Special Edition – LifterLMS 2.0 Release

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We’re very excited about this special LifterLMS 2.0 release edition of LMScast! Our mission is to democratize education in the digital classroom, and we’re happy to announce that LifterLMS 2.0 is out, and it’s free!

The LifterLMS team is grateful to our customers who have been providing feedback that’s helped us continue improving LifterLMS. We wanted to give back to the eLearning and WordPress communities, so you can now head over to LifterLMS.com to get your free copy.

There are also some exciting new features in version 2.0, like vouchers and membership automatic enrollment and automatic enrollment options for lessons. You can head over to our blog to read more about all those new features.

We also have more great things coming soon for the LifterLMS WordPress LMS plugin, and we’re excited to be able to continue expanding the eLearning community!

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Thank you from the entire LifterLMS Team for joining us on this journey as we build great things together!

And if you’re an already successful expert, teacher or entrepreneur looking to grow, check out the LifterLMS team’s signature service called Boost. It’s a complete done for you set up service where your learning platform goes live in just 5 days.

Episode Transcript

Joshua: Hello, Everyone. Welcome back to another episode of LMScast. This is a special edition episode, a quick hit of information that I think everyone is going to be very excited about. I’m joined today with my co-founder, Chris Badgett. Chris, what are we talking about? What are we so excited about today?

Chris: We have a big, special announcement. And before we get into that, I just want to say there’s a point in innovation or disruption where a certain thing happens, and that certain thing is happening with our educational software, LifterLMS. The big news is, drumroll please, LifterLMS 2.0 is just dropped, and it’s free.

Joshua: 100% open source and free. You can come to our website, LifterLMS.com, and you can download your copy for free and start teaching the world. You don’t need anything else. All you need is Lifter. It has an engagement built in. It has eCommerce built in. It has student analytics, eCommerce analytics. It is truly a one-stop-shop type plugin for building and selling online courses.

One of the things I’m most excited about is to see how this changes things in the online learning environment. There are a lot of people in various parts of the world where they just don’t have a lot of money, but they have internet access. They’ve got WordPress installed, and we’ve heard from people, “We don’t have the money for the extension.” We get that, and we want to help those people out. As well as those people who are tire kickers now can tire kick infinitely. I think that’s cool.

Then the fact that we’re open source, we want this to be something that people take and modify and apply in their own online classrooms, or who knows? When you do open source, you never really know where people are going to take the software, but that’s part of the thing that excites me the most about it. It’s our first real massive jump to fulfilling our vision of truly democratizing education. By laying this foundation, I think that it really opens up the floodgates for people to get in here, use it, help us improve it by either giving us great feedback or by actually committing code or submitting code to be committed to the core, which we now have available for people to do. If you’re out there, you’re really passionate, you like Lifter, you have a great idea, feel free to submit some improvements, and we’ll definitely give you credit for those, because we want this to be the absolute best plugin for people who want to teach online.

Chris: Awesome. A big thank you to the WordPress community and Automattic. We’re kind of following in their footsteps when they made WordPress itself free.

Joshua: Yup.

Chris: We just want to embrace that and give back to the community in that way. We’re very grateful for what we’ve been able to do with WordPress and how it’s shaped what we can offer and helped us shape our learning technology. Go to LifterLMS.com and download your free copy of LifterLMS, and if you want to read more about what’s in the 2.0 version that just rolled out, head on over to blog.lifterlms.com. We’ll have some more information about Lifter LMS 2.0 and the crazy new features. There’s some exciting things in there, so go check that out, too.

Joshua: I think we should end by doing some acknowledgments. This journey has just been you and I, LMScast. I want to acknowledge a handful of people. First and foremost I want to acknowledge the LifterLMS VIPs, the people that took up that onus really early on. It’s hard to capture the emotions and the gratitude I have for those people. Way back in October of 2014, jumping in early. And then, of course, some influencers who’ve helped shaped what we’ve created. Yoast, from the Yoast SEO plugin, has given us some amazing feedback and helped us think through things. Chris Lema, who’s become a good friend now and someone who has really just elevated our thinking altogether as a team, especially as a group of owners. You and me and our other partner, Thomas. I also want to acknowledge our team behind the scenes. Everyone from Mark, Ali, Kathy, Sito, Jackie, Petar, Nikola, Kyler.

Chris: Tyler.

Joshua: Tyler, yeah. We’ve got such a massive team now. Yeah, it keeps going. And even people who aren’t still working, have moved on, Benjamin, shout-out to him for helping us out. We’ve got a lot of people who have really helped us move things forward. And then our current customer base who continues to give us feedback.

Chris: That’s awesome.

Joshua: Is there anyone I missed? Do you want to add?

Chris: If we missed anybody, we apologize. But yeah, big shout-out to the team, the WordPress community. Other players and thinkers and thought leaders in the eLearning, the online courses, the WordPress LMS space. It’s really been a collaborative journey, and a big shout-out and thank you to everybody there.

Joshua: We’re definitely standing on the shoulders of giants here. It’s humbling, and it’s an honor.

Chris: Absolutely. Our mission is to democratize education in the digital classroom, and this is a step in that journey. Our main metric that we watch to see how well we’re doing is how many downloads we get and how many people are using our software, which is now free. So go get your copy at LifterLMS.com.

Joshua: Yep, right on. I think that sums it up for this short episode. Thank you all for joining us, and we look forward to putting out some more awesome information. And we’ve got a lot of crazy cool things coming around the corner for Lifter. Until then, talk to you soon.

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