Discovering the Art of Fully Living through Commitment, Goals, Beliefs, Investment, and Immersion with Tal Gur

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Chris Badgett of LifterLMS discusses discovering the art of fully living through commitment, goals, beliefs, investment, and immersion with Tal Gur in this episode of LMScast. Tal shares a little bit of his story and what he has learned during his entrepreneurial lifestyle journey.

Tal is an author, online business builder, world traveler and all around interesting guy. Tal’s book The Art of Fully Living can be found at, and he has another book called One Year to Freedom that you can find at

Discovering the art of fully living through commitment, goals, beliefs, investment, and immersion with Tal GurIt can be tough to define who you are as a person. Lifestyle entrepreneurship is all about creating freedom for yourself rather than pursuing a million dollar goal. Tal defines who he is by defining what stays consistent when he is always embarking on new adventures and changing up his environment. The desire to grow is something that hasn’t changed through Tal’s experiences with traveling around the world and meeting new circumstances.

Tal’s had a friend who didn’t set life goals or create a bucket list because his father had died at age forty. At the time Tal was thirty years old, and he thought about what he would do differently in his life if he only had ten years left to live. Tal was inspired to create as a blog for his journey, and then he went on to write two books on the topic of lifestyle development.

Goal setting and habit development are huge in entrepreneurship and business management. Tal shares some strategies he has employed over the years to motivate himself to achieve more. Tal suggests trying the strategy of setting penalties for yourself if you don’t complete a goal, and getting involved with a network of people who are as serious about goals as you are and holding each other accountable.

When you make a change in your life or business it is important to make sure you are changing for the sake of improvement or growth rather than just changing for the sake of change. Chris and Tal talk about getting comfortable with change and consistently pushing your comfort zone.

To learn more about fully living and achieving life changing results head to and You can also connect with Tal on social media.

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Episode Transcript

Chris: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of LMScast. my name is Chris Badgett, and I am joined by a special guest Tal Gur. He is an author, he is an online business builder, and he is an all round interesting guy with a lot of interesting experience to share. He has a book called Fully Lived, you can find that at, he also has another book he has written called One Year To Freedom, you can find that over at Tal, thanks for coming on the show.
Tal: Thank you for inviting me.
Chris: So Tal and I…
Tal: Just one second.
Chris: Yeah.
Tal: One correction, the book is called The Art Of Fully Living, the site is called fully lived.
Chris: Perfect. Yep, The Art Of Fully Living. I actually got it on Audible, and I’ve been listening to it, and I just really enjoy, you know dropping into your story, and we are going to talk about that a little more. So Tal and I first met basically online, we became internet friends around online business, entrepreneurship, and Tal ultimately you know as our friendship developed, Tal got on a plane, I was living in Montana at the time, and Tal came out for a visit, we went on a camping trip, but it is possible to you know meet people on the internet and become friends and just you know, then meet up in person. What makes you comfortable with being such a global citizen, Tal?
Tal: I guess it’s in my nature, you know like, I just have this will and desire to travel and to explore the world and I didn’t want to just be a tourist, I want to actually really immerse myself in cultures, spend more time than the usual, than the normal lets say. So sometimes I spend like 2 months, 3 months in a place. Sometimes I spend a year you know and so I guess it’s just my nature.
Chris: That’s awesome, and one of the things I love about Tal and my’s friendship is, there’s really very little small talk. Immediately we go into like the deep things or the big things and I, for me personally find that really refreshing and we are just into a lot of the same stuff so. If you are at a, like a party and somebody is like, says who are you and what do you do, how do even answer that question?
Tal: Well, I used to say I am whoever I want to be, because I proved myself that I can be a lot of people, like a lot of things lets say. But nowadays I have a more clear understanding of who I am in my nature, so the way that I found out who I am lets say, was to kind of ask myself a quick question. What hasn’t changed in my life? Because I had so many changes and moved between countries, I lived in Israel, I lived in Australia for a long time, and so I realized I can’t call like, I can’t really like be, I can’t label myself like in countries or religion because all those things can change. What hasn’t changed, and one thing hasn’t changed in my life is my desire to grow. If I can look back I my life, no matter what journey I did, I always went into a growth oriented journey. And so basically if you ask me who I am, I would say I am growth agent or a change agent or something around those lines. I mean I think its a, this question is pretty deep, you know, as we can imagine, and its kind of a never ending process to figure out who you are really beyond the [layers 00:03:47], but I’m still figuring it out.
Chris: That’s awesome, and it think that is also just that desire to grow is another thing that we connect on, and just to highlight some of the things that Tal has done. He has written a couple of books here, he has developed location independent freedom and built online businesses. He has ran The Ironman, and really he has done a lot of what many people would consider like bucket list goals that he chose for himself. Can you tell us about your, your ten year a hundred goals project.
Tal: Yeah ten year, around ten years ago, I set 100 life goals. It just happened. At the time I was in Australia, I had a conversation with 2 friends of mine and we spoke about bucket list and life goals, and one of my friends said he doesn’t set life goals, or he doesn’t set bucket lists because his dad died when he was 40 years old. And when he said that, something hit me, I said to myself, wow, how would I live if I only had ten years to live, because at the time I was 30 years old and I thought to myself wow, if I only had ten years to live, what would I do? Would I live different, differently? And the answer came to me in, it was pretty clear like I wouldn’t delay my dreams, my big dreams, I would really go after them. And so went back home you know I sat down, divided kind of, to ten areas of life, ten categories and for each area I wrote like ten goals. And I thought to myself alright, if I achieve that, if I go on those journeys, I would feel that I fully lived. And that also was the beginning of my website, yeah that was the beginning of the journey, really.
Chris: That’s awesome. What are some of the goals that you’ve achieved that you find that people, that you know, people really get excited about when they hear about. Like I, and tell the listener where they can, the best place to find the full list.
Tal: Well it’s on the site,, and then there is the list of goals is just like one of the links in the navigation menu. What like you know, what goals where exciting? I mean I really like the Ironman triathlon journey. The big goals, basically any big goals that I set. So every year I set one, at least one big goal. I really like them because you really immerse yourself in an area, and you extract more wisdom when you do that. And so the journeys were long and I really felt that I grew because of them. For example with the Ironman Triathlon I really developed habits on another level even. And I learnt about sleep and I learnt about nutrition, and I learnt how to wake up really early. I learnt how to go beyond comfort, you know jumping into an ocean in the morning, like at, lets say 5 am when its really cold, its not comfortable. Also like when you run like marathon for example, you, you know there is pain, and so just kind of dealing with the pain and even transcend and go beyond the pain and yeah, there is a lot of benefits that come out of that.
If you do that, if you can learn how to deal with pain for example, you can achieve a lot of other things. The other journey like after the Ironman triathlon, was financial freedom, and I translated a lot of my lets say, fitness goals or fitness habits into the financial arena, so it was very helpful to do it like you know, from one area to another.
Chris: Very cool. One of the things that you’ve had a profound impact on me is how you approach goal setting. And you do it, help me figure out how to say it, but basically what I learnt from you is that, you know you want to set goals that you know 100 percent you can achieve and maybe its the habit not the actual end thing or you know, what, and you’ve got it nailed down so good that, that you that if you set a goal, its going to happen. So can you talk to us like how you approach goal setting.
Tal: Well let me say that, like I didn’t know that I’m going to achieve those goal 100 percent. What I knew is that if I actually set something I’m so committed to that, or I set the foundation right that its almost like impossible to achieve that. And I will give you an example like, for example when we had like a, when we had our own project, I remember setting like a 500 dollar penalty if I don’t achieve my goal, right. You that’s pretty, lets say brave to do, when 500 dollars at the time was like you know, its pretty taxing in that sense if you don’t achieve that. But just imagine like if anyone lets say, set a goal and say I’m gonna you know, pay 1000 dollars lets say, I’m gonna pay 1000 dollars if I don’t achieve that. When you do something like that, you increase the probability you are going to achieve that. The certainty is higher now, because you don’t wanna like pay 1000 dollars especially if its really painful. Lets say you pay to the government, or an organization you don’t really wanna pay, so there’s already websites that do that. Like they allow you to kind of set penalties for yourself like for an organization you don’t like. I don’t remember those sites, but just setting the penalty is actually like you know, but, on its own a way to increase the probability.
There’s other ways obviously like for example just sharing on Facebook, hey this what I am going to do. So again you increase accountability. Also you maybe, people can help you because of you doing that. So just like really telling your goals to other people, which a lot of people they don’t do that because they are afraid that they won’t achieve that. So in many way you kind of set yourself to, when you set goals and lets say you don’t tell people, and lets say you don’t like you know set penalties or whatever, you really set yourself for, you know what if its gonna happen its okay, if its not gonna happen its okay. And I treat it as a game, you know its not really you know, if I achieve or don’t achieve the goal it’s not a big deal. But I do wanna pursue something with, from my heart, I really wanna pursue something with as much certainty as I can have in myself, because that confidence can translate to a lot later.
Chris: How does all that come into play when you set the goal to write a book, and knowing that English isn’t even your first language. And I don’t like, writing habits, like how did you make that goal happen?
Tal: Yeah. So that’s actually a good goal to talk about because, obviously its a long term goal, its a big goal. It took me a year, The Art Of Fully Living took me a year. I approach it like any other big goal really. So for example one of the things that I do, I make sure I have support system, and when I say support system I don’t mean, I don’t know, friends, family those kind of people, which is great to have, its great to have your family support or your friends support, but I’m actually talking about people who are serious as you are. Serious about the topic itself. So for example, for my book I had a writing coach, right. She was with me the whole year, yeah it was expensive yeah, I had to pay, pay her, it was expensive but, but that made, actually anytime you invest it doesn’t matter money, time, energy, you increase again the probability that you are going to achieve the goal, because you invested in it.
Lets say you invest ten thousand in writing a book, you really want to get something out of that. Otherwise you are just dumping ten thousand dollars. But if you go after something with no investment of your time, money, energy and so fourth, then again like the probability may be lower. So yeah I hired a writing coach, I hired help in terms of people to kind of do research for me. If I need lets say certain facts, certain data, suddenly I had a team of people working with me. Physically actually, one of the guys that I hired sat near me, and we were working together. Other things that I did, I kind of, you know I, I transcribed a lot of things that I said to a microphone, that was pretty good and the last thing, I had a very good editor, actually I had 2 editors, but the last one was so good, so after I sent it to one editor I sent it to another editor and yeah just to show you like amount of investment for such a project.
And because I’m pretty good with structures and processes I make sure that the structure was set right in terms of like writing each chapter. Yeah so that’s basically it really.
Chris: Tactical question, where did you find an editor?
Tal: Those two editors really were people that I already knew in the past, because you know I had a blog and I worked with editors. I think I had luck actually in this case, like I had a, I mean, but you can find them obviously on [Upwork 00:13:02] and there are other market places, I think even Amazon actually provides editors, but in my case I wanted someone I really trust, that’s something very important to me. So I just like in my network there was someone that I knew really well and I hired her.
Chris: Very cool. Switching gears, one of the things in your story is there’s these moments where you make hard decisions and there’s a transformation maybe you are moving to another country or you know, what you are doing with your time, or the people you spend time with changes dramatically. How do you make hard decisions and looking back as you connect the dots, because you’ve been through this, it wasn’t just like one event, you’ve done lots of different big decisions, big changes. What’s the common thread through all of this?
Tal: Each time I was excited, or I felt alive inside of me, before I made the change. So I made sure that like I’m not just changing for the sake of change, I’m changing for something that is meaningful to me, and maybe that’s the key word. That’s also a common thread like, anything that I’ve done really, I felt it was meaningful in many levels. So you know a lot of the time we go for what I call external success, it could be money, it could be I don’t know, title or prestige or being famous, all of that but the way I look at it, I also look at the internal success. Like for example writing a book, yeah I can gain like financial, gain income from that and so fourth. But you can also like grow your, you can grow internally you know, like you are pushing, pushing your comfort zone and there’s a lot of bunch of other things that you can gain. The other thing that I’m thinking about is like, well now anyway I’m thinking about service, I’m thinking about like do, is this journey meaningful enough in terms of also helping others? So that’s also one of the reasons I had a blog, I felt like I want to share my journey, I didn’t think I’m gonna write a book really, when I started the journey. But like, the blog was purely to share, and I think its really beneficial in so many levels also accountability and so fourth.
Chris: I want to bring it back to goals a little bit. What’s, in your opinion [inaudible 00:15:33] somebody was asking for your input or insight or for you to share your experience, what’s a better goal than saying I want to make a million dollars, having a million dollar income goal, like what might be a different way to look at goal setting than that one?
Tal: First of all I would say that like, that’s a valid goal yeah, a million dollar, you can do a lot of that. I think its actually figuring out, what’s behind that. You know you can still set the one million dollar as a goal, but I would say like, what’s behind it, why do you need a million dollar? A lot of time, you know the answer will be different for different people, different journeys you are, but a lot of time you will you know, again like we can go deep here in terms of spirituality but the universe sometimes gives you what you need, not what you want. So if you really need lets say a million dollar to make a big impact in the world, you can have a lot of dragging force behind you, a lot of you know. But if you I don’t know, want to buy like a really really nice car Lamborghini or something like that, maybe you know that would be not, it really again depend on the journey you are doing, what stage you are in life right now. So I think like that would be the key here, what’s behind it.
The other thing that I wanna say is, that a million dollar is a nice goal, but a lot of time, you can actually set a goal that you have more, I would say certainty in how you achieve that, and so what do I mean by that? For example you can say, I, lets say I write ten books, I write twenty books, there’s a little bit more certainty in writing ten, twenty books, the million dollar is a result, can be a result of those ten, twenty books, right. So yeah its just a little bit like you know, poking a little bit about what’s behind it, but I think in general its really more of internal gains. The beliefs you have and so fourth and we can talk about that if you want.
Chris: Yeah, what I mean, what are those beliefs, when goal setting and you know, trying, asking ourself, well what do I want out of life, how do we get that from inside more visible so we can look at it and make decisions.
Tal: Yeah belief is, to me is everything, I mean its the filter of how you see the world right. So a lot of time we can say, oh this is good this is bad, but usually there’s a belief behind it. Its not that things are internally or are inherently like good or bad, its like you believe that those things are good and bad. And why do I say that, its because it can be very helpful in your journey. Like for example, lets say you set again, like you set a goal of financial freedom, or even the million dollar goal alright. If you believe right, that lets say, again I’m going to give like a very very simple belief alright, that like, rich people are you know, are not like you know, are not good people or something like that, you are actually going to go against yourself in so many ways, alright. You may go after the goal of a million dollars, but the belief behind that could be, could be an obstacle. Another obstacle for example, another obstacle lets talk about a different belief that can be very empowering, alright.
Lets say you go after financial freedom where you believe that you are already free, you already feel free in your body, you feel it. So in many ways you go after financial freedom from a place of empowerment, not from a place of a lack. Its easier to attract people when you feel freedom in your body. Lets give another example, like lets say a long term relationship, alright. You want a long term relationship, but you already feel, you don’t necessarily feel that you are lonely, or you feel like already, lets say accomplished, inside of you. That like any long term relationship that come to you is a bonus, its not like you know something that like lets say completes you. So suddenly if you come with this happiness and abundance and feeling complete, your chances to attract another person is higher. But if you go after this long term relationship from a place of lack, you may actually give that energy. So that’s why beliefs are so important because a lot of time we don’t notice them.
Chris: Very cool, I want to shift gears to the passive income question and financial freedom, and then come back to some of the belief and coaching and teaching things. If we realize that we don’t actually need a million dollars and we just want financial freedom and you know, we want a different lifestyle than our current job or situation or location, you said you are a good process systems person and that’s helped you. What are the common issues you see with online business or people new to it or starting it, are not really getting traction with it and if you were to advise some body who is just trying to get, they don’t need a million dollars, just trying to get to that baseline income they need. What are some top tips you have?
Tal: Well again lets go back to the beliefs for a second, if I believe its possible, I really believe its possible, then again I am empowering myself in this journey. So a million dollar sounds maybe really far for someone who just started right, its achievable. But when you start and say wow a million dollar, especially lets say you’ve never even achieved like 6 figure, it sounds so far and maybe you have a lot of excitement in the beginning but you know there’s a momentum [slide 00:21:24] because in a long journey sometimes like, the momentum kind of goes down, so its better to actually set like a goal like I mean for me financial freedom you don’t need a million dollar, you can potential achieve financial freedom even with a 2000 dollars passive income. If your expenses are lower than 2000 dollars in passive income, literally you are free, because you don’t have to work, like you know you can actually do whatever you want. So a better goal is actually lets say set 2000, lets say 1000 dollars even like you know in passive income. And also like believing that its achievable that its feasible to actually have passive income.
Because there is a lot of debate, is passive income really, is it real? Because a lot of people are saying its not real because they have to work for it and so fourth, yeah you have to work for it, but passive income is you put a lot of work now, and the income later comes to you in an ongoing way. Like for example I wrote a book, and now there’s like its already like 5 months later I still have pretty nice royalties from that book, that’s passive income I don’t have to do anything for it, I don’t even have to market it, I don’t have to promote it as much, I mean its nice that we talk right now, but even if we don’t talk right now, it sells on Amazon. So yeah and to, let me say another thing about that like in terms of achievable, feasible, a lot of time its good to actually find someone who already did it.
When I went for the Ironman triathlon, I set like a goal to od it in 6 months and it was really hard for me to find someone who went from zero to Ironman triathlon in 6 months. But when I found someone, suddenly my certainty increased, I actually like realized okay this is definitely feasible. So I would say like you know, the same thing with financial freedom with passive income, find someone who actually did it, really did it, happy to share, check that they actually did it obviously, and yeah there’s many ways like you know to contact that person maybe hiring them as a coach. I mean there’s many way to contact those people just to again to increase the certainty.
Chris: That’s awesome. I wanna look a little bit, just for the teachers out there and the course creators, at two sides of the coin, learning and then teaching or coaching. You as learner, have proven that you are highly self motivated, like once you have a goal, I call it batteries included, like you don’t necessarily need extra motivation, I mean maybe you do sometimes but a lot of the learning you do is self learning. What works for you when you are learning something, can you talk about, a little bit more about your process. Lets say you set a goal, and you need to learn some, learn some things in order to achieve that goal. You’ve already mentioned developing a relationship with somebody who has already achieved it successfully. What else is in your, and you set goals and you build habits, what else is in your learning approach, when you need to learn stuff?
Tal: Well, when I started I actually had a very linear process alright, but I’m not necessarily advising that anymore, and what do I mean by kind of lets say non linear process. I call it kind of learning by experience or from experience, which means I don’t necessarily need to seek all the information in advance and sometimes that actually leads to analysis paralysis. What I need to do is start it right now, and then like what I need to learn will come to me, alright, what I need to learn is suddenly like its so here now, its so kind of in my face, I so need it that I would go and seek, seek the information in an easier way rather than a lot of times like I’m not ready, I’m not ready I need to have a lot of information, I need to have a lot of knowledge. Actually I would say, you need a lot desire, you need a lot of will, alright. So if [inaudible 00:25:27] higher a coach that is very, is a good motivator, alright, or a coach that is, knows the whole about the why and figuring out the beliefs, like clearing beliefs. Because if you do that work, right, this internal work, then your motivation to find the information or find the right people would be way easier, right? It could be a Google search but it could be you know be anything else because you have such a strong will, you are so committed, so for me the key is commitment. And commitment really, I mean let me say something about commitment here. Commitment its not just a word like saying I’m committed or you think you are committed. Commitment is really the action you take, its how much action you take. I personally measure my action, so everyday I know what action I took. I record that. I learnt it again in the Ironman triathlon. When you train for something like that, you work with everything, how much you ran, how much you cycle, how much you swim, and I said okay I want to translate it again into the business world, I want to know how much time I spent and what are my big goals, what are my big goals, what are my small goals and I want to see, if I actually did it at the end of the day. And so one of my habits at the end of everyday is reflection, I write down my wins, I write down my challenges, and I write down my lessons. So this kind of learning process you know, just for my own behavior is so invaluable. And also I do that every week. So every week I have a weekly reflection.
And just like to, all this accumulative knowledge about yourself which is in my opinion is the most important information, we constantly go and search for information outside of ourselves, alright. What do I need to know out there? But a lot of the time its, what do you need to know here, about yourself, you know. The beliefs again, all the struggles, all the even insights that you have. Sometimes you, I mean our brain is so fast we don’t even stop for a second and check what are the insights that I gained this, today or this week. Anyway I can go on an on but I think its a good basis I think.
Chris: That is very good, and I would encourage you the listener to check out The Art Of Fully Living because Tal goes in deep into a lot of this, and you can see a lot of this applied to really specific stories, and experiences in his life. One of those in terms of commitment was you had some social goals in Melbourne, Australia, and then when you made the switch to committing to the Ironman and the fitness goals, a lot of things changed really rapidly and you know for example I just smiled when I was listening to the story of. You were going out a lot, hanging out with friends, getting home late. And not too much time, you would, it just didn’t fit together anymore because you were getting up early and out on the bike doing training rides and running and stuff like that. Once you made that commitment, things, you didn’t spend like a year reading books about Ironman right? You got going.
Tal: Well in the beginning, I bought like I think like, eight books. When I just started the journey of Ironman I remember like I bought books about, you know, being, kind of tough mentally, whatever cycling, but again this is more of like my old me. Nowadays I would be a little bit different, I wouldn’t buy so many books, I would buy very very specific books, I would really like you know, anything right now that I consume is very specific. But let me say something here about, it looks very different like socializing and fitness, its almost like, doesn’t make I mean, here I partied like crazy, and here I’m going on a bike like crazy, what’s common here in both things, I’ve actually immersed myself in a journey, you know so the immersion is similar. And when you immerse yourself like in one thing, again like I immersed myself in fitness and then I moved to like financial freedom, it looks very different but its not so different. Its again, you have to set habits, you have set goals, you immerse yourself, you are looking for support, its basically the same, has the same structure lets say.
Chris: Very cool. If we go to other side of the coin and look at coaches, either you coaching or coaches that you’ve worked with or when you are teaching something or, so you the teacher, you the coach, how do you, if you are helping somebody, and you, you have this desire to really help them get results quickly you know, uncover their beliefs, achieve the goals that they’ve set. One of the problems in the industry of online education is a lot of people buy stuff and don’t complete it. And I think just part of that problem has to do with, the person creating the stuff isn’t necessarily, there’s more they could do as a coach and as a teacher, so if I’m designing a program, what would you advise, like what works for you when you are coaching somebody or trying to teach somebody something.
Tal: Well I have a very simple solution, you want them to be committed, let them pay in advance. For lets say I don’t know, in my case its a minimum three months, but up to a year, so if they pay lets say for a year in advance again they are invested. So you want your clients to be invested. And so payment in advance is one way, but there’s other ways to make sure they are more invested, alright. That’s it, that’s [inaudible 00:31:10], like make sure that your clients are invested. I will give another example. In order for me to coach someone, its not like oh yeah pay, first its, but then like and I coach you, its just a payment, there’s a you know, they have to fill a form, so its almost like you know an application. Just like filling the application is another like lets say, you kind of screen the people who are really committed and not committed, because again you want someone committed and even like asking them a question in the form. Are you committed, are you really committed? Because if they say that, like maybe later they won’t like you know, yeah I said to Tal I’m committed. So you want to increase the commitment from the beginning of the journey not like in the middle when its going to be hard, or its already hard.
Chris: That’s really good, that’s really good. How do you define freedom? What does freedom mean to you?
Tal: Freedom its a natural state really to be honest, like I feel like its nothing, something out there that I need to achieve its like, its this ability to connect to myself and have this array of options. So I don’t feel lets say locked or in a cage or you know, I can’t, I can’t do something with that. So a lot of the time again, its an internal war. Lets say you know, even like you know in terms of emotions alright, like we are slaves to our emotion, and we can say you made me angry, the minute you say you made me angry you kind of lock yourself, there’s no freedom there. Because suddenly, another person he or she is you know, has the ability to impact your anger, you know what I mean like. Which in many ways it looks right, yeah you made me angry, it almost makes sense. But in many ways again its not an empowering statement. Empowering statement is I made myself angry because of you. Suddenly you bring the power to yourself, suddenly you bring freedom to yourself, because if I made myself angry, then I potentially I have the option to not make myself angry if I want. So I’m owning the emotion, I’m owning the emotion, that is freedom for me, like this ability of like you know, the outlook. Its not really even you know, how much money I have in my bank account or all of that, its really like a state of mind.
Chris: On your, one of your websites I saw the quote leave no dream behind, what inspired you to kind of lead with that message?
Tal: There’s not a lot of time my friends, there’s not a lot of time, I feel like you know time can be short, it can long we don’t know, I mean I don’t know, really do you know when you are going to die? I don’t know. So leave no dream behind, which means. You know again, lets say you have a month to live you don’t know that. But if you have a month to live you wouldn’t leave like your biggest dream behind, you would go for it, alright. So its just being conscious about the fact that right now you are healthy maybe or maybe not, but right now you have an ability to go after a dream, maybe its your only chance.
Chris: Well said, well Tal Gur, ladies and gentlemen check him out, check out the book, The Art Of Fully Living and One Year To Freedom, that’s, and How else can the listener connect with your, see what you’ve got going on?
Tal: Well if they really want to connect with me they’ll find me, [inaudible 00:34:47] online, so I let them invest.
Chris: They need to make a commitment, to finding you.
Tal: Yeah exactly, find me somehow.
Chris: Awesome.
Tal: Contact Chris.
Chris: Thank you so much for coming on the show. We really appreciate it, and thanks for inspiring the community here.
Tal: You are welcome, thank you for inviting me.

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Organize Your Course Idea

Organize your online course quickly and easily with simple worksheets and checklists

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Create and Launch an Online Course with WordPress

Discover how to launch your online course website in 20 minutes.

WordPress LMS Growth Engine

5 secrets to create, launch, and scale your high value online training program website.

Try LifterLMS Before You Buy

Discover the world’s most powerful flexible learning management system (LMS) for WordPress.