How Course Creators Can Overcome Extreme Stress and Unlock Creativity through Clarity with Spa Life Entrepreneur Diane Halfman

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How course creators can overcome extreme stress and unlock creativity through clarity with spa life entrepreneur Diane Halfman in this episode of the LMScast podcast with Chris Badgett of LifterLMS. Diane and Chris talk about how you can have a successful go-getter mindset and take time to take your foot off the gas, relax, and reflect.

How course creators can overcome extreme stress and unlock creativity through clarity with spa life entrepreneur Diane HalfmanDiane was a San Diego police officer for 10 years. She worked gangs, narcotics, and vice. During that time she was able to see behind the scenes of what was happening in the world. While on the police force, Diane once had the opportunity to spend a little time living the ‘spa life’ where you focus on taking care of all the aspects of yourself from a mental, emotional, and physical level. The spa life is all about enabling yourself to be the best person you can be in order to make a larger impact.

Many course creators and membership site owners get stressed out and overloaded with work, because all of the responsibility of the business is on them, and they don’t create boundaries for their business. Diane and Chris talk about how creating specific time each day to prioritize relaxation can dramatically help you relieve the stresses in your life.

When you are teaching in-depth online courses, it is important to show the different aspects of your life. If you don’t show how you take care of yourself when teaching online courses, then you’re giving your clients permission to not take care of themselves. Your students consciously or subconsciously look up to you as an expert, so it is important to demonstrate healthy choices.

Diane shares her expertise in managing stress and what she does with her consulting clients to make their lives more productive and less stressful. Two of the big points of limited productivity come from having a cluttered work environment and an office that doesn’t engage and inspire you. Diane and Chris discuss how you can address these problems.

To learn more about Diane Halfman and the spa life lifestyle head to where you can find some free gifts and ways to follow and connect with Diane. Be sure to also check out where you can learn about what aspects of your life you may need help improving.

You can find out more about how you can use LifterLMS to build your own online courses and membership sites at If you like this episode of LMScast, you can browse more episodes here. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for updates, developments, and future episodes of LMScast. Thank you for joining us!

Episode Transcript

Chris Badgett: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of LMScast. My name’s Chris Badgett, and I’m joined by a special guest, Diane Halfman. How are you doing, Diane?
Diane Halfman: I’m good. How are you, Chris?
Chris Badgett: I’m doing great. This is a special edition. We are recording this through my freshly connected internet hardwired into the computer, so the quality is going to be good. If you’re listening this on audio, check us on video. You can find us at Diane, over your site, you feature this idea called the spa life. Can you take us into the story of what that is, and what that’s all about?
Diane Halfman: Yeah. Absolutely, Chris. Thanks for asking. A lot of people tell me, like, “What is that? Are you just going to have a massage, and how does that fit into my life, and what does that look like? A lot of people don’t know that my first career I was a San Diego police officer, and I was officer for 10 years, and I worked patrol, as well as undercover. So, I worked gangs, narcotics, vice. There was a lot of that happening, so I saw a lot of behind the scenes of what was happening in the world.
Well, my last case was a kidnapping murder case of a seven year old girl named Danielle, and I knew her mother. It was actually the first case where I actually knew the victim, and that had such a big impact in my community in San Diego, because it happened in a neighborhood that people thought was safe. It just really stirred everyone. There was a big media sensation around it. I was on the news. It was just … It ended up being the neighbor that was involved so, again, people didn’t feel secure about what they were up to. It was just a draining year.
You can imagine, you’ve got kids, I know your listeners have kids, and you think about that it’s like the worst nightmare that has happened. Is something happening to your child? My friend was just going through the worst experience in her life. I was trying to help her and the case, and we were going to court, and there was just so much angst. I hope your listeners haven’t gone through something similar, but we all have certain things at different times in our life that just seem to take us out. Just takes more of our energy, it’s draining, and we don’t really know to get on top of that.
Well, I had a miracle that kind of happened as part of that where someone donated to Brenda and myself, and some of the other ladies to go to a resort called Canyon Ranch in Tucson. I’d never even been to a place like this before. I mean, I was a cop on a cop salary, and going to a place like this was just like going to heaven really. Working there and seeing all the things that were happening where we having great food and great rest and [inaudible 00:02:33].
We were having massages, so that’s part of the spa life, but going on hikes, and really taking care of ourself. What we noticed was how we started feeling better. At night when we connected with other people there, we had such high-level conscious conversations. We started having conversations about wanting Danielle’s death to not be for nothing, and what kind of legislation can we do, and how can we make the world a better place? I really started seeing how when you had everything around you that was supporting you in your body, in your mind, in your soul, you can do amazing things.
And so, as I was transitioning out of the police department and retiring, I was coaching through a coaching program, and my mentor, Jim Bunch, had asked me, “If you could have all the time and money in the world, what would you be doing?” And I just said I’d be living the spa life. I never said that word before. I didn’t even know exactly what that meant other than I told him it wasn’t just about the massage. It was about taking care of all the aspects of yourself. Because if you did that and you were your best person, you could then go into the world and make bigger impacts.
So, spa life is actually a lifestyle, and it’s one where you have accomplishment, but you do it with harmony. You do it in a way that it actually feeds your soul.
Chris Badgett: Wow, that is an amazing story. Why is radical self-care such a radical idea?
Diane Halfman: You know, it’s amazing, because I think what happens is that people, and I know your listeners fit in this, they want to give so much, and so they feel guilty in giving to themself, because they feel like there’s only so much time in a day. It’s kind of like that guilty pleasure type thing. But what people don’t understand is if you keep pushing so much, either your body is going to give out in disease. When you get sick, it just means your body is had enough, because you haven’t listened to the signs coming up.
And so, it’s that same thing about like when you’re on an airplane about putting the oxygen mask on yourself first. You can’t help anyone else unless you’re taking care of yourself. I say extreme health care because you actually have to get it on your calendar. You have to make it a priority just like it is an appointment with anything else, because when you take care of yourself at that deeper of a level, you have so much to give, and we’re here to make big impacts. So, we want to take care of ourself, so we can have the energy and the drive to be able to do that.
Chris Badgett: Wow. That’s amazing. I can hear the conversations, past conversations with the course creating community, the online membership site folks that have been around for a long time. Just as an observation. I consider myself part of that tribe as well. We have like a higher than average stress volume partially because we’re teachers, we’re coaches, we’re really invested in our students or our learners, or our client’s results. It’s very heavy. How do you integrate the two? Because sometimes you feel guilty when you take time away to like focus on yourself versus take care of your students. How do you integrate successful go-getter mindset with like I’m going to chill out, relax, and take my foot of the gas, and reflect, and ask the big questions?
Diane Halfman: Right. That’s a great question Chris. I get that a lot of times. One of the things that happens is that as professors and people who are in the teaching and instructional world, we’re a reflection. We think that people don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes for us. I know this just from my police work is that everything looks great on the outside, but what’s happening behind the scenes it can be a little bit crazy. Sometimes people don’t want anyone to see the craZy that’s happening behind, because they think it’s a reflection of who they are.
As you’re teaching and you’re doing your life, you want to show all the different aspects of that. If you are just balls to the wall, just teaching and going, and just doing that aspect of it, you’re not showing the different flavors of your life. You’re then teaching and modeling for our children, as well as our clients that it’s okay that you don’t take care of yourself. By doing that, you’re giving them permission to have that in their life. I have to do this for myself as well. I mean, I’m somebody who used to work like 18 hour days and overtime, and all these kind of things.
There’s going to be times when you’re doing a course creation you’ve got maybe a deadline or you’re doing a certain launch. There’s going to be times that it’s like that. That’s why I never talk about having balance where there’s an equal [inaudible 00:06:59] in your day. That’s not what happens when people are hard chargers and want to make things happen. I really believe in work hard, play hard, but you got to get that play in there. You got to get it on the calendar, and I look at your calendar as being your mind in action. If you look at that and you don’t see the things on there that really inspire you, you actually need to draw from that off-time to give you the inspiration to then give on a deeper level.
I think you actually talked about going into the real world for some inspiration. People have to do that. You have to live your life. If you’re just in your office having television, you’re not getting the creative ideas, because you’re not living your life. So, you want to be a reflection of a life you want to live. If you sit and you wanted to like fast-forward your life a year, 5 years, 20 years from now, is it the life that you want to have? It’s like what is the outcome? Why are you building what you’re doing? Yes, you want to help people, but are you also building a life that you actually want. Some people if they build without the end in mind, they build something that they actually didn’t want.
Chris Badgett: Wow. That’s really insightful. I just want to [park 00:08:03]on that point you said a little bit about being a reflection. Like a business owner myself, I’m conscious of the culture I create. I’m on stage whenever I’m in front of my people, Even though I run a remote company, when we have our meetings. If I talk about how I worked all night, worked most of the weekend too, I might have gotten a lot done, but I’m setting a expectation even subconsciously to my people that, “You need to do that too if you want to be successful here.” At the same time, that just breeds a culture of workaholism and unbalance.
I found the hard way that it’s better to manage energy not time. I’m a lot more productive if I actually sleep, and take time off and do some stuff that I want to do.
Diane Halfman: Right. That reminds me. I had a client of mine, Matt, who had his own in-home business. This is another thing that a lot of people have their own business, they don’t have set hours. They think they’re open 24/7 versus saying, “Okay, I’ve got some boundaries around this. This is when I open and this is when I close. I have some family time.” That’s actually part of what I help my clients with is like creating what are the parameters. It’s not managing minutes, it’s about moments like how is it that you want to actually experience that?
But one of the things with Matt is he was taking anytime off, and he had bought a sailboat thinking that he was going to someday get on his sailboat, go and out and do that when he’d retired. Well, he’d already had the boat for two years when I had met him, and he’d been on it only like a handful of times. I just said, “You know what, you’re just working so hard, and now it’s starting to affect your health, it’s having impact on your marriage, and it’s not what you want.” Yeah, you’re impacting people, but the energy you’re now bringing forth with people in terms of this frantic, like you have to get it all done, and the busyness that’s coming up is not how you want to be in the world.
I said, “Play with me here, and let’s just say this boat is for retirement.” I said, “How about if Fridays you were retired? We just set it on the calendar where every Friday you were retired. You wake up with the mindset that you’re retired, you don’t take calls, you’ve got no schedule, you just go out and you go on your boat?” And he just kind of looked like, “Oh, can I do that?” And his wife was on board with it. They were all like, “Let’s just make this happen.” So, he started doing that. Every Friday he would go out on his sailboat, and he would just be out on the water all day.
What happened was not only did he get a day off to himself, he created an extra day for his family. And because he gave himself that time, he had his most brilliant creative ideas when he was on the water not thinking about it. You have to step away from your work in order to get that new inspiration to then bring that energy into people. That’s what people want. They want to have what you have. If what you’re showing that you have is exhaustion and craziness, no one wants that.
Chris Badgett: I know one digital entrepreneur who actually takes his laptop and puts it in a safe that he cannot open after a certain time.
Diane Halfman: Hey, whatever it takes.
Chris Badgett: Yeah. There’s all kinds of strategies for dealing with this. One of mine, this episode that we’re recording right now is actually from a little cabin in my backyard in my house.
Diane Halfman: Nice.
Chris Badgett: When I go in for dinner, I close the laptop, I leave the phone in here, and I sit with my family, and I hangout and have time together. I don’t have like the beeps and the dings. I try to create habits to enforce that, because it’s easier said than done. We all have like limited will power. If you love what to do especially, it’s really hard sometimes to detach.
One of the things we talk about on this podcast a bunch is what we call the stack. That has to do with, some people have courses and coaching, maybe some services, and like a different stack designed to get a desired result for their people. You have a couple of courses in your coaching program. Can you just kind of tell us about your offer spread there?
Diane Halfman: Yeah. I think it’s important to … One of the things I always ask people when I’m talking to them on the phone is how do you best learn? Like if somebody gave you a blueprint, could you just take that and run with it, and does that work for you? Or, are you someone that likes to have a little bit more accountability where you’ve got someone that is checking in on you, where you’ve got some boundaries, and they’re supporting you as well?
It’s good to ask them about that as it begins an awareness for them to actually see how they learn, and for them to also be part of co-creating and the process, because most people need a balance of both. If they didn’t need the accountability and your personal support, and your personal expertise of what you have. You all have expertise because you’ve lived your life and your experiences in some ways that you’re going to be able to impart that on someone else, because they have not had your experiences. People need that part of it, because if they didn’t, online courses would be completed 100% which we all know they’re less than 10%. It’s important to have that mix.
One of the things that I do as part of my courses is that I have the online experience, because I love that fact that people can go on 24/7 whenever it works for them, and give them the next to step to go. But I think it’s important to build the community. I’ve got online communities. I’ve got calls that they have where they can ask questions along the way, and they feel like you’re actually taking their hand, and you’re walking them through the process over the finish line. Because, really, it’s not that they need more information, they need to have implementation and more inspiration. By having that, they have that extra boost to get there.
Everyone knows what they need to do. They’re just not doing it, because they’re overwhelmed with life, and priorities, and everything else. So, when they say, “Hey, I need what you have to offer,” you got to help them over the help to get there.
Chris Badgett: One of your courses is called Cluttered to Calm. Is that right?
Diane Halfman: Yes.
Chris Badgett: So, what is that all about? Tell us about the clutter problem, and then your approach to it.
Diane Halfman: Right. The Cluttered to Calm course it’s a five module course, and I use my signature of five steps system. I think when people have steps to be able to look at, it supports them in making that happen. We look at the mindset, so the part I was saying where people know what to do or they think what they need to do, but they’re not doing it. We address that in the academy.
We go through like the bedroom, we go through their office, the kitchen and the storage areas. Sometimes people have off-storage. So, all the different areas because usually I find that people don’t have a cluttered one area corner. It kind of spreads all over the place. One of the things that happens is that clutter is like an anchor. It actually holds you back, and you’re not able to be as creative and move forward. I help people clear their space, so that they can then clear their mind, and then be able to do the courses they want to do. So, I work a lot with either authors trying to write their next book, or people creating their next course, so that their environment isn’t distracting them with what’s happening with them.
One of the ways that I look at that is by clearing those things out. We look at environment. You’d mentioned earlier something about not having enough willpower. What’s great about that is people set New Year’s Eve goals where they think, “Okay, here’s my resolution for the year.” And they think that willpower is going to get them through that. Well, people are lucky to get through the first week in January, and to still be on track with that. when other things and other pressures come on, the willpower isn’t enough. It’s your environment that you createD that actually pulls you towards what you want to have. I have a great example of this.
Let’s say, a lot of people have for their New Year’s resolution they want to be more healthy. They either want to lose weight or have more energy, or something around their health. Let’s say you go out, and you buy this 1,000 calorie cupcake, and it’s this beautiful cupcake, and it has all these calories in it, and you set in on your counter, and you work from home, and you walk past that cupcake all day long. You can have all this willpower, “I’m not going to touch the cupcake. It’s for my family or it’s for a special occasion, or I’m just going to have a bite of it.” You can have all this willpower, but it’s in your environment. It’s actually affecting you. It’s only a matter of time where you’re either going to be hungry enough, stressed enough, or there’s no other food in the house. You’re just going to eat that cupcake because it’s there.
That same principle is for everything. Like in your office, the things that are in and around your office are they actually moving you forward to inspire you to do the work that you have to do, or is it dragging you? It’s your environment that actually affects you. In fact, a lot of my clients don’t even work in their office, because it stresses them out so much. So, they’ll do it Starbucks, or in their car even, or in another room, because their office is crazy. But when you think about it, your office represents where you make your money and where you’re creative. If it’s not a place that actually inspires you, that’s something that needs to change.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. For those of you listening in the video version of this, Diane is standing in front of a beautiful art painting. There’s no like stacks of papers or things to do. There’s a nice inspiring painting behind her right now.
Let’s talk about paper clutter. [inaudible 00:17:30] just to share one of the strategies I came up with is I actually work on graph paper. I do a lot of my maps and stuff for organizing my day and whatnot, and I have online tools for project management and things like that. But I have it’s like a graph paper and there’s no ring. It’s the type where you peel it off, and when the day’s done, it’s either going into my online system or it’s done. It’s going into a recycle bin, and I’m going to use it to start a fire.
Just having one piece of paper everyday it just allowed me to relax. And then I have online systems if I ever do need to save something for later it goes over there. So, my to-do list is always just a fresh clean sheet of paper at the beginning of the day. There’s some other stuff I do on it like some gratitude, and the most important things that need to get done the next day and stuff like that. But then the rest of the white space the chaos can happen just for the day then it goes away.
Diane Halfman: Right. I love that, because I’ve actually created something called Diane’s Daily Design that I use it with my clients. You and I didn’t even talk about this side. I think this is so perfect. It’s a one page. I don’t know if you can really see it, but it’s like a 24 hour clock. Today was a very full day today, so this is more than I usually have. But I just put one word next to it, so I can see what’s the flow of my day. But I also have a line where this is where my day ends and where it starts. There is a this is when it’s happening, so you have those boundaries, but also that flow that I was talking about that I have on here. I put on here like my self-care kind of things. This is my cash flow calls, and these are my values. I write those in during the day, so I am mindful of what kind of day do I want to have.
And then at the bottom if I think of certain things like I’ve got an area for calls, so like, “Oh, I need to call that person.” You can just capture it right away. This is computer. And then these are actually commitments that I’m making. If you’re putting it on here, you’re committing, it’s going on your calendar, it’s actually going to happen, but having a one page. You can either draw it out yourself. I actually do a one hour training on this just so people can [inaudible 00:19:37] how you can do that, because how you master your day is key, because you want to be able to have that flow that has not just all the appointments you have. If you could see this closer, you would see like I went to the gym this morning, I’m going to have meditation later on tonight. It’s like all those aspects. It’s part of it.
I mean, if I had a day where it’s like I was just working all day long it’s like what is that? It makes Johnny a bad doll boy, or whatever that saying was. It’s just like you got to have variety in life.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. I like how you have the self-care spa life. That’s important in your plan too. When I do my top three priorities for the day, I always try to include at least one thing that’s not related to work, because as an entrepreneur I can easily just be like, “Oh, I got to do this thing, or I got to set up this thing.”
Diane Halfman: That’s always the thing.
Chris Badgett: Yeah. I’m looking at today’s. Mine was just to be … I’m always working on mindfulness, and I just have one of my top priorities today is to release negative thoughts. It’s just there. It’s on the to-do list. It’s one of my top priorities. I’ve looked at it several times today. I’ve been thinking about it. I’ve [inaudible 00:20:49] myself. That’s-
Diane Halfman: With you saying that, I really appreciate that with the mindfulness, because one of the things I am doing is I’m doing a 40 day meditation. When you tell people that you’re doing some self-care, they’re like, “Oh, I don’t have time for that.” The actual 40 day meditation that I’m doing, and it’s actually part of a group, but I’m a participant. I’m not leading it. It’s three minutes a day. What’s interesting is just setting three minutes a side you think, “Oh, that’s no big deal or that’s not enough.” However you look at time. It’s either too much or not enough, right?
A lot of times I actually put that in my calendar when that three minutes is happening, because it’s amazing if I let the day just kind of roll, where I’m going to put that three minutes? It’s not just the three minutes I’ve given there. It’s like getting to the chair, and then sitting down, and then setting the music I’m going to have, and doing the actual three minutes. Having that is a really great start to start bringing some harmony into your day and your life. Just start with three minutes.
Chris Badgett: Yeah. That’s beautiful. You mentioned a life reset quiz. Can you tell us about the quiz? In this podcast we’re often wearing five different hats. We have the expert hat, we have the community builder hat, we have the teacher instructional designer hat, we have the technology hat, and then we have the entrepreneur hat. That’s why course creators are so stressed out, because they have to be five people at once. But if we put on an instructional designer hat on, what are you doing with your quiz?
Diane Halfman: Quizzes are amazing. Everyone should have one if you’ve not. I know Chris can help you in setting one up. What’s so great is you want to have people take a quiz before you actually have a conversation with them, because you want to have your quiz reflect the kind of work that you’re doing in the world, so that you know if you’re a match for them, and they can see where the gaps are in their life.
One of the reasons why I like to give out the My Life Reset quiz, and you just go, and it takes two minutes. It’s not something that takes a lot of time for people. Quizzes are for people to have awareness. People like to have that quick information back where they know what to do with it. For me, one of my course which is the life reset experience; hence the Life Reset Quiz. So, you want to have it so that it relates to each other.
And I have on there questions that have to do with your mindset like how you’re feeling in life, what’s working for you, what’s not working. And then I look at their physical space, so there’s some questions around that. And then there’s a few questions about their self-care, and what does that look like? I know with just how people answer in there they’ve got some awareness around, “Hey where are they rocking it?” You know, they got this. And then they get to see where they need the support. The areas that they need support when they talk to you and you offer that support, it makes it easier to have that conversation, because you could just get on a phone with someone and talk about anything, right? It helps them to focus on where they need their support and how you can help them.
Chris Badgett: Well, that’s beautiful. What is your coaching experience like? You said you have course and you have the coaching. Like as a group coaching, one-on-one. How does it work?
Diane Halfman: I have a little bit of all. For me, a lot of it has to do with different times of the year. I focus on different things. I just did a five day Facebook Clutter to Calm challenge to help people to start clearing things out, removing things out of their life. Anything from their calendar, to clothes, to their mind, changing of how they think about things. Having that. So, that’s how I build communities. You were talking about the community aspect of it, because really people want to feel like they’re not in it alone. When people are on similar journeys together, it really helps to have that support. I do that, as well as my online courses and my group courses. I also do VIP work. As part of the spa life I’ll do even like a night away where they get to step outside of their life, again, looking at their environments to really do a little bit of that work hard, play hard.
Talk about what they need to remove out of their life. See what it feels like in a 24 hour period. They’re 24 hours with me. How is it that you bring in self-care? How is it that you have the flow into your life? I do that in my VIP experiences, as well as there’s some people that fly me to their home and I stay with them for three to five days, and I help them clear out everything that they need to do.
Chris Badgett: Wow. That’s amazing. That’s quite a spread.
Diane Halfman: It’s fun.
Chris Badgett: Let me just put my technology hat on for a second. For you that’s just listening I’m looking. The audio’s great, the video’s great. How did you get your tech skills?
Diane Halfman: Well, here’s the thing, I would say that as soon as possible you want to delegate those things. One of the things that I learned really early on is stay in your lane of what your strengths are. When you were rattling off these five things that people are doing, it’s one thing that you can know that, but know the areas that are your strength, and you will do much better to delegate those other things. I have a team that created the studio, the lighting, all of these things. I come in and do … I talk to people, I work with people. I have those aspects, but I don’t do the technology aspect of it.
Chris Badgett: What about, this is a instructional teacher thing. You’re a great public speaker. How did you develop that?
Diane Halfman: You know, I think when it comes to public speaking I think it’s just experience and just doing it. My daughter’s on my team, and I was just talking to her. I was actually just walking down the studio, and I said it never gets old of just hitting that go button where you just have that moment of like, ” …. Am I going to say all the right things? Am I going to touch the people that need to be heard? Am I going to give all the information that’s supports them.” I think that never really leaves you. I think what happens is that you have to have the mindset that it’s not about you.
It’s not about me being here. It’s about how it is that I can connect with the person that they need to hear the message to get them to the next step of where they’re at. If you go from that place … Actually, Molly was really great in teaching me this. I’ve got a couple of mentors that taught me that is that you have to think about just talking to one person. For right now it’s like you and me are just having a conversation. We know that there’s people that are learning and gathering that information, but if I think about there’s thousands of people listening to this, I could get distracted with that number whereas we’re just talking to one person.
So, whether or not you’re live talking to people, because I talk on stages or online in my courses, you’re always only talking to one person, because that’s all you want to do is make the difference from one person. If it affects millions of others, that’s just a bonus.
Chris Badgett: In terms of getting on stage and public speaking. I know many course creators kind of end up behind the computer at home, or they don’t get out to the conferences or host live events. How’s that for you like the whole from the stage thing? Why did you decide to do that? Did you start with that? Did you add that later? Tell us about how that came into the mix.
Diane Halfman: Right. Coming as somebody who worked undercover in her past profession, it’s much easier for me to just … I have a [inaudible 00:28:03] quality to myself. I know right now it seems like I’m really outgoing, and that is definitely part of my personality, but I love to be in jammies and hang out at my house just like anybody else. Getting just outside the door can be a big step for people. I did start with my online stuff more, so I do more of that. But I realized that getting out and connecting with people that at the end of the day it’s really about having that personal connection with people as well, and it’s and. It’s not either, or. It’s and.
One of the things that really distinguished this for me, and which has really pushed me to be more out. It doesn’t mean I have to be in the large speaking groups. You can look at just smaller ones. One of the things that really made this distinguishing mark for me is … I don’t know if you know who Bo Eason is, but he is a retired NFL player. He had his goal to be the best safety in the world since he was like eight years old, and he became that. He was in the NFL, his brother was in the NFL. And now he applies that into speaking, because he also created a play about his life. He talks about a story, and he said the things that pass through time is about story, and your story is important for our culture to learn things about what you know that you can pass on to other people.
One of the things that he did, and I didn’t think about this until he’d said this, and I think that this will be helpful for the listeners, is that he started with a group of 10 people that he just told his story to. A lot of people would say, “Oh, you know, that’s not enough people, it’s not worth my time,” whatever that looks like. You can have 5-10 people in your living room. So, what happened with him is he spoke to 10 people, and there was one person who was there who went and talked to their company, who did a bigger talk for them with like 30 people, then he had people in his program. One of the guys there ends up having a guy who had his own [inaudible 00:29:56], and now he does corporate training for all of them.
Chris Badgett: Wow.
Diane Halfman: And so-
Chris Badgett: So, the snowball kept rolling.
Diane Halfman: Right. And so you don’t know. There’s never too small of a group to be in front of, because you don’t know who they [inaudible 00:30:09] know. And if they need to hear it, what that looks like. When you think of public speaking, we think of like this big intimidating walking on the big grand stage, but it really could be a handful of people in your living room, or there’s many mini areas. Actually, when you think of small, you actually have more impact, because that’s more intimate.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Well, Diane Halfman, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming on this show. How can our listener best connect with you from here?
Diane Halfman: Well, I would definitely say people to take the quiz to see where you’re at, to have that awareness about yourself, so you can go to the, but you can also go to my website, and there’s all kinds of free gifts and ways to follow and connect with me.
Chris Badgett: Which program do we need to get into to get your one page sheet?
Diane Halfman: You know what, I’m going to give you the link on that, because we’re actually just now creating that. We haven’t set a date on that yet. So, I will send that to you, and you can get that out to your people.
Chris Badgett: Awesome. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. You’ve been a big inspiration, and given us all like a really strong reminder to not neglect ourselves or handicap ourselves in the process by not taking care of ourselves. Thank you for inspiring the spa life, and sharing your story today.
Diane Halfman: It’s been my pleasure Chris, and thank you for all the support you do to those who really need to get their work out into the world. It’s really needed.
Chris Badgett: Thank you.

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