Learning From the World’s Biggest Brands, How to Consult, and Scaling Up a Niche Course Subscription Platform with Gary Fox of WP Slide Sync

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Learning from the world’s biggest brands, how to consult, and scaling up a niche course subscription platform with Gary Fox of WP Slide Sync in this episode of LMScast with Chris Badgett of LifterLMS.

WP Slide Sync is a new way to work with how you embed PowerPoint and video into your WordPress website. It allows your learners to easily navigate your longer video content by clicking on the specific slide they’re looking for and automatically syncing the video to that spot in the presentation.

Learning from the world's biggest brands, how to consult, and scaling up a niche course subscription platform with Gary Fox of WP Slide SyncGary is a course creator for voice-over artists, and you can find his courses on GravyForTheBrain.com. You can find voice-over in ads, movies, and presentations everywhere. It is a very large industry, and with the current technology it is easier than ever to become a voice-over artist.

The course creation journey is different for everyone depending on what market you’re serving, but on the macro level course creators tend to struggle in similar ways. Gary shares his story of how he got into the voice-over industry and got to the point of creating various types of instructional content for others in his industry.

On this LMScast we talk a lot about the journey of the course creator, but it is also important to focus on the learners’ journey. Gary recognized the different types of people doing voice-over work and created his content specifically to serve them. Choosing your market before choosing how you will serve them is a great strategy to creating valuable content.

Gary has created a network of 16 courses that serve people in the voice-over market, from beginners to specific types of voice-over opportunities like gaming and audiobooks. Gary also teaches his learners practices they can use to take care of their voice, and he also covers the technical aspects of the job, like how to build a home studio.

Gary and Chris speak to the importance of continuous improvement with your products and services. Launching your course is the starting line, not the finish line. If you don’t have the competitive edge where you’re always looking for doing something different, improving, and refining, then somebody else will. It is important to put your customers first and always improve.

Be sure to check out WPSlideSync.com and GravyForTheBrain.com to learn more about the products and services Gary offers. Learn more about how you can use LifterLMS to build your own online courses and membership sites at LifterLMS.com. If you like this episode of LMScast, you can browse more episodes hereSubscribe to our newsletter for updates, developments, and future episodes of LMScast. Thank you for joining us!

Episode Transcript

Chris Badgett: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of LMScast. My name’s Chris Badgett, and I’m joined by a special guest, Gary Fox from across the pond. He’s the creator of WP Slide Sync, which you can find at WPSlideSync.com, which is a new way to work with PowerPoint and video and embed that in your WordPress website. We’ll get into that in a little bit. He’s also a course creator for voice-over artists, which is called, that website is called gravyforthebrain.com. Gary, welcome to the show.
Gary Fox: All right. Thanks for having us onboard.
Chris Badgett: Yeah, I love finding out about interesting niches. And that’s one of the coolest parts of my job or just my place in the industry. I see all these interesting niches from the standard health and fitness, business and relationships and stuff like that, but then there’s all these niche careers like voice-over artists. I know a guy who does grandfather clock repairs, there’s literally thousands of niches out there that you can create courses in. Can you tell us about your course platform and the niche?
Gary Fox: Yeah. Okay, so, the niche really is voice-over, and it’s one of the surprising things until you get into the industry. You don’t realize how broad the market is. So, voiceover is used pretty much everywhere. You get people doing voiceover for ads. You get people that if you get a movie scene and it’s got a lot of background noise, they’ll have to recut that and do voices for it. And usually the actors have moved on, so you have to get somebody else in to actually do that. Obviously foreign films, radio ads. It’s enormous as an industry and obviously it’s gone pretty global, because people now can set up their own home studios, which makes it really a feasible position that a lot of people can get into. You don’t need to physically go into a perfect sound studio. You can record from home, given the right equipment.
Chris Badgett: That’s really cool.
Gary Fox: A lot of people have got into it and what Gravy for the brain does is kinda help people learn the skills over a period of time to get they’re voice and apply for jobs and just run it as a business.
Chris Badgett: How did you decide that’s what I’m gonna do, that niche?
Gary Fox: Well, this is it, I didn’t decide that Chris. I’m not the founder of the business and I was lucky enough to come across the business and be part of it in it’s infancy. It was founded by a guy called Hugh Edwards and he’s actually a voice director. So, [inaudible 00:02:51] has been in the business of working with lots of big brands and gaming industries and games is another key part of voiceover. Now, his partner, another co-founder was a guy called Peter Dickson. And he does The X Factor voiceover here. So, he’s pretty well known in the industry. You can hear him on most of the, when you get used to his voice, you can hear him on lots of ads. And together they put it together. And I came in about year two and it has kinda like done okay and then it was flat lining a bit. And I came in and I talked to them about some ideas and they went great, you’re onboard. And that’s pretty much how it happened.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. And could you tell us about the, you have like multiple courses, what are they about? And ultimately switch to a monthly subscription model. Can you tell us about the platform?
Gary Fox: Yeah, sure. So, what we did was when I walked into the business it was initially run on an [inaudible 00:04:00] platform. Like a Microsoft and it made it really inflexible as this whole system. So, what we did, we moved it over to WordPress and that took a bit of work and between time we only had, I think we had about five courses and we were charging on [inaudible 00:04:17] spaces. So, that 129 dollars per course and we’d occasionally discount it down. And there was a lot of friction there, A, in terms of the website, B, in terms of the pricing. And I think a lot of people looked at it and went, yeah okay, we know you’re good and it’s a good quality course, but there’s quite a few hurdles here.
And so, I did some market research and I just went around talking to people in the industry from the ground up and there was three people in the market. There was the people that were just coming in, who were either doing it as a side hustle. Just wanted to get in maybe earn a bit of extra dough. There were people that were in, but they kinda needed a bit more upping their skills or maybe wanting to try different part of voiceover. And then there were the professionals. So, we kinda packaged that up and went, right, okay, so, there’s a journey here. There’s a series of courses that we need to … We’ve got gaps in our courses.
And so, we put together kinda like a journey plan of taking somebody from the very beginning through to intermediate all the way up to advanced. And then we thought, okay, so that gave us a number of courses. And then we thought, we’ll put it over to subscription, because that means people can come in, low friction, they can stay as long as they want or they can go. Kinda like it makes it easy for them. And that really was the … Those two things together moved over to WordPress making it really easy to use. And taking that subscription down just means the sales flew. Absolutely flew.
Chris Badgett: So, fast forward today, that’s, did you say, 25 courses on the membership?
Gary Fox: We’ve got 16 and we’re gonna go up to 20 before the end of the year.
Chris Badgett: Oh, that’s awesome. And what kinda category … So, if you’re serving this niche, which is kind of a career niche, the voiceover artists career. There’s the art and then the business of it or whatever. Like what kinds of-
Gary Fox: Yeah, that’s right.
Chris Badgett: What are some example courses in there?
Gary Fox: Okay, so we’ve got … We try and label it as it is on the tin. So, the most obvious one is voiceover for beginners. That’s the foundation course. And then we got the other courses like voiceover for gaming, which is, again, because it’s even in voiceover there are special types of voices-
Chris Badgett: Niches within niches.
Gary Fox: Yeah, yeah, kinda like that. So, we’ve go voiceovers for audiobooks, we’ve got voicing exercises. So, how to take care of your voice. How to warm it up in the morning, get it working. We’ve got how to build a home studio. So, that’s more of a technical course, so people will know what equipment to buy. We’ve got another course which is about marketing. So, how do you actually sell your business.
Chris Badgett: Get work.
Gary Fox: Yeah, get work. Yeah, ’cause as much as the voices, the fun side of it. And yeah, then there’s audiobook narrations, there’s … What else we got. We got, how to actually do the technical side, which is how to actually make a good show reel ’cause at the end of the day that’s the thing people come across first on a website is your show reel. So, how do you make a fantastic show reel. And then these courses, when you look at them they start slotting together and take people down the journey of beginning to get used to your voice, get used to the equipment, setting up your sound. How to go for auditions, how to audition on sites. All these different things.
Chris Badgett: That’s great. And with a membership subscription model you can do kind of choose your own adventure like some people might just come in every year, some people are already, their doing the beginner course. That’s fantastic. Where did your product, WP Slide Sync come in? And that’s, for those of you listening or watching, that’s at WPSlideSync.com. What does it do and then why did you create it?
Gary Fox: I guess one of the things we did and like yourself we kinda do webinars and so we do weekly webinars and we had a bit of a library building up there. And then we did, we obviously do the video, but we always had this visual need to include a visual element to support people in terms of … Because some people like to listen to something, but other people just like to see a diagram sometimes. And we found that we just watched people as they were either watching the video and then looking down at that table thing. Maybe a diagram they downloaded it or we thought it’s just not right. I think it sounds really simple, but it’s just not right. And then we played with the idea of just putting the two alongside each other, but then what we found is that people would get lost sometimes. And maybe if you’ve got a bit of a course going on that people get lost between where they were on the slide and the video.
So, we thought, okay, what if we could just create a navigation bar and people go, okay, last time I was in the course I got to here, I can kinda remember that slide. ‘Cause they won’t remember your video.
Chris Badgett: Or I wanna go back to that point. Like, I already watched it, but I wanna go back, oh, there’s that visual.
Gary Fox: So, we came with this idea of just creating a navigation bar based on the slides that then would sync each time both with the video and your slides. So, you just click it and it would automatically move your slides to exactly where you where and the video would sync exactly to where you are. And we played with it for a bit and we just did a few tests on a couple of our courses and people just loved it. We just got immediate feedback. And so, we knew we were on to something.
Chris Badgett: You were definitely on to something, I get questions all the time about how to make slides better. And I’m referring them to you now. I’m like, this is what you gotta do. If you’re trying to get that inside the website, check out WP Slide Sync.
Gary Fox: Yeah, yeah, thanks. And hopefully like you said earlier. This idea if you’re a course creator you always wanna … I think if you’re into teaching or helping people, you always wanna try and think about how you can do that better. That’s one of the things I think if you have that in your heart that you wanna service an industry or you wanna service a nation and try and make it so that you move people forward in their life or move what they can do and helpful and solve some of their problems then … This was one of those moments for us. Being able to actually do that and help. And so, we’ve created it as a product and our interests are to A, just make it available to people, but also then to get a bit of feedback to say what else can we do with it. It’s a bit of a playground here.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. Yeah, I just wanna say I often say this. The course launch is the starting line not the finish line. So, when you said my course is up and I’m watching these people looking down while I’m talking or whatever. Like something’s not right here, that’s the mark of, okay, we’re gonna continuously improve the experience and the learning journey and you’ve mentioned the same thing around the product, WP Slide Sync, it’s a conversation, what else can we do with it, how else can we serve with this tool. That iterative approach of continuous improvement is really the name of the game.
Gary Fox: Oh, yeah, in today’s world. Big fan of the [inaudible 00:12:40] startup philosophy, which is there isn’t a finished product, you never get to it, ’cause the market will move on if you don’t or somebody else will come along. So, if you don’t have that competitive edge where you’re always looking for doing something different, improving it, refining it. Maybe coming out with new angles, then somebody will. It’s as easy as that in today’s world.
Chris Badgett: Well, I wanna move on to something else you said. You were a university lecturer at Oxford, right?
Gary Fox: Oxford Brookes.
Chris Badgett: Oxford Brookes and-
Gary Fox: Yeah, it’s not the prestigious one.
Chris Badgett: Well, it sounds good, you still get to carry it, so people won’t know. So, I talk about the five hats problem that education entrepreneurs, online course creators have, which is they have to be an expert, they have to be a teacher, they have to a community builder, they have to be an instructional designer and they have to be an entrepreneur. With your time as a university lecturer, what’s just some general tips you have for people who wanna get better at teaching? Just the craft of teaching and whether that’s online or in person or whatever.
Gary Fox: I think the same thing applies. The interesting thing is there’s different generations of teachers in universities. And I think the online works in this way. Okay, so, you know this, you need to be engaging, you need to come up with new ideas to add value to your community or get people so it’s more interactive. And I think the days where you just go into a lecture theater and just have a set of students in front of where they just go. You know, they just fall asleep. If you’re gonna talk at people it’s just like you could use social media that way, you just blast away. If you really want engagement, you gotta go, do you know what, I’m gonna ask ten questions.
And I actually do something which is I walk in and every other lecture I will do a marking and I’ll say, right guys, I’m gonna actually score some of you today, okay. And that immediately gets them on their toes. So, I say, right, okay. I prepared some questions and you are gonna be put on the spot. Now, that’s not great all the time but I know more the audience by this stage. I know who’s gonna be good at answering and wants to stand up. And then I actually say, right, now we’re gonna split into two [inaudible 00:15:32] room and engage with each other. And I pose one question to one and I ask the other group the other. But what I … Sorry I’m gonna explain this, what I often do is let them have a week before, if I do that they get the questions beforehand. So, they get a chance to prepare but they don’t know who they’re gonna be with. The class gets pretty heated sometimes. And I don’t do it for the whole lesson, but it means that it’s more of a … There’s more fun in it.
Chris Badgett: It’s a conversation, it’s not just like broadcast.
Gary Fox: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I think the other teachers I see around the university that do really, really well equally do a lot more prep, a lot more workshop type operations. I do workshops as well. So, I do lectures and then following that I do workshops. And those workshops are really where it happens, ’cause you do have to deliver some stuff, but it’s the workshops where the conversation happens and that’s where you win hearts and minds.
Chris Badgett: That’s awesome. That’s great right there. You also have a lot of fortune 500 experience. You’ve worked with some big companies. I’m always a fan of, and I don’t think it happens enough, which is what’s something that you’ve learned in corporate that can translate to the small business, in this case, education entrepreneur? For example, you’ve done a lot with marketing and CRM consulting. What’s something that the little guy or gal, the solo operator or the small business … What’d you learn in corporate that people aren’t really doing at the small scale or aren’t leveraging?
Gary Fox: Well, yeah, I think there’s two sides to this. So, one of the big … Something I’m absolutely passionate about is making sure your brand is consistent and good everywhere. And what I think is very easy to do as a small business is throw things around in different channels and different places where you’ve even got different logos going on, different color schemes going on and you say different things about yourself and-
Chris Badgett: You try Instagram for a week and you forget about it.
Gary Fox: Yeah, yeah, yeah, there’s that. And you also, the logo doesn’t look the same and all that sort of thing. And I think it’s not just that, but it’s also then how you talk about who you are. And I think one thing for me that small businesses can do is just spend a bit of time in the beginning when you’re getting things together and go, right, what is my brand in 20 seconds if I was to pitch it somebody, what’s the value proposition? Can I actually do that in say 20, 30 seconds? And if you can do it and you can explain it really simply as well, then everything else you develop upwards from there will work. And it will make it a lot easy. And just getting that detail right all the way across, what brands do is they’re so precious. Every agency and everybody they’re really precious about the details about their brand, because it takes millions and millions and millions in pounds to get that brand to where it is, but it can fall away very quickly with just a few silly mistakes.
Chris Badgett: Could you give us an example of big brand that you admire that you think does a good job with this and maybe what their core message is or value proposition.
Gary Fox: Probably one of the best ones I’ve worked with is Nike. Just amazing culture as well. I think they’re innovative. I worked with Nike in Amsterdam and they got this lovely campus atmosphere. The guys are really chilled, but they’re always pushing forward. They’re always looking for you to challenge them. So, when you work with them as a partner they don’t expect you to just nod your head. They actually want you to really challenge their thinking. And I think the same is true of an entrepreneur. You can almost fall in love with your business idea, but actually what you need some times is somebody who’s a coach or people around you sometimes that can be naysayers and just challenge you as to why you’re doing what you’re doing and whether you can do it better. And I think, yeah, just that element of being critical, in love with your product but still wanting to push the boundaries a bit.
Chris Badgett: What is Nike’s core message? Is it just do it? Or what’s the core brand there?
Gary Fox: They’ve changed it over the years. At the end of the day what they’re about is excellence. They’re about an enabler. I mean one of the things I think is always remarkable is when you get somebody as Nike as a shoe manufacturer who then starts producing apps. So, all of a sudden not they’re not a manufacturer of shoes, they’re an enabler with their app, because you can track your health, your heart, everything else.
Chris Badgett: It’s a lifestyle.
Gary Fox: Yeah, then the next thing they’ve said is actually join in with your friends here. We’re gonna enable you to socially share stuff as well. And I think it’s that demonstrating and obviously they use a lot of hero’s in terms of their marketing, but they also take it down to the street. Some of the most exciting events I’ve done where we organized little competitions in rural areas, urban areas. And got some guys come along playing football together and you just see the passion. And they like that sort of viral down to earth marketing. ‘Cause it keeps them in touch with those people.
Chris Badgett: That’s good, that’s good. I actually wanna go deeper on something you said there, which is you also have experience consulting with big brands and some course creators coaches out they may have a course, but they also have group or private coaching elements that go with it or that are in upsell. And with your experience just consulting in general or perhaps consulting with big brands, how do you become … Or what are some ideas or thoughts to share about how to do great consulting just in general? ‘Cause most course creators watching this, they probably have just individual clients or groups of people in a particular niche, but how do you really step into that role as a consultant?
Gary Fox: I think the biggest thing is that there are different stages to consulting. I was always taught from guys I learned from that you absolutely 100 percent get behind, whoever business you’re gonna work with, that you get behind it totally. Absolutely to the core. A good example is, years ago we were pitching for some business with a company called Iams. I don’t know if you have them in the states. Like pet foods.
Chris Badgett: Not sure. Oh, yeah, yeah, the pet food brand.
Gary Fox: Yeah, okay, so we [inaudible 00:23:42] and this is kinda like we had to put a pitch and it was, I don’t know, four, five million pound contract. And as we were putting the pitch together nobody on that team could be on that team unless they had a pet.
Chris Badgett: Yeah, that’s great.
Gary Fox: That’s a simple little thing to kinda get, but the point is that if anybody during that pitch was to be asked a question, they’d be genuine and honest and true about who they were. When you’re doing consulting I think you’ve gotta … It’s important to be who you are with the right clients as well. So, if you aren’t yourself with the right clients, you can’t feel the passion for their business and you feel as though you’ve got a connection with them. I don’t think you’re ever gonna do your best. So, sometimes I think it’s important to actually say choose your clients carefully because and really focus on clients in the sector that you really have a passion for, ’cause you will always do your best work with clients that you actually have connection with.
Chris Badgett: Yeah, I just wanna highlight that, that’s super valuable. Like if you have a course plus private coaching. It’s great you just made a bunch more money if you sold the bigger package, but there’s kind of a little bit of a narrative in online business or passive income that you’re building this thing that makes money while you sleep or whatever, but if you’re gonna do coaching, you gotta do coaching. And it’s not passive, it’s very active and it takes a lot of commitment.
Gary Fox: Yeah, and I think you’ve gotta give your best and it’s in person when you’re coaching and consulting with people. It’s the hours that you’re not in front of the client that count.
Chris Badgett: That’s a really good point, really good point.
Gary Fox: It’s those preemptive moments that when you can do your research. And don’t forget, one of my best coaches, a lady called Karen said to me, she said to me look, bottom line is your customers all will always have customers. You understand their customers you’ll understand the client.
Chris Badgett: Yeah, yeah. And I just wanna highlight the goal, what you said about it’s the work before the meeting. If you just show up to a coaching column and be like, how can I help you today you’re already behind. And your clients are not all the same or your coaching clients. There’s personalization, they may all be pet store owners or whatever, but maybe one of them is a startup and one of them has like a franchise of all these businesses.
Gary Fox: Yeah, so, what I’ve done in the past is one of my clients ran a small train of news agents like news shops and this is going back a few years. And I just went in and started looking around their shops and I spoke to all the people sorta like a convenient store is a better way of saying it in US terms. And straight away just from looking around the shop I could see problems and [inaudible 00:27:14] in areas where they weren’t clean and stuff like that. I spoke the people and they were having problems with some of the staff turnaround and the shifts. And maybe you don’t give all of that away, because you gotta judge where things are, but just getting in front of people and either their customers or their operations, you can have so many insights, because some of the guys that you’re talking to don’t do that. They just don’t get down to the ground often enough.
Chris Badgett: I was just gonna say that’s really an awesome insight because it’s not just what the client says, it’s the environment around them. They may not even be aware of this big problem that you see instantly when you see the subtext of what’s really going on here.
Gary Fox: Yeah, yeah, exactly and I always think that sort off getting back to the ground and just doing your homework like that and getting to know their customers and just watching how it happens can give you a lot of insights.
Chris Badgett: Yeah. We do that at LifterLMS where we actually hold our customer’s customer as the highest person we’re serving. So, when we’re like planning the products or mostly figuring out how the product works and the experience of actually taking the course or whatever, we’re looking after our customer, but we’re actually as a higher priority looking after our customer’s customer to make sure that experience is optimized. ‘Cause they both matter, but at the end of the day the end user matters a heck of a lot.
Gary Fox: Yeah, and it’s that philosophy that creates great businesses. So, if you’ve got that then 100 percent. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
Chris Badgett: I wanted to ask you. This is either gonna be a hard question or an easy question, I don’t know, but one of the things I see when people are doing coaching or consulting is there’s this concept of results and who’s responsible for the results and sometimes the coach or the consultant is like, well, the client didn’t so the work. So, I gave them the best I could and they didn’t do what I said so they didn’t get the results. Or maybe the end client said I implemented everything you said and I didn’t get the results. Where does the responsibility fall? And how much ownership should coaches and consultants take of the results or the responsibility for the results happening that were promised in the or at least pointed to in the coaching or consulting offer?
Gary Fox: Yeah. I think it almost comes back to the very beginning of the process, which is if you oversell and under deliver, you’re always gonna disappoint. And no matter how ambitious you might be in terms of thinking that you can do things. You have to have a set of reality. And I’m a firm believer that by scoping out a project really well and identifying the deliverables and talking through who’s going to do what between the two of you is absolutely critical. Now, there are two areas of … So, in other words, if you were doing the soft skills, training any [inaudible 00:30:59] culture based transformation, then yeah, I get it that’s gonna be a hard thing and you’re not gonna be so sure about where that takes the business and what happens and what else is going on. You can’t control everything in the business.
So, a lot of things can interfere with that. But if you said for instance like okay, I can actually increase your bottom line on sign up rates on your marketing or on all the rest of it then yeah, you ought to be … If you’d said that you gotta deliver on that. And so I think you need to be accountable for it. And in previous agencies, and I’ve done it myself sometimes, if I’m really pushed, I’ll put money at risk, I’ll put my fee at risk.
Chris Badgett: You meaning like you don’t get paid unless it works.
Gary Fox: Yeah, so, I’ll charge a base rate. I charge a base rate, cover some costs and if the money comes in if I hit my targets I expect over and above.
Chris Badgett: Skinning the game. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. And I think this is some of that corporate good sense of going back to the fundamentals like is the offer clean, actionable. Are the processes there and the people there to deliver the result promised. Is the value preposition in check. Does the whole team and organization know the culture and brand and embody that. There’s a lot of good fundamentals.
Gary Fox: Yeah, and I think one thing for me is that if it’s evolving the teams and just getting really to grips with the teams along the way and making sure they’re fully up to speed with what’s trying to be achieved and they’ve got a say in it and they feel as though they’re involved, that helps. If you work on projects and you get the sense that it’s gonna be a top down tell, then I would always be wary of that.
Chris Badgett: Yeah, that’s a really good point. And on that note of scaling. I know course creators who have teams of coaches who work in the brand. And if you’re gonna make that transition from the solo operator or just the main founder who’s doing the consulting and if you’re getting so big that you need to bring in other coaches, they need to be able to carry that and do that. Also on this concept of scaling, in our pre-chat with our course you mentioned the concept of franchising the voiceover course. Could you speak to what franchising is and … ‘Cause that’s a scaling thing. So, what does that mean and how are you gonna try to execute on that?
Gary Fox: Okay, so, we’re in our infancy at the moment in terms of getting that underway. But so, there’s various elements to it to start with. So, first of all there’s the whole IT operational area that we’re looking at in terms of how you actually deploy multilingual sites to all the translations, make it easy.
Chris Badgett: So, franchising to different countries.
Gary Fox: Yeah, yeah. You have to start asking the question. Okay, so you’ve got a site at the moment which is the dot com, so what role does that play for instance in the whole operational part. Do you put multi level domains onto that so people can easily transform languages, but then goes to the franchise site, which means that, that lead page becomes their lead page, not your lead page. And so, we’re mapping all that out at the moment. Where we’ve got to is and one of the most difficult areas is this area of [inaudible 00:34:58]. Because you can either operate it so that you hand over almost a package to a country and they run it entirely on their own [inaudible 00:35:10]. Or you can run it almost as a hierarchy. So, you’re the parent and you oversee the child [inaudible 00:35:20] systems.
So, that’s the top level of the IT and how you have to map out in your mind and stuff. And then on the operational side, again, there’s a massive [inaudible 00:35:34] in terms of the legalities of it. Getting it all blueprinted, getting the training in place. So, that when you go to the franchisee you make it super, super easy for them not only just from a legal perspective, from a training. If we go to Portugal and there’s a guy called Pedro and he’s just bought his business and he’s got two assistants, how can we make it super easy for those assistants onboard. So, there’s courses just for that. So, just to make sure that we make it easy. But it’s a great way.
And we’ve already put the feelers out and we’ve already got round about eight potential buyers who are interested. They already see what it will do for them. And yeah, so, the model is they buy it, they run it, they get the income. We’ve got the overall brand and we’ll assist them in building their market. And then we do an 80, 20. So, they take 80 percent of the profits, we take 20.
Chris Badgett: Great, wow that’s really cool. Gary I wanna thank you for coming on the show. That was one that I think for you listening out there, you watching. Watch this one again. There were so many things dropped in this call that are actionable and just a lot of great ideas that I’d encourage you to kinda think about integrating in your project or your business. Check out Gary’s course site at Gravyforthebrain.com and if you’re interested in making more interactive slides that we were talking about check out Wpslidesync.com. If there’s anywhere else to connect with you Gary or is there anywhere else you’d like to send the people to or any final words?
Gary Fox: No, I mean, I think this is one of the most exciting spaces at the moment. Course creation and building communities, because that’s where the market is and I think it’s people like yourself Chris that are taking it further and further. And this added value Podcasts and everything else is just gonna help people. So, I’m really honored to have been a part of this, so thank you very, very much. Really very much appreciated.
Chris Badgett: Awesome, well thank you Gary and until next time.
Gary Fox: Okay, thank you.

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