How to Repurpose Your Content Into Online Courses and Get Past “Expertitis”

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Today’s LMScast features Christopher Badgett in a fascinating interview with MamaRed Knight, whose Tame the Beasties service helps people get past their fears and build their businesses. In this discussion you’ll learn how to repurpose your content into online courses and get past “expertitis” by simplifying your process.

MamaRed has been doing her magic since the ‘70s and understands that technology is secondary to the message you want to share. Once you know who and what you want to teach, you can find the best tools for the task. Her research for a client led her to discover that the LifterLMS course development platform fulfills all her requirements for building online courses.

Before you put a course together, you must know and understand who you want to speak to. A good technique is to visualize yourself having a conversation with your ideal student. You can also do this exercise with a real person and get their direct responses to your presentation.

Once you know your audience, you can start creating content based on what you know and have available to work with. You can do this by distilling your ideas into “tweet-sized tidbits” to build on. If you can list a few tips for your students, you can expand those into a full course through repurposing.

Repurposing is writing something once and using it in multiple ways. There are two approaches to creating content you can repurpose: start simply and work your way up, or start with everything you have and break it down into more easily digestible bits of information. You can then put together those tidbits however you need to.

Often people have disabling doubts and fears that hold them back, which MamaRed calls content beasties, tech beasties, backend beasties, and mindset beasties. You may feel you don’t know enough, or that no one wants the information you want to present. Or maybe you have “expertitis” — the state of knowing so much that you lose track of it all.

Your goal is to focus on the needs of your target audience, get clear on what you know, and then choose the best content and technology — text, images, audio, and video – to deliver your message. Tame the Beasties exists to help you learn how to repurpose your content into online courses and get past “expertitis,” so you can build your business with confidence and joy.

Our LifterLMS course development platform is designed to help you create your online courses easily and intuitively. Try a demo of LifterLMS and see for yourself what it can do for you.

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And if you’re an already successful expert, teacher or entrepreneur looking to grow, check out the LifterLMS team’s signature service called Boost. It’s a complete done for you set up service where your learning platform goes live in just 5 days.

Episode Transcript

Chris: Hello and welcome to this episode of LMScast. My name is Chris Badgett. I’m joined by MamaRed Knight. How are you doing, MamaRed?

MamaRed: I’m awesomely cool. How are you doing, Darling?

Chris: Very well. In this episode we’re going to get into repurposing and the online course creator’s process and thinking about processes. MamaRed, before we get into it, tell us a little bit about yourself, who are you? And what do you do?

MamaRed: My name is MamaRed Knight, and I have a company called Tame the Beasties. The beasties are those things that threaten to derail your success. They’re not necessarily hateful. They’re not really trying to be mean, but they have their own mind like our kids do. When we don’t want them to have a snack, then they’re going to have one or else. That’s the beasties. They may be the content beastie. Your class, where do you get the content? How do you create the content. The mindset. “Who am I to create content? I don’t know anything about creating content.”

As I’ve been at this for longer than many of you listening have probably been on the planet, I think we’ve discussed that before the call, but I actually got my start in technology in the ‘70s. What I really care about is not technology. No offense to you, technology, because I love it, Chris. It’s not about the technology. It’s about the message. My personal mission is to get voices heard, messages shared, and the world transformed. I happen to go about that by helping business owners get their message scooped up and wrapped together, for instance, in things like classes.

The whole reason I even started looking at Lifter is I had somebody asking me about online course creation. I started researching the tools, because I’m a geek or geekette. I started looking at them, and there were certain things I was looking for. My thing is, how can we make sure that your message, yours and us listening, get out there in the broadest way possible? The basic definition of repurposing is write it once, use it a bunch of times, isn’t it?

Chris: That’s awesome. We have three podcasts. I think they were called “How to Monetize Your Blog,” “How to Monetize Your Podcast,” and “How to Monetize Your Book,” because a lot of people have all this content that really gives them a leg up if they want to make a transition into creating online courses. We just want to tick with that message out there, especially authors and bloggers. I mean they have way much time developing content and concepts that they’re in the perfect position to begin creating a course. I know that you’re a repurposing expert. Let’s dive into that. Tell us more about repurposing.

MamaRed: First of all, let’s talk about it in terms of what people know. People make it into a big thing. You see massive blog posts on it and courses on that. I even one that I developed myself a while back. I ought to put that one in Lifter, shouldn’t I?

Chris: Yeah.

MamaRed: I have enough content that I could probably drown a small town. I just have to get it all together just like I teach others to. Repurposing is not a big mystery. You do that every day when you go to a spice shelf and you use cinnamon for 12 recipes in your cookies for Christmas or whatever. You do it naturally. If I recall correctly, you’ve got a lot about organic gardening and sustainability and things like that. When we talk about sustainability, we’re taking about repurposing in a lot of ways. We’re talking about using what is there.

What happens, when it comes to content, is I would say 80% of people struggle with keeping the concept of it. Let’s just make it simple. You create something, and you use it in as many ways as possible. It can start with something as little as 100 characters to 120 characters. That’s called a tweet-sized tidbit in my world. You can build up from there.

I get so frustrated, because people with amazing messages that are out there, they’re stuck, because what do I use? Lifter or this? Do I do Pinterest or Zoom? I’m like, whoa, those aren’t even in the same family. They’re different things. The thing people need to understand is to get really clear on who they want to talk to, who’s their message for? I talk about it as if you want somebody to sit down across the table in your dining room and have a conversation. Who is that person? When you know that, we can look at what kind of content that suits that person and what kind of delivery method.

There’s two ways we can look at it when it comes to the Lifter environment, the online eTraining, eLearning market. That is, you can start with the small stuff and build up to a course, or you can deconstruct your course and turn it into reusable bits.

Chris: That makes a lot of sense. Why don’t …?

MamaRed: You can do that from either direction. Go ahead.

Chris: Why do people get stuck when they’re trying to repurpose?

MamaRed: My experience is, in what I call the tech beastie, and the tech beastie is how do I do this or that, or this or that. Oh, my God. I hate video. I don’t want to do video. I couldn’t draw a stick figure with a pen. Can somebody guide my arm? There’s that side of it. I think the flipside, which is almost even more insidious, is the mindset beastie. Who are you to create a class? You really don’t have anything different to say from what Chris said. I mean look at that last podcast he did. Oh, my God. I’m afraid to do a podcast because I don’t know if I like my voice. That’s the other beastie.

Chris: If I’ve been blogging for five years, and I’m …

MamaRed: Oh, Lord.

Chris: If I’ve been thinking about creating a course, how does the mindset get in the way for me? Am I too close to my knowledge, or am I undervaluing my content or what?

MamaRed: Yes. You hit it right on the button. We can stop now.

Chris: What else is in there?

MamaRed: I think what happens is, one, when you’ve been blogging that long, you have so much that you’ve lost track of what you have.

Chris: I’ve heard that called the curse of knowledge.

MamaRed: It is.

Chris: Expertitis.

MamaRed: Yeah, and I had the problem, because I was talking to somebody the other day about this exact topic. It’s a real passion for me. I was really trying to show her something. I have this half-started course of some sort. I put it out. Then I showed her … To show her something else, I put something else. She just sat there all of a sudden. She said, “What is wrong with you? You have all this stuff.”
I think one of the traits of solopreneurs and the small, micro-business owner is we’re either really, really narrow in our focus. We think nobody cares or there’s not enough people to create a course for, which I dispute, or we get so close to our own stuff we don’t think we have anything to say. We can’t see it.

I’ll share a story with you. It’s pretty similar, only it’s a different medium. Every business is in the content business. I want everybody to understand that. I don’t care what you call yourself. You’re in the content business. I was talking to this wonderful woman. She happened to be this amazingly talented healer. She swore on Bibles about 12 feet tall that she didn’t have any content. I said, “I’ll bet you you do.” We had this coaching session …

Chris: So this is like content that’s not written down or it’s not in a website anywhere …

MamaRed: It was in recording. No, this one happened to be in the set of 40 recordings. Forty. I said, “What? You have no content? What do you mean you have no content?” I teased it out through a process of saying, “What have you been doing?” She had been in business five years. Her problem then was too much content. That is the same for the blogger. What I gave her, and this is an assignment I would give to your listeners, get really clear on who you want to talk to today. Don’t worry about forever.

Chris: I just want to agree with you. I have a technology company. We sell an online course platform LifterLMS. But that is so secondary to getting clear on that ‘who’ and getting your vision and your process figured out first. Everything else will come later.

MamaRed: And you can hire for technology. I think that’s where that other piece comes in. Let’s say we’ve got this blogger who’s listened to our podcast. I’m like, “My gosh. He’s right. I do. I have five years.” More than likely, if you go and do an analysis, I call it looking into your content pantry, just like you’re at home, when you’re going, “Golly, what am I going to have for dinner tonight, Dear?”
Go look into your content pantry. Look at what you already have. Then, start with what you have the most. Typically, if you’ve been blogging for about five years, and just for those that just started, you have it, too. Don’t think you don’t. You typically have a lot, and you have a thread, if you will. You have a topic that has been something that you really enjoy. Start there. Don’t try to analyze and inventory five years’ work. Take one small bit of it.

I think the other mistake we make is when we got expertitis. We think we have to teach you starting from the time you turn on the power button or what a mouse is. I’ve taught at that level, but you need to look at that who again. What do they already know? Then, understand that you can quadruple, four times, your content if you think the way I’m going to tell you. Every bit of content that you create can be quadrupled, because there’s four types of content. There’s text, image, audio, and video.

If every time you look at it, you think, “Oh, my God. I only have to write that one little bit. I only have to do this one thing.” Start with where you’re strong. If you geek out on video, go for the video. Have at it. Do it. Make that your strength. On the other hand, if you’re good at text, which I happen to be … I didn’t put my stuff out there, because I didn’t think it was okay for it to be text and some screen shots or stupid little pictures that I like. I call them the bubble heads. That wasn’t okay, so I just didn’t do anything. Wherever you’re good, start.

Chris: I know people who don’t like video, because it can be slower than reading. Depending upon who your who is, they may prefer just to read, see pictures, and maybe have a downloadable action plan with no audio or video.

MamaRed: I think that is so perfect. I wish you’d been around when I started on the online world in 2007, because I was following some of the biggie wiggies that have big names, and they’ve been at this a while. I didn’t realize they had teams and all this kind of stuff to help her. I was trying so hard to match what they were doing, that I did nothing. Start small, because I had an eBook out there that I wrote. It starts with 120 characters.

How can you start with 120 characters and build up to your eCourse, to your book of the century, to whatever it is you want to create? When you buy the little books, it’s a lot easier. That was key because I was helping somebody tweet. We were wanting her to tweet with a strategy, so we wanted her to build little bits, because she was overwhelmed. She was a mom. She had a couple of really young kids at home. She’s like, “I barely have the time to brush my teeth, let alone write a course.” Can you write a tip? Yeah, I can do that. I told her, “Okay, what if you just wrote a tip? At the end of the week, you’d have seven tips if you wrote one a day.” She’s like, “Oh, yeah?” If you group those seven tips, you make a blog post out of it. Well, yeah. Once you create a blog post, we could then expand it and have eight blog posts. We can take those eight blog posts and put them in Lifter, and we have a little mini-course. Then, you expand that one topic … Once, I got her talking, she had enough content on just one subset of those seven that would keep her for the next year. She hadn’t broken it down into those little doable starting points.

It’s like, if you haven’t noticed on my work, I used cooking analogies a lot. Think about this. When you’re just learning to cook, you usually don’t start out with a 12-course meal for the Queen of England. You maybe start out …

Chris: Grilled cheese.

MamaRed: Yeah. Let’s have some grilled cheese. Then, maybe let’s have a steak. I started out baking, so I didn’t learn to really cook a regular meal until I was in my teens, but I had been baking since I was four. Think of it in terms of what you’re going to cook up for somebody, and take a little bit. Don’t have guests over for a huge 12-course meal on Thanksgiving if you’ve got a one-bedroom apartment. When you repurpose, and when you do with a plan in place, you have a methodical way to get more done in typically in 40% to 60% less time.

Chris: That’s awesome. I see two approaches that are common. One is a top-down approach, where people do begin with the 12-course meal with the Queen of England. They go like castles in the air, as I like to say it. Then it can be overwhelming to get inside of that. Another approach is to just take it small. I love your process there for starting with a tweet and building out. I don’t think either way is right or wrong, but it’s important to embody both a little bit. Take a step back. Look at the big picture. There’s a castle you’re building, but it’s that journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

There’s been a lot of times just fleshing it out, especially if you’re repurposing and new to curation and developing learning content. I mean just take it one step at a time. There’s no rush. I always like to say at LifterLMS that one of the things that make me sad is to look around and see people with all this knowledge inside of them and just potential to help other people for … avoid something or gain something. They’re not sharing it. I mean take your time, but don’t let life pass you by without giving yourself the opportunity to impact more people.

MamaRed: I think that’s a commonality among those in the Lifter community that follow around with you. It’s one of the reasons I like being in your community is that you pull around you those people that do want to make a bigger difference. Everybody doesn’t have to … whatever your purpose is. Maybe your purpose isn’t to do an online course. That’s okay, but I know that everybody has something to say. Everybody. The way we say it in this current day and age is through these things called social media and online courses.

I told somebody one time, “I don’t give a flying flip about technology.” They just about fell off their chair, because I’m known for understanding which technology and which genre to use and everything. I don’t care. I could give a flip. A technology is a tool, just like if I were still in the age with smoke signals, with that thing, I’d be teaching you to walk up the side of the mountain, flap your rug up and down, and get the signal to the next mountain. Understand this, technology is your servant, not your master.

Chris: Absolutely.

MamaRed: If you allow it to be your master, I promise you one thing. You’d be following in my footsteps, going, “Well, I don’t know enough. What about the tool?” Hogwash. If you want to do an online course … you guys have a great done-for-you service. Get these guys to do it. They know their stuff. Focus on what you know best. If you are a parenting expert, focus on what it takes to get your message, and then find the person that just dearly adores putting the backend together and have them do it for you.

Chris: Absolutely. That’s a really good point. It’s so important to focus on the who’s — who are the learners? I want to dive into that just a little bit more before I wrap it up. So if envision I’m sitting at the table with my ideal learner or the person I want to help or serve, like … I also have maybe a little bit of expertitis or the curse of knowledge. I engage in that conversation to get more clear on what I need to do next in terms of how I communicate or what my lessons are going to be.

I love your analogy of, well, if I already know how to turn the computer on, it’s about what to leave out. If I’m having a hypothetical or even an actual conversation with my potential learner, what kind of questions should I ask him or her? What do I need to find out?

MamaRed: Sure. First of all, let’s assume that you really are talking to a real person. That’s people … unless you happen to dislike people. I’ve got that. Let’s assume that you have found a somebody that you really like to work with. It could be your best friend. Start there. Make sure that you’re having a conversation with a real person. Then, start with your area of expertise. We started in mine. This thing was merging content and technology and processes. I might say exactly what you said to me. What is it you struggle with most? That might be one way. That’s one place you can start. The other is, what do you like to do best? Because usually if you ask the question that way, you can get to what they don’t like. People, a lot of times, can tell you what they don’t like. If they do, start there. Or if they can say, “Oh, my God. I really, really love not answering to a boss anymore. It’s the greatest thing. I sleep until noon. I’m up at three in the morning with ideas. Oh, my God. It’s great, but you know what I hate?” And listen, when you do that, let them talk. You’re going to have to play a detective and say, “You know what? That’s the one thing that I’m good at.” They said five times, “I hate doing that.”

Chris: Go after the pain and the pleasure?

MamaRed: Yeah. The thing about it that we’ll get into, and I’ve seen this over and over just because of the community I love to hang with. I love your term for it, expertitis. What you know only you know in the way you know it. I have spent a lifetime of people saying, “Yeah, you make it fun to learn in this class.” I’d say, “Yeah, but it’s just about type A, press B.” I would totally ignore that what I did was make my type A, press B fun. I didn’t make that count.

Chris: One of the biggest multi-million dollar grossing courses on Udemy is about how to use Excel.

MamaRed: You know.

Chris: I think that’s an example of there’s a huge market there. It may not be fun and you may have been doing it your whole life. You’re like, “Yeah. Whatever. I know a few functions and formulas,” or whatever it was, but there’s a sea of people you can help out there.

MamaRed: The thing I really love about that is that you had a podcast that you did talking about why would you put your course, for example, on Udemy and on your own platform. You really made me thing about it differently, because I thought about them as competing things, but what you really made me understand is you can use your beginner courses on Udemy, for example.

When you think of repurposing, that’s the piece you want to look at. If you’ve been to college, or if you’ve ever taken any kind of course of any kind, I don’t care where, they have to start at the beginning somewhere. You do, too, whenever you need to know. That was the other thing that, as a repurposing expert, that I got caught in, is I didn’t know where to start, because, gee, do I start with pushing the power button? Or where do I start it?

What I found was, as I went backwards through what I knew about repurposing, it really came down to what I call the ten questions. When you know the answer to who is your who, that’s one. That’s a huge one. What’s your why? What jazzes you up? Because I can tell you there ain’t nothing more boring, whether you have a teacher in front of the class or you do it on video or audio, there ain’t nothing more boring than sitting there and listening and reading somebody that doesn’t like what they’re writing about.

Chris: Yeah, you can tell, consciously and subconsciously.

MamaRed: Exactly. Find out what you really love to do. If you’ve got a course, I invite you to do really low tech something. Can I give everybody a hint?

Chris: Sure.

MamaRed: Get a highlighter, old fashioned … I know. Oh, my God! Get a highlighter. You can use a digital highlighter. Take your course and go through and just highlight things that pop out at you and pretend that you’re looking for tweets. If you have written a bunch of blog posts like you’re a five-year blogger, go through some of your favorite blogs and highlight the key points that you see.

Those are things you can pull out, and now you have some tweets to promote your thing. You can take those tweets and combine them together into another thing or maybe a mini-course that you can put together on Lifter. It’s three modules long on how to choose an image from a free image catalogue.

Chris: I think that that length is really important. If you add enough value, you don’t need seven modules with 10 lessons each. If you have a three-lesson course that helps somebody, it’s valuable. Length is not important.

MamaRed: I think that’s an excellent point, because when we tend to either read about the biggie wiggies that have made some big splash, the 16-year-old that did a game and became the uber guy. We compare to them. I remember I sat down … time to create and write a bunch of tips. I gave myself a half hour. I wasn’t going to judge. I just was going to write a bunch of tips, because I couldn’t figure out where to start. I was just purely frozen in place. In 30 minutes, I wrote 94 business tips.

I look at some of those and think, “Oh, my God. I’d be afraid to put that out there.” I mean, obviously, this is pretty basic. One of them was if you’re a business owner, get a business checking account. I thought, “Surely, every business owner knows that.” The next day, the same client that was here working on the repurposing project, I happened to mention that to her, and we were giggling. She was like, “I never thought of that.” You’ve been in business five years. Every year, taxes were a horrible struggle. She had to run around the house, getting the paperwork out from under her two-year-old’s fingernails and out of the chocolate bars and everything else. She didn’t think to have a separate account. She didn’t have to go through so much work. I was thinking, “Oh, my God. She’s going to think I’m an idiot.”

Chris: I want to dig into that a little bit, because I think, if we’re back at the table talking to this person, defining a starting point and the end point is really important. If this person has already cut their teeth on doing their own business for a year or two, that means you don’t need to teach some basic business stuff, like they got it. Now they’re in the survival mode, and you’ve got to teach them how to make it real and build real systems and innovate and market successfully. You’re not necessarily going to take them to an IPO on the stock exchange.

MamaRed: Exactly. And I think we forget that.

Chris: Put some bumpers on your course. You don’t have to take your whole repurpose everything into one massive memoir of …

MamaRed: We’re not going to write War and Peace, are we?

Chris: Right.

MamaRed: The reason I got started, by the way, on the Twitter-sized thing, and I call them tidbits, and the reason I got started on it is that it was a real life scenario with a guy who had an amazing story. It just made my heart jump, because this guy had been an alcoholic, and he had been a drug abuser. He had basically lost nine years with his kids because of this. He was so passionate about working to help other dads not lose that time with their kids.

If somebody had given him that write a book mantra thing, and he was flipping it, it’s the same with write a course, write a book, write a … People go, “She’s my third grade teacher, Miss Schnuckamukler, and she bled all over my masterpiece.” That’s where he was. He was freaking out. I said, “Wait a minute. Who do you want to talk to in a course of a 10-minute conversation?” He literally switched from … He thought he wanted to talk to young fathers to realizing he wanted to talk to the men who were just coming out of recovery. They’ve just had that first step.

Chris: I just want to highlight that’s a really specific target market, a man who just came out of recovery from addiction, and even a specific kind of addiction, if you wanted to do that. That is a good target market.

MamaRed: I thought so.

Chris: Not just like entrepreneurs or small businesses, like getting really focused is like … I just love hearing good target markets when I hear them, because with LifterLMS I hear about niches that I wasn’t even aware of. I’m fascinated by the precise markets.

MamaRed: I’ve struggled with that just so that you and listeners know. That’s why this was really powerful for me, too, is exactly that one. For him, I was able to ask deeper, deeper questions. He was on the phone, but he was a guest at my table. I just kept asking these questions. I could hear his voice. That’s why it’s still valuable to talk to somebody, is they can go, “God, you’re really jazzed about that. Wow, Chris, that really gets you jazzed.” You’re going, “No, it’s just I’m so excited.” No, you’re jazzed. Hello?

That’s when you can have that marriage, if you will, between what your who is looking for. What do they need to know from you and what you’re passionate about, what you get jazzed about. This guy just got really jazzed with … He kept talking about how terrified he was to write a book. I said, “Write a flipping book.”

I said, “Can you write a tip?” You could hear that uuuuhhhh [fear] on the phone. He said, “Yeah, I could do that at Starbucks.” I said, “Bingo.” I said, “Let’s start with a tip. If I said to you, could you come up with 21 tips for this man who’s just out of recovery, whose family may not be even speaking to him right now. Could you come up with 21 tips that were less than two sentences? “Well, yeah. I could do that.” I said, “Then you just have your first book.” What I would say to you as a course developer is you just created your first course, too. There’s your outline.

Chris: There’s your lesson titles, yeah.

MamaRed: What the name of his … I don’t know if he ever did it, that was his. But it was 21 Ways to Stay Sober When You’re Just Getting Started.

Chris: That’s great. Super-targeted.

MamaRed: It could be a beautiful course, don’t you think?

Chris: Absolutely, and a really valuable one. All about that impact is when you can empower people who are in pain, whether, in this case, addiction recovery or somebody who’s nervous about having their first baby or someone who just got out of college and can’t find a job. There’s so many pain points that make the world a better place if you have some expertise to share and some wisdom to add to that conversation.

Well, MamaRed. We need to wrap this one up. I want to leave the listeners with just one big takeaway, something that to really stew on …this is an incredible episode. I’ll give one, and if you think about one you’d like to share. The big takeaway I’m hearing in this call … There’s actually two, so I’m going to cheat and do two.

MamaRed: You cheat?

Chris: One of them is who’s your who. Really key in on who you’re serving. Get out of the building, talk to these people, Skype with these people, have hypothetical conversations with them in your mind, and get really clear on them and what they need in their learner experience, because it’s really going to depend on who that is.

The other one is just to get really focused on your niche, on your market, on the pain and the pleasure, and also put bookends, starting point and end point, about what your promise is. To use your example, just getting out of recovery as a man, that’s a starting point. The end point would be patching up your life and back as best you can before you had the issue and helping that person through that process. That’s some example of some good bookends. That’s my two tips. What do you think your big takeaway for our listeners is?

MamaRed: It’s to understand that no matter who you are, if you’re over the age of six months, you have some content. You already have it. It’s just digging it out and reshaping and understand that the technology, that means squat. No offense to the guys at Lifter. I love ya’ll, I really do. But people need to get away from understanding the technology and not make that first question that they ask be, “What tool do you use?” I see it all the time. What do you use to create classes with? What is the easy thing, and easy is a relative term. For me, baking cookies is easy.

Cooking steak on a grill, I can barely figure out to start the grill. It’s understanding them, and you have a good word for it, the bookends. But more than anything, I would say, set yourself a goal, start it small, make it doable for you. If you are good at text, then by gum start with text. If you want it fancified, have it done.

Start, because the mistake I made, and I really hope others don’t, and I really got called on the carpet for it too, to be honest, because people know that I preach, if you will. Your voice counts. They’re like, “Well, where’s yours?” Please let the technology be your servant. That’s one of the ones that I really think freaks people out, especially when you’re doing this. Get started. Do something.

Chris: That’s awesome. Thank you, MamaRed.

MamaRed: It’s happening.

Chris: Yeah. Thank you for coming on. I’m Chris Badgett from MamaRed, where can people find out about you.

MamaRed: Pop on over to That’s MamaRed M-A-M-A-R-E-D, because sometimes you put two in it. If you need to get hold of me, there’s a little pop up thing that was working. I’m on social media as MamaRed. You can also write me directly if you want to, and it’s [email protected]. If there’s something I can do to help you get started, it would be my joy and my pleasure.

Chris: Awesome. Thank you, MamaRed.

MamaRed: Thank you. Have a great one, Darling.

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