Validating Course Ideas, Upselling, and Cross-Selling via Stripe with Phil Derksen of WP Simple Pay

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This episode of LMScast with Chris Badgett of LifterLMS is on validating course ideas, upselling, and cross-selling via Stripe with Phil Derksen of WP Simple Pay. Chris and Phil talk about how WP Simple Pay can be used to turn any WordPress website into a simple online store by allowing you to collect payments through Stripe.

Phil is the creator of WP Simple Pay, which is a WordPress plugin for accepting credit card payments via Stripe on your WordPress site. WP Simple Pay is a way to get up and running with your course or membership site pretty quickly without having to integrate a shopping cart and all of the complications with that.

Chris and Phil talk about how easy it is to set up WP Simple Pay and start collecting payments for digital products. Essentially you have a basic Buy Now button and your customer enters their credit or debit card information, and the whole payment process is facilitated by Stripe so you are not responsible for any sensitive information. Stripe does take a cut of the sale, but it is only about 2.9% or 3%. With over 135 currencies, Stripe allows you to accept credit card payments from almost anyone in the world.

Most of Simple Pay’s customers are non-developers. Chris and Phil discuss some of the different options you have with WP Simple Pay. All that is required to install Stripe on your site is to have a SSL certificate, which is the “S” at the end of the “HTTPS.” It indicates that your site is secure. Stripe also has the capabilities to translate the payment gateway to display the correct currency and language. You can also add tax rates to your checkout.

A lot of people use WP Simple Pay for donations. You can also add fields to collect more information from your customers. With WP Simple Pay you can customize payment methods to create a one-time payment, a monthly subscription, or a system where you have monthly payments until a certain point where there are no more payments.

Chris and Phil talk about how it is critical to validate your ideas before diving all in. Often it is efficient to deliver a live service to your clients until you get very good at teaching it and making sure your clients get results. Then you can create an online course or membership around that topic. Teaching live also allows you to get instant feedback, and you can see where your customers are losing focus or having problems.

Creating a product can seem intimidating, but breaking things down and building a minimum viable product or MVP will help you develop your product or service in a way that will best suit your customers. You can build a simple one-page sales site with a WP Simple Pay button and get started with your MVP.

You can use WP Simple Pay to easily sell products, but you can also use it as a platform to test your ideas and then cross-sell and upsell your clients to other products and services you offer.

To learn more about Phil Derksen go to Twitter @PhilDerksen or his blog at Also head over to

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Episode Transcript

Chris Badgett: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of LMScast. My name is Chris Badgett from LifterLMS, and I’m joined today by a special guest, Phil Derksen from WP Simple Pay. We’re similar people in that we run WordPress-based software companies, and we both care a lot about eCommerce and helping other people sell their products and their courses and the things that they build. I’m really excited to have a conversation with Phil today and introduce him to you all out there. First, I just want to welcome you and thank you for coming on the show, Phil.
Phil Derksen: Oh, thanks, Chris, for having me. Appreciate it.
Chris Badgett: Phil is the creator of WP Simple Pay. I would encourage everyone to check that out. You can go to It has a demo there. Once you find the demo, you can see what it does and there’s all these different ways to use it. Phil, just to kind of kick us off here, what is WP Simple Pay? What does it do? What problems does it solve? What’s it all about?
Phil Derksen: Yeah, sure. It’s a plugin for WordPress much like Lifter, your plugin. It’s for accepting credit card payments on your WordPress site specifically using a payment gateway called Stripe. You can accept one time payments, recurring payments, subscriptions, like monthly payments. It’s a way to do it pretty quickly without … If you don’t need a full shopping cart solution or a full membership site or anything like that, it’s more of a way to get up and running pretty quickly without having to write all that code or anything like that either.
Chris Badgett: One of the ways I like to describe WP Simply Pay is it’s really simple when you look at it. You put these buttons on your site, basically a buy now button. This thing pops up and people can enter their credit card or additional information. There’s all these different ways you can use it. Then that just basically facilitates the credit card transaction through Stripe and Stripe I personally love because unlike PayPal, it’s just a much better user experience. I like PayPal, but there’s a lot of things that aren’t so great about it. For example, sometimes you have to … When you check out, you often have to leave where you are and go to PayPal. You have to have a PayPal account.
When it’s time to move money as the store owner or the product seller into your account, you have to log into PayPal and tell it to give you the money. Stripe, all that’s much cleaner, more automated. People stay on your website. They have a smooth check out experience. The Stripe transfers the money into your bank account without you having to ask them to do that. It takes about 3% or 2.9 or whatever percent of the transactions. Those are the some of the things I like about Stripe. What do you like about Stripe, Phil?
Phil Derksen: Yeah, those are all good. It keeps the person who’s checking out who’s paying on your site. Well, the way we implement it at least, it throws up a checkout overlay. They’re not even leaving the page, the checkout page, or even where the page the button is located on. Like you said, the behind the scene stuff, connecting your bank account and those daily transfers it does on its own. When you create your Stripe account, if you haven’t done that yet, it’s really fast. Just entering a little bit of your bank account information and you’re hooked up right away. I also like just as a developer working with their API. It’s much cleaner and much better documented and easy to work with from that standpoint.
Whether myself creating a plugin or a WordPress developer creating a custom solution, they’re usually going to find that a lot easier than a lot of the other solutions out there. Like maybe older merchants and PayPal as well. Just kind of that combination of things for the developer, but also for the end user that’s creating a Stripe account.
Chris Badgett: Yeah. That’s super cool. I’ve just found Stripe easy to work with. One of the things that you should check out if you’re listening to this or seeing this video is just the internationalization of it all. Stripe is available in something like 30 countries. It’s not available everywhere if you just google like what countries can I use Stripe in. I want to be really clear on how this works where it just depends on what country you as the store owner is in, like where your bank account is. That’s what matters in terms of what country it works in. Other than that, anybody anywhere in the world on the internet with a credit card can use your checkout.
It’s just a question of when you’re setting up your Stripe, which countries is your bank in. That’s what that’s all about. They’re continuously adding new countries to that. I imagine that’s just going to continue to grow. It’s always a good idea to check on that.
Phil Derksen: Yeah. There’s always some countries that are in beta or preview, but like you said, they’re always adding more countries. I was just looking it up when you’re talking. They support having a Stripe account in 25 countries right now, but over 135 currencies that you can accept payments in. Then of course, different languages and stuff as well. It’s always growing like you said.
Chris Badgett: That’s a beautiful thing to accept money in a hundred and whatever many currencies. That’s one of the beauties of the internet and online payment systems is that you can truly have a global business. Before we get into how to use something like WP Simple Pay for different use cases, why did you decide to create this product?
Phil Derksen: Well, it wasn’t my first product or even my first WordPress plugin. Some of the other attempts at products and plugins that I had before this, I guess it was the target customer. I found that selling to customers that either are price sensitive or if it’s a product that it’s hard to associate the value that they’re getting out of it is a harder sell. Well, let me give you an example. Previous plugin of mine that did pretty well. It was a premium plugin just like my Stripe plugin now. It was a Pinterest sharing plugin. It was a social sharing plugin.
Although a lot of people use them, a lot of people maybe even pay for premium solutions, plugins or otherwise to have social features on their sites, I think a lot of people they couldn’t … It’s hard them to say, “Well, having this social sharing plugin on my site makes me X amount of dollars per month.” Because of that, I think it’s more difficult. eCommerce plugin or selling courses or whatever, it’s you say, “Well, with this plugin, it’s helping me sell X per month.” That association with the value there it’s more clear.
Chris Badgett: Yeah, I agree with that point. If you’re selling courses or membership sites, selling business to business like we’re talking about where there’s like a clear value proposition is always in many ways I think a lot easier. Although there are people out there that have a gift for more B to C, business to consumer or customer, but that’s things like … If you’re going to design an app for the App Store like a game Angry Birds or something, I’m just not that kind of guy. I’m more of a guy who’s going to build tools for other entrepreneurs. I think you have to decide if you’re building any product do you want to do business with other businesses or are you really truly going after the end customer.
Phil Derksen: Yeah and there’s nothing wrong with going after consumers, the B to C. You’re probably going to have to price it a lot lower and sell a lot more volume. That’s why Angry Birds is a success even though it cost a dollar, the original one or whatever it was, it’s because they sold so many. It can be done and it is done. It might take longer to get there, but yeah, the business to business you definitely can price your product or service higher because of that value that business is getting from it.
Chris Badgett: Speaking of that, if you look at Stripe by itself, they take I think 2.9% or 3% of the transaction. It’s completely free to set up. They’re just going to take that amount out of each transaction that rolls through your site. It’s hard to debate that value. You’re going to take 3%, which is a small percentage, for allowing me to sell whatever I have on my website to the entire world. I mean it just makes sense. I would gladly give Stripe 3% of my money. Just in terms of online businesses that I have run in the past and I run now, whenever I have a utility software tool that helps facilitate the transaction, it’s almost a nonissue how much it cost or if it has a renewal annual subscription license or whatever.
It’s just part of doing business. It’s part of my stack and it’s pretty easy sell. I like that point about why you chose to get into WP Simple Pay. Well, let’s elaborate a little bit on some of the different options you can do with it. Like I mentioned, you guys should head on over to and check out the demo. There’s a menu of different demos you can check out and then these buttons you can click with the overlays. What’s like a really simple WP Simple Pay checkout and what’s a more elaborate one or could you describe some of the options people have?
Phil Derksen: Sure, yeah. I mean the basic like one time … Like you just want to sell something. It’s a one time purchase. It’s not a recurring subscription that you’re signing up. You can put whatever content you want on the page, but you can really just have a button at the very least. Okay? You’re going to sell something for 20 bucks and then the Stripe checkout overlay … Okay. Stripe is mainly behind the scenes. They’re approving credit cards, detecting fraud, all that kind of stuff behind the scenes. It’s not something your customer is seeing, but they do offer a Stripe checkout overlay, which is a big part of Simple Pay. On that overlay you can customize a few different things. For instance, you can require billing and shipping address or not.
You can require zip or postal code or not, those kind of things. Just a few different things. You can add a logo and certain things. That’s the real kind of bare bones kind of configuration. Then from there if you want to collect a little bit more information, you can add some custom fields to it. Right now in the current state of Simple Pay, these will reside on the page that’s launching that checkout overlay. Again it’s easier if you just go through the demos, but what these will do is record some extra information like if you want phone numbers and options of what they’re buying and so on and so forth. Let me back up a little bit too on how this plugin is different than other Stripe plugins or add-ons.
One of the reasons I said I love Stripe is that signing up for an account is pretty fast and it’s easy. Even though they target developers, I would say many of our customers are … Simple Pay’s customers are non-developers and I would recommend it to no- developers. It’s easy to navigate through and look through payment details and subscription details and so on. What Simple Pay does is any extra information that it collects like from these custom fields and such it stores in the Stripe payment metadata. Metadata is a technical term for basically extra fields in there. This is all in the Stripe dashboard.
Simple Pay is also a lightweight Stripe plugin in the sense that it’s not storing all this extra data in your WordPress site, which is not a bad thing, but it’s keeping it lightweight. Whereas if you set up WooCommerce or easy digital downloads or all these other shopping card solutions, they’re storing all the data in WordPress. It’s just a different way that we do because Stripe provides all that on their backend if that makes sense.
Chris Badgett: It does makes sense. Stripe is really the backend and you’re providing the bridge in the simplest way possible for people to sell stuff, get the information to Stripe and have a clean easy checkout with lots of options.
Phil Derksen: Right. Right. Should I keep going through some of the different options here? Stripe also provides a coupon code mechanism in their backend. What you could do is you set up the coupon codes on your Stripe dashboard and then you can connect them with your Simple Pay checkout form and then it’ll read what you’ve set up in the Stripe again. This is not stored in WordPress.
Chris Badgett: There’s also I just want to add a benefit to that one. When you’re not storing a bunch of sensitive eCommerce information, that’s one of the great things about Stripe is they’re the ones who are holding the credit card. It’s not like you’re responsible for somebody’s credit card. Stripe is. I think you can see the last four digits or whatever if you ever need to like verify something with somebody on the phone, but all that security is handled by Stripe.
Phil Derksen: Yeah, exactly. You’re a lot less as offloaded from your site. You don’t have to worry about that. SSL certificates. Having HTTPS is required like most sites. You want to have that anywhere going forward, but that is about all they require. Let’s see here. Well, like you said, you can configure the language that you want to use and which country and which currency you’re using and so on and so forth. There’s a demo using a French Euro combination on the site. Whatever fields are not translated in WordPress itself, Stripe has its own. You’re setting something and sending it off to Stripe so they’re also displaying the correct currency and language and all that kind of stuff. If you want to add tax rates to your checkout, you can.
Then a big thing we have that’s pretty popular is custom amount. Pay what you want. Donate. It’s user entered amount, whatever you want to call it. A lot of people use it for donations, but some people also use it for say they have a bunch of different client projects and they tell somebody say, “Hey, simply go to this page, enter in what you owe me and that sort of thing.
Chris Badgett: It’s like your own personal like Western Union money transfer.
Phil Derksen: Right. Right. Like super simple though. It doesn’t take much time, but a lot of people do use it for donations, which can be configured again to be one time or recurring. They can even check a box say make this a monthly donation, that sort of thing. Then basically from there it ties into Stripe’s subscriptions. They have plans and subscriptions, so basically their recurring logic. Then that’s kind of a whole nother realm, but we pretty much tie in with all the things they offer currently. You can just subscribe somebody to a plan that you set up. In our documentation stuff, there’s how to set up all these plans in Stripe, but again I think you’ll find even if you’re not a developer or technical, that it’s pretty easy to do in the Stripe dashboard.
You can set up if let’s say you have … You want to a list of few options in a dropdown or radio buttons or pricing table of different subscription plans, you can do that and let your customer pick which plan they want to subscribe to. You can also combine a lot of these things. You can combine select a plan, add a few fields like get some more information from them, and then you can also have them enter an amount they want. Again if it’s a donation kind of scenario or something like that, they can say, “I want to pay 30 bucks for this.” They can enter that in. A lot of donation sites you’ll see they’ll have preselected plans, but let the user …
Chris Badgett: Override it?
Phil Derksen: Enter what they want as well. These are kind of more little bit smaller cases, but overtime we had our customers ask for these. Actually I think this might apply to folks selling courses. Like certain types of courses. You might want to charge an upfront fee that’s higher than the regular monthly plan. We call it up the set up fee. Let’s say you want to charge $25 a month, but to get started it’s a hundred. You can add that into the first payment and then you can also say this is only a six month payment and then you’re done. You want to give lifetime access after six months or something like that. Installment plans, payment plans, there’s also that ability to basically have it stop charging that monthly plan automatically.
Of course, it could be monthly. It could be biweekly, weekly, biannually. I mean you have all these options as well. I mean unless there’s some other specific features you want to talk about, that’s kind of the overall of what we provide right now. We have a lot in our roadmap of course and Stripe themselves keeps coming out with a lot of things we want to tie into. That’s what we got so far.
Chris Badgett: That’s a lot of options and a lot of different pricing models and access models that you could come up with. Well, let’s transition into a conversation around a couple of used cases for course builders and membership site builders. There’s two main scenarios I’d love to have a conversation on. One of them is validating or validation. Another word for that is piloting a course concept. The other is on cross-selling and upselling from your courses and memberships to other products like events or physical products and other things. LifterLMS has a eCommerce system. It also has a Stripe connection. It has a PayPal connection.
You can integrate it with WooCommerce, but what we talk about a lot on this podcast is about not getting into LMS software or tools and building a fancy learning platform until you have validated your idea with a pilot course where you run a small group of people potentially through even just live training calls like you can do with Skype or Zoom or whatever to kind of take them through your course material manually and make sure they’re getting results and that you can teach it well and you’re getting feedback on how well your instruction is working. Basically they’ll offer that.
I like to say to people, “If you’re really going to pilot your course concept or validate it or build a minimum viable product before going head over heels into membership sites and learning management system builds and stuff like that is to all you need is like a Skype account and PayPal account or in this case with just a one page website, a WordPress install with one page, you can present an offer of what it is you aim to teach or what your membership is about and you can just use WP Simple Pay. Put a buy now button on there. You could put a name your price button on there. You could set up a subscription. You could collect additional information, add custom fields like what’s your t-shirt size or whatever, to hook them up with some swag or whatever.”
Really with like a $10 domain name, a web hosting account in WP Simple Pay and maybe thrown in a WordPress page builder or something to create like a fancy sales page or whatever or use a template that already exist, you can go from idea to website with a course or membership for sale like in a day, like very quickly.
Phil Derksen: Oh yeah. Then setting a SSL these days too. Most reputable hosts have the free SSL through Let’s Encrypt or whatever and so you can start with that as well.
Chris Badgett: Another name for this is like your minimum viable product. Before you build out this fancy thing, set up a page. Put a buy now button on it and see if anybody will pay you. What a great way to do that with WP Simple Pay. I’m just curious in your experience just generally like are there certain industries or use cases where you people doing MVPs with WP Simple Pay?
Phil Derksen: Yeah, definitely. As you were talking, I brought up some of our customers and some colleagues and friends I know personally. Like MVPs in all sorts of ways. One that comes to mind and it’s probably because it’s people I hang around the most was people that created … Basically SaaS products or software as a service. Well, okay. I’ll give you an example, It’s a content writing service by my friend Brian Castle.
Chris Badgett: Just a side note here, Brian Castle’s been a guest on this podcast. Just search for his name and you can find that episode with Brian. Sorry to interrupt. Go ahead.
Phil Derksen: No. No. Brian’s a great guy. Smart dude. He has used Simple Pay. I think he still uses it for certain cases, but basically when he was getting started with Audience Ops and he was talking to his first handful of customers. Eventually I’m either assuming he has or he’s built some sort of custom Stripe integration for his software at this point, but when he got started, he was just trying to get those first few customers and basically handhold them through certain brain up. Get them set up and everything else. The same thing, he didn’t need to build out a whole automatic connection to Stripe and connect it to the software.
He just needed to grab that payment and maybe do a few things manually at first once the payment processed, but that’s definitely a way to hold off on committing to building out a huge piece of software from the beginning before you validate the idea itself. That’s a couple other people I know have used Simple Pay for that. I mean that is kind of our sweet spot in a lot of ways. Like you just said, we’ve had … We have people graduate from our plugin to other solutions and that’s just fine. WooCommerce, people selling physical products is another one. They might have a couple products, but they don’t know if it’s really something they want to continue with or if it’s going to make them be a viable business. Sell a few and kind of manually process it.
You don’t need some elaborate inventory system or anything yet or shopping cart system. Then you start with that. Same thing with the membership course. That’s a great way to use it without having to spend a lot of money on a developer or yourself setting a lot of stuff up that you may not need at the moment. The cool thing with Stripe too is that you already have this account set up. Maybe there’s a few tweaks and things you’ve done in your Stripe dashboard. You can toggle a little fraud protection or how strict you want to be on certain things and that sort of thing. If you already have that set up, if you need to move to a Stripe add-on to an LMS or a membership site or eCommerce site, then you can do that later on.
Chris Badgett: That’s a lot of good stuff there. Well, let’s talk about the other use case, which is cross-selling or upselling. I think a lot of times people end up with a shopping cart when they don’t really need one. If you think about it, a lot of eCommerce activity, people are buying one thing at a time even if multiple things are for sale. For many use cases, just a one product at a time purchase or perhaps the website is only really offering one thing. They don’t necessarily need a full on shopping cart for a non-shopping cart experience. For an online course or membership site, a lot of you out there listening are teachers or experts in certain areas. You may have courses and memberships, but you may also have other things.
You may offer some on the side consulting. You may have a book that you want to sell. You may have a live event that you want to sell tickets to, but you don’t need to like build a complex shopping cart. You could just use something like create a page on your site and add these other offers and opportunities you have. You could put a donate to me page, buy me a beer, whatever, on your website and use WP Simple Pay to deliver that donation system that you need or to sell your event tickets or sell your book. Like Phil mentioned, you can collect an address and other information too. You can just cross-sell and upsell other stuff that’s not really related to your course and membership.
You can test ideas out like, “Hey, I wonder if my students might also be interested in this kind of workbook that I make around my material. Maybe I’ll sell that separately or see if any of them are interested in private consulting with me.” You could do that. I don’t know. Do you have any other ideas of other cross-sell, upselling single product things that people use WP Simple Pay for?
Phil Derksen: Yeah, no. You’ve listed off a few for sure. Any kind of digital assets. You said books and stuff, but if … Like us. If you’re just getting started a few years ago, if you’re just getting started selling some kind of software plugin or maybe it’s a desktop app that you created or Photoshop template or proposal template, I mean if what you’re teaching or selling has some kind of digital things that you want to give as an extra 10 bucks or 20 bucks or 50, whatever it is, you could package those up and just email them off or email links to those manually for a while until that gain some traction. Conferences and meet ups are good. There are some elaborate and good event and ticketing solutions for WordPress and not for WordPress that are great.
If you’re going to just trying a small meet up or conference for the first time and you have a couple options, maybe you’re selling a t-shirt if you pay a little bit more, whatever it is, you could definitely use it for that and not create an elaborate event site.
Chris Badgett: I just want to highlight that point. If there’s one takeaway from this episode, it’s all about like you don’t have to overdo it. There’s a lot of people with technology where they buy the Cadillac and they bring it home when they’re just learning to drive or just seeing if they even want to go on the road. One step at a time. I love the event analogy you gave because the first time you run an event, why not just put a buy now button and see what happens, see how many people you get. You don’t need this complex event system and presell some tickets to make sure before you book the venue and everything. It’s one step at a time.
Phil Derksen: I heard a story too of a guy, a friend of mine. He was creating a SaaS app, software as a service, and he was in the beginning he actually wanted to offer free trials. I don’t think I mentioned that, but Stripe also has free trail subscriptions that you can do. Anyway, in his case, he didn’t even get that far. He had people sign up 30 day free trial just to see if people would do it. Once people started signing up, he put on his calendar three days before the 30 day trial ends, I need to get a billing system in place. He didn’t bother even signing up for Stripe anything until he knew that he had a few people that were in the trial if that makes sense. Anyway, yeah. There’s a bunch of use cases there and I want to mention too, there’s even a few more …
You can create just a temporary checkout page. Maybe you don’t even want to link on your site, but it’s one that you’re going to email out to a few people or after you talk to them. You can create a bunch of payment pages for specific uses and not really expose them to everyone. Then another thing I want to mention was if you want to do a few automated things at the start, but again you don’t want to spend money on a developer or code it yourself right away, a tool like Zapier where basically you can connect Stripe to its events like if somebody signs up for something and then you can have it email out or whatever it is that you want to automate a little bit more.
Chris Badgett: Just to that point, for those of you listening, if you haven’t heard of Zapier, I’d encourage you to google it. It allows you to connect two different applications or apps to each other and have them do something in a way that they’re not naturally connected to do. Could you give us some more use cases of what people might do from connecting to Stripe?
Phil Derksen: Yeah, sure. One of the features we have in our roadmap that we haven’t built yet is more customized email receipts. What’s nice though, actually here’s another thing Stripe offers is they offer basic receipt emails that are pretty good. They look nice. They’re just not real customizable. We don’t have that in Simple Pay yet. However, I have a few post on this on our blog on how to use Zapier to send out customized email receipts. Again to avoid either building an email solution yourself or signing up for another service that’s too expensive or waiting on us to build it, you can use Zapier to say, “Hey, I would like to email our customers with this information as soon as they buy,” and that’s triggered from the payment going through on Stripe.
You can basically look at any kind of event that Stripe would fire off and either connect that to Zapier or some other service when somebody signs up or if their credit card failed or whatever it is.
Chris Badgett: Yeah, that’s awesome. That’s awesome. For those of you listening, I’d encourage you to check out WP Simple Pay. Whenever you set up any kind of eCommerce system, it’s always a good idea to test it. My personal preference, I like to do live testing. I’ll often do like a 99% off coupon or whatever. It’s always good to test your experience. Make sure you connected everything right and all that stuff and it looks and works and collects what you want it to collect. What do you recommend? If somebody is listening to this and wants to get started and try out WP Simple Pay, what do you recommend? What should they do to start?
Phil Derksen: Like you said with the testing, I’m with you on that. You eventually want to test a live payment somehow. I think Stripe, 50 cents is the minimum when you’re live, but that being said, you can get pretty far with their …
Chris Badgett: Test mode.
Phil Derksen: Being on test mode on Stripe. You could do everything you can do. Basically you can test out everything in Stripe test mode. We have test mode in the settings in Simple Pay. It would just be basically kind of coming up with the scenario that you want to try out whether it’s selling a subscription or a donation or whatever it is and just getting the plugin and putting it on just a WordPress site. It could be a test site if you want. It can also be just a private page if you want on your site or an unlinked page and put it in test mode and try it out for a while or a staging site. Any of that stuff.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. If someone wants to try out WP Simple Pay, what’s the best place to go or how should they start? What do you recommend for people who want to …
Phil Derksen: Good point. A lot of the features I talked about are just in our pro plugin or premium plugin. That would be If you want to just try the Stripe checkout overlay features, it’s basically just a buy button with those kind of few options there that come up on the overlay. You can just look up Stripe payments in your plugins and your WordPress site and grab the free version just to get started if you want. Later on if you need to upgrade or need to do a few more things, you already have your Stripe account and Stripe keys and all that set up already. It’s pretty seamless to move to the pro plugin that way.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Well, for those of you out there listening, if you have a new course idea or you want to try to upsell or cross-sell some other products, I would encourage you to check out WP Simple Pay throughout the page. Put that button on there and hook it up to your Stripe account and see what happens. It’s validating your ideas and just making a clean simple checkout experience when that make sense is so powerful. Thanks for making the plugin, Phil. For those of you out there, head on over to Where else can people connect with you on the inter webs?
Phil Derksen: Yeah, sure. I’m on Twitter a little bit here and there. It’s @PhilDerksen. I blog occasionally at Yeah, those are the spots they can find me.
Chris Badgett: Awesome. Well, thanks so much for coming on the show and we’ll have to do it again sometime.
Phil Derksen: Definitely. Thanks a lot, Chris. It’s been fun.

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Discover how to launch your online course website in 20 minutes.

WordPress LMS Growth Engine

5 secrets to create, launch, and scale your high value online training program website.

Try LifterLMS Before You Buy

Discover the world’s most powerful flexible learning management system (LMS) for WordPress.