Introducing the LifterLMS Weekly Free Giveaway

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We love giveaways! So we decided to have one. Joshua Millage and Christopher Badgett will be introducing the LifterLMS Weekly Free Giveaway in this LMScast. Listen up as they tell you all about what you can win and how to enter.

The team at LifterLMS is passionate about progressing and transforming the quality of online education, and we truly believe our course development platform and support software is the best of its class. We count on feedback from the eLearning community to inform our regular updates to the software, and we thrive on collaborating with our users. The more users, the better the product can become, so we are giving away developer’s licenses for everything we have created to expand our user base.

You can win a developer’s license for use on 5 sites for each of the following software and extensions:

• LifterLMS – Learning management system and course development platform
• Stripe – Credit card acceptance and processing extension
• Infusionsoft – Business automation system extension
• MailChimp – Automated email marketing service extension

This is our way of saying “Thanks!” and giving back to the community that has been integral in helping us make LifterLMS the progressive, comprehensive, accessible tool it is. By using our software and sharing it with other innovative education entrepreneurs like yourself, you can help us expand our community and make LifterLMS even better.

To enter our giveaway just go to and follow the instructions. Then when you share the giveaway link, you generate more entries for yourself and increase your chances of winning. And you can enter every week, Monday through Friday. We’ll announce a winner each week, and you can be one of them.

We’re excited about sharing our software with you, and we appreciate your help in introducing the LifterLMS Weekly Free Giveaway, because we know our LifterLMS course development platform, along with all the extensions we offer, will help you build your online courses quickly and effectively. This is going to be fun, and we look forward to welcoming you to our dynamic user community. You can contact LifterLMS on Twitter: @jmillage or @chrisbadgett. You can also try a demo of LifterLMS for free and see for yourself what it can do for you.

Remember that you can post comments and also subscribe to our newsletter for updates, developments, and future episodes of LMScast. Thank you for joining us.

And if you’re an already successful expert, teacher or entrepreneur looking to grow, check out the LifterLMS team’s signature service called Boost. It’s a complete done for you set up service where your learning platform goes live in just 5 days.

Episode Transcript

Joshua: Hello, Everyone. Welcome back to another episode of LMScast. I’m Joshua Millage, and I’m joined today with Christopher Badgett. Today we’re talking about something fun we’re going to be doing over at LifterLMS and with this podcast. We’re introducing the LifterLMS Weekly Free Giveaway. Chris, give them some background. What are we giving away?

Christopher: We’re giving away developer’s licenses for everything we have. That includes LifterLMS and as of this recording, we’ve got LifterLMS, we’ve got a Stripe extension for accepting credit cards on your site. We’ve got an Infusionsoft extension, and we’ve got a MailChimp extension. The developer’s license is good for 5 instances for each of those. The reason we’re giving it away is because we want to give back to the community. Our main driver is we want to transform and be a part of online education. We’re not going to do it alone. We need innovative education entrepreneurs like you guys to use the tools we build and help innovate with us and then other technology companies in the community. We just wanted to introduce this giveaway as a way to just get the word out and reach more people.

Joshua: Absolutely. There’s a lot of companies we admire that do giveaways. It creates a cool community, and it helps spread the word. That’s really what we want help with from you. We want you to share the love of LifterLMS, and by doing so you’ll have the opportunity to potentially win a developer’s license of everything that we’ve created, and that’s thousands of dollars of free software for you, the education entrepreneur. I’m really excited about it. We’re going to have a link, it’ll just be and on that site you can enter in your email, and it’ll have instructions on what you need to do to enter the giveaway. Also, if you share the link to the giveaway, you can get more entries, so it increases the likelihood that you’ll actually win. If you don’t win one week, you can always come back and try again the next week, because we’re going to start doing this every single week. It’ll be open on Monday, and we’ll close it on Friday, and we’ll announce the recent winner. Then we’ll do it all over again. It’s just fun. We want to have fun, we want to create something that’s pretty cool. Just having a blast so far with the community. It’s growing like crazy and so we want to put some fuel on the fire with this giveaway.

Christopher: That’s

Joshua: Slash giveaway. Head over there, enter in the giveaway, and we’re excited about it. If you have any questions, leave us a comment or hit us up on Twitter @jmillage or @chrisbadgett. Enter the giveaway, and we’ll talk to you next week with another ‘back to our regular scheduled programming’ with LMScast. Chris, any final thoughts?

Christopher: No, just happy to hook some people up, so help us spread the word.

Joshua: Right on. All right, Everyone. Have a great day wherever you’re at in the world, and we’ll talk to you next week.

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