this sometimes where I refer in my sales conversations, taking up my valuable time. I will refer people to my competition if what they’re looking for is it’s a better fit with the competition. What ends up happening funny enough is sometimes they go, sometimes they don’t, and they end up buying my stuff anyways.
Even if they go, I’ll see them somewhere else on social media being like recommending our product because it’s a better fit for these reasons, for what that person is asking for, and people really appreciate the honesty of my offer is not a good fit for what you’ve got, and if you are ready with another option that is a true good option for them to check out or at least a particular Google search to do or whatever to find the right thing that they’re actually looking for.
That comes back to you as a benefit, as just goodwill. Helping qualify but they didn’t fit into what you offer but now they’re going somewhere else to get the help they needed. That’s a really good thing. Well, this has been a lot of fun, Jasmine. A lot of wisdom in here, and I’m going away by some of these insights and just the clarity of what it’s like to have sales conversations.
It’s just not something that people are doing enough of as time goes on, we tend to be, it seems a little more just behind the websites and behind the smartphone or the social media profile. But actually engaging with someone directly, it’s almost like a lost art in some ways, and I feel like you’re bringing out a lot of those skills required. If you want to be this kind of artist in the sales world, and it’s almost, because it’s almost a dying art it seems.
Just doing even a little bit of this stuff or implementing it on a small scale can have big results, and it can also be very differentiating. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on the sales call, and sometimes be like I can’t believe I can talk to you or I can’t believe we could schedule meetings like this or I really appreciate you being able to talk about this in advance of me buying anything or figuring out what I need to buy, it just means a lot. It seems like it’s a dying art, would you agree?
Jasmine Powers: Yeah. I definitely think it is. Automation is great. I love automation. However, as a service provider, I also feel like I want to get to know the people that I work with as well. I’m a very, like you mentioned yesterday in our conversation just high touch. I want to be deeply involved and so I don’t know that a lot of people are doing it.
I think a lot of it is like let’s just scale, get as many people in here, and make as much money as possible, and if you are successful, cool. If you’re not, well. I think for that reason, sales calls are not something that people want or they want to always outsource that to a VA and maybe that is what works best for some, but that’s not something that I necessarily want to do. It is to me beginning to be a lost art to have a real relationships with the people that you work with.
Chris Badgett: Yeah. I would encourage those of you listening to not be scared that it can takeover your calendar because you can scale it, this is just an example. I still do a lot of one on one calls, but also I have at least one webinar a month and I always have Q&A at the end. If it ends up taking an hour, or even longer to get through the Q&A at the end of the webinars. Those are sales conversations.
I even have, I just started doing a weekly sales Q&A for people to ask. I’m not coming with a presentation. I just open up a webinar and however many people come in, they can raise their hand, and I’ll talk to them one on one. Lots of people like to hang out and just listen to the questions. Maybe their question gets answers or whatever, but it something that can scale which is part of the reason the whole automation thing is so attractive is it can become passive or whatever.
I can guarantee most of the influence and I guess a lot of the actual product sales that happen started somewhere in somebody having some kind of real conversation and it is a lost art. Jasmine, if people want to find out more about you. What’s the best place for them to look? I know you said you’re active on social. You’ve got your website at If people were looking for, to get into your world of marketing and sales, where can they go?
Jasmine Powers: They absolutely can go to, but I am on Facebook at jasminepowersdotcom, so Jasminepowersdotcom spelled out. If you want to get started working with me, you can go to, and hopefully we can get a chance to talk and see what we can build together.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Well, thank you so much Jasmine for coming on this show, and this has been a really fun conversation and I know there’s a ton of value in here for the course creator and the membership site person out there looking to spool up and get new customers, so thanks so much for coming on the show.
Jasmine Powers: Wonderful. Thank you so much for having me.

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